The Albatross 的歌詞真的是不用這麼詩情畫意ㄟ
翻到一半差點吐血 XD
總之呢先跟各位介紹一下 The Albatross
Albatross 是一種名為信天翁的鳥類
牠們前六年都會獨自在海洋上空生活 從來不碰觸陸地
另外 Taylor 在這張專輯引用了很多知名詩人的作品和句子
這首歌也有和一名法國詩人 Charles Baudelaire 的同名詩作有些許連結喔
加上自己愛民謠姊姊也多一點 這首歌就給我滿多那張的感覺在的
[Verse 1]
Wise men once said 明智的智者曾說過
"Wild winds are death to the candle" 如狂風般的女人致命又危險
A rose by any other name is a scandal 無論怎麼轉換觀點 醜聞依舊是醜聞
Cautions issued, he stood 周圍響起重重警告 他佇立著
Shooting the messengers 將所有送差者都給射下
They tried to warn him about her 人們試著警告他關於她的傳聞
Cross your thoughtless heart 輕率地許下諾言
Only liquor anoints you 只有酒精能維繫我們的感情
She's the albatross 她是隻信天翁
She is here to destroy you 她的目的是要來摧毀你
[Verse 2]
Wise men once said 明智的智者曾說過
"One bad seed kills the garden" 一顆壞種子就能毀壞整片花園
"One less temptress, one less dagger to sharpen" 世上能少一個妖婦 便能少一份危險
Locked me up in towers 將我囚禁在高塔上
But I'd visit in your dreams 但我會在夢中拜訪你
And they tried to warn you about me 人們早試著警告你關於我這人
Cross your thoughtless heart 輕率地許下諾言
Only liquor anoints you 只有酒精能維繫我們的感情
She's the albatross 她是隻信天翁
She is here to destroy you 她的目的是要來摧毀你
Devils that you know 和熟識你的惡魔相處
Raise worse hell than a stranger 可比和陌生人同處危險多了
She's the death you chose 她是你選擇的死亡途徑
You're in terrible danger 你可是將自己置身於險境中
And when that sky rains fire on you 當天空向你降下苦難
And you're persona non grata 讓你成了不受歡迎的訪客
I'll tell you how I've been there too 告訴你吧我也經歷過這些
And that none of it matters 這一切根本就都無關緊要
[Verse 3]
Wise men once read fake news 那些明智的人讀了假新聞
And they believed it 最終選擇去聽信謠言
Jackals raised their hackles 豺狼憤怒地豎起鬃毛
You couldn't conceive it 你從來沒有料想到
You were sleeping soundly 你總是如此安然地入睡
When they dragged you from your bed 當人們戳破你的美夢
And I tried to warn you about them 我可是試著警告過你
So I crossed my thoughtless heart 於是我許下了承諾
Spread my wings like a parachute 將我的雙翼像降落傘般展開
I'm the albatross 我就是隻信天翁
I swept in at the rescue 衝下陣來只為拯救你
The devil that you know 你以為的惡魔
Looks now more like an angel 現在看來更像是天使
I'm the life you chose 我是你選擇的人生道路
And all this terrible danger 伴隨著前方重重險惡
(This terrible danger)
So cross your thoughtless heart 輕率地許下諾言吧
She's the albatross 她是隻信天翁
She is here to destroy you 她的目的是要來摧毀你