但比較偏向是嚇到的目瞪口呆 畢竟歌曲前半段跟後半段真的是差太多了
先來聊聊歌名 L’AMOUR DE MA VIE 是一句法文意思是:「你是我一生的摯愛」
歌曲聽編曲可能會覺得這首很浪漫 但實際看了歌詞後會發現完全不是這麼一回事
前半段有點中世紀華爾滋慢舞的感覺 但歌詞其實是在說 Billie 對這個所愛之人的愧疚感
感覺自己因為不夠愛他所以導致的愧疚感 因為對方似乎是真心的把她當成一生摯愛
而到了後半段整個旋律快起來 歌詞的意境也有所改變
講述了 Billie 對這個過去戀人的不屑和憤恨 即使後來遇見了他的新歡
後來她反而跟新歡有了共同感受 最後他們大方的表示這個人根本配不上他們
雖然以一首歌來說這首聽了會有他的突兀感在 但我覺得依舊是一首非常有層次感的好歌
西音紅人榜 EP5 : Billie Eilish 介紹影片💙
我在自己的 YouTube 錄了 HIT ME HARD AND SOFT 專輯 Reaction 🌊
I wish you the best for the rest of your life 祝福你一生接下來都能順遂如意
Felt sorry for you when I looked in your eyes 當我直視你眼神時 心裡滿是愧疚
But I need to confess, I told you a lie 但我必須坦承 我向你撒了個謊
I said you 我說你
You were the love of my life 是我一生的摯愛
The love of my life 我一生所選的摯愛
Did I break your heart? 我是否真的讓你心碎了
Did I waste your time? 是不是浪費了你的時間
I tried to be there for you 試著要陪伴在你身邊
Then you tried to break mine 但你卻試著要傷我心
It isn't asking for a lot for an apology 要一個道歉不算太奢侈吧
For making me feel like it'd kill you if I tried to leave 因為你讓我覺得一離開彷彿會殺了你似的
You said you'd never fall in love again because of me 你說你因為我選擇不再相信愛情
Then you moved on immediately (Bum, bum, bum) 但你卻比誰都快還放下前進
But I wish you the best for the rest of your life 但我還是為你一生送上我最誠摯的祝福
Felt sorry for you when I looked in your eyes 當我直視你眼神時 心裡滿是愧疚
But I need to confess, I told you a lie (Told you a lie) 但我必須坦承 我向你撒了個謊
When I said you (I said you) 當我說你是
You (You) were the love of my life 我一生的摯愛
The love of my life 我一生所選的摯愛
So you found her, now go fall in love (Go fall in love) 既然找到新的她 那還不趕快把握戀愛時光
Just like we were if I ever was (If I ever was) 就像我們過去彷彿有一回事那樣
It's not my fault, I did what I could (Did what I could) 這不是我的錯 我該做的都做了
You made it so hard like I knew you would 你讓這一切變得好難 我知道你會
Thought I was depressed or losing my mind 認為我為此憂鬱到失了魂魄
My stomach upset almost all of the time 我的腹部總是為此絞痛不已
But after I left, it was obvious why (Oh), mm 但在我離開之後 原因是這麼明顯
Because for you, you 全都是因為你
I was the love of your life, mm 我曾是你一生認定的摯愛
But you were not mine (But you were not mine) 但我心中從沒這麼認為過
It isn't asking for a lot for an apology 要一個道歉不算太奢侈吧
For making me feel like it'd kill you if I tried to leave 每當我想離開總感覺會被你致於死地
You said you'd never fall in love again because of me 你說你因為我選擇不再相信愛情
Then you moved on, then you moved on 最後卻就這麼放下了
Then you moved on, then you moved on 選擇繼續前進了
Then you moved on, then you moved on 最後卻就這麼放下了
You wanted to keep it 你想要保留這一切
Like somethin' you found 把我說的像是你找到的至寶一樣
'Til you didn't need it 直到不需要後將我丟棄
But you should've seen it 但你應該要看看
The way it went down 這一切跌入下坡的模樣
Wouldn't believe it 你一定會不敢置信
Wanna know what I told her 想知道我告訴她什麼嗎
With her hand on my shoulder? 現在我們可是都有同樣感受
You were so mediocre 你這人可真是太爛了
And we're so glad it's over now 我們都很開心終於解脫這一切
It's over now 一切都結束了
It's over now 畫下句點了
It's over now 一切都結束了
Camera 相機快門捕捉
Caught on camera 被相機捕捉到身影
The girls on camera 女孩們被相機捕捉到
Your girl's a fan of— 這女孩是某人的粉絲
Miss me 想念我嗎
Say you miss me 說你想念我
It's such a pity 這真是太可惜了
We're both so pretty 我們太漂亮了 你配不上