Cover art for I Sent My Therapist To Therapy by Alec Benjamin


最近學校工作玩樂好幾頭頭燒我真是忙透啦 >///<


但 12/8 有太多優秀的新作品我不回來會遭天譴

(PF2 不知道會不會做翻譯我會再觀望我有木有體力)


總之呢回歸先為大家送上 Alec 新歌 I Sent My Therapist To Therapy 的翻譯

這首歌名真是爆炸長 大概也是我第一次中文歌名翻這麼長 XD

Alec 表示這首歌他公司不想要他出 是他堅持己見後才成功推行的


這首歌棒呆了 甚至可以說是 Alec 近期我的最愛了


還有我們熟悉的 一句歌詞塞一堆字艾力克唱法

除了節奏較強烈以外 我認為其他部分都完全是老 Alec 風 然後我只能說我愛透了


[Verse 1]
He said 他說
"Take a seat over there, on the chair by the couch 來沙發旁的這張椅子坐下吧
Tell me what you've been thinking about 告訴我最近都在想些什麼
There's nothing you can say that's out of bounds 想說什麼就說什麼不要顧慮
You can trust me, swear I'm here for you now" 你可以相信我 我會永遠在你身邊
I've heard it all before, he took out his pen 這些話我早就聽過 看他拿出他的筆
But as he wrote down each, each thing that I said 但當我看他寫下每個我說出的字

Oh, well, the mood just changed 整個情緒氣氛突然變了
He started acting strange 他開始變得舉止怪異
This was our next exchange 我們彼此間立場互了換

He said 他說
"I'll tell you what, I'm sorry, but I don't think I can be 我得告訴你我很抱歉 但我不覺得我能
Of any help, think I need help now," is what he said to me 給你任何幫助 現在的我更需要幫助 他是這麼說的
Might even need it more than me now, oh, the irony 而且比以往更加需要 這可真諷刺
I'm so messed up, I sent my therapist to therapy 我可真是一團亂 把我的心理醫生給送去治療
"I tell you what, I'm sorry, but I thought I'd never see 讓我告訴你我很抱歉 但我想我從沒看過
A case as bad as yours, don't think I have a remedy," mm 和你一樣糟糕的例子 感覺已是無藥可醫
Think he needs help now, oh, the irony 我想他現在急需救助 這可真諷刺
I'm so messed up, I sent my therapist to therapy 我真會搞砸事情 心理醫生都可以被送去治療

[Verse 2]
So I got up from the chair where I sat by the couch 於是我從沙發旁的椅子起了身
He said to me, "Could you sit back down?" 他向我說要我坐回位子上
And I could see as I turned around 當我轉過身我能感覺到
Really needed someone he could talk to now, he said  他非常需要一個能和他說話的人 他說
"Thought that I'd seen it all, turns out I was wrong 他以為他見過一切市面 但看來他錯了
Wish I could help you out, you'll have to be strong" 希望我能夠幫助你 你得要堅強才行

Oh, well, the mood just changed 整個情緒氣氛突然變了
He started acting strange 他開始變得舉止怪異
This was our next exchange 我們彼此間立場互了換

He said 他說
"I'll tell you what, I'm sorry, but I don't think I can be 我得告訴你我很抱歉 但我不覺得我能
Of any help, think I need help now," is what he said to me 給你任何幫助 現在的我更需要幫助 他是這麼說的
Might even need it more than me now, oh, the irony 而且比以往更加需要 這可真諷刺
I'm so messed up, I sent my therapist to therapy 我可真是一團亂 把我的心理醫生給送去治療
"I tell you what, I'm sorry, but I thought I'd never see 讓我告訴你我很抱歉 但我想我從沒看過
A case as bad as yours, don't think I have a remedy," mm 和你一樣糟糕的例子 感覺已是無藥可醫
Think he needs help now, oh, the irony 我想他現在急需救助 這可真諷刺
I'm so messed up, I sent my therapist to therapy 我真會搞砸事情 心理醫生都可以被送去治療

I'm so messed up, I'm so messed up, I'm so messed up now 我可真是一團亂 搞砸一切是我的專長
I'm so messed up, I'm so messed up, I'm so messed up now 我可真是一團亂 搞砸一切是我的專長
I'm so messed up, can't you see? 我可真是一團亂 你難道沒看出來嗎
I'm so messed up, I sent my therapist to therapy 我真是一團亂 把我的心理醫生給送去治療

[Verse 3]
I went out yesterday to get food from the store 昨天我跑出門到店裡買食物
And ran into the man from before 意外撞見以前遇過的人
Right by the exit door 處在出口正旁邊
He stopped me to talk 他把我停下和我攀談
Said that he went to go and look for some help 說他去給自己尋求了些幫助
A funny thing happened and I said, "Do tell" 還有件有趣的事情發生 我要他一定要告訴我

Oh, and the story is, mm 故事是這樣的
My doctor found a doctor and his doctor told him 我的醫生找了另一個醫生 他是這麼告訴我的

"I'll tell you what, I'm sorry, but I don't think I can be 我得告訴你我很抱歉 但我不覺得我能
Of any help, think I need help now," is what he said to me 給你任何幫助 現在的我更需要幫助 他是這麼說的
Might even need it more than me now, oh, the irony 而且比以往更加需要 這可真諷刺
I'm so messed up, I sent my therapist to therapy 我可真是一團亂 把我的心理醫生給送去治療
"I tell you what, I'm sorry, but I thought I'd never see 讓我告訴你我很抱歉 但我想我從沒看過
A case as bad as yours, don't think I have a remedy," mm 和你一樣糟糕的例子 感覺已是無藥可醫
Think he needs help now, oh, the irony 我想他現在急需救助 這可真諷刺
I'm so messed up, I sent my therapist to therapy 我真會搞砸事情 心理醫生都可以被送去治療


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