Cover art for Houdini by Dua Lipa

Dua Lipa is BACK for a new ERA!!!

開啟全新時代的 Dua 在前幾週清空社群頁面後就一直在預告新歌來臨

終於可以在今年年末聽到新歌 Houdini 了

在這邊解釋一下 Houdini 這個單詞

Houdini 是一名擅長逃脫的魔術師哈利胡迪尼的姓氏


Dua 於是就用這個詞來當作歌名

敘述著她總是來去匆匆 若面前的人無法證明自己有資格佔有她


從新歌就可以看出 Dua 在這次新 era 要徹底轉型不再走復古舞曲路線了

這次和我超愛的 Tame Impala 合作 只能說強強聯手就是能擦出精彩的火花啊!!!

超期待 DL3!!!



I come and I go 我來了又走
Tell me all the ways you need me 快對我坦承你的一切渴求 
I'm not here for long 我不會在這裡待上許久
Catch me or I go Houdini 不抓牢我就要逃之夭夭
I come and I go 我來了又會馬上離開
Prove you got the right to please me 證明你有那能耐取悅我 
Everybody knows 人人都知曉這件事 
Catch me or I go Houdini 將我抓緊 否則我會逃去遠方

[Verse 1]
Time is passin' like a solar eclipse 時間像日食一樣光速流逝 
See you watchin' and you blow me a kiss 瞥見你對我的注視 並朝我捎來飛吻
It's your moment, baby, don't let it slip 這是屬於你的時刻 別讓機會飛了
Come in closer, are you readin' my lips? 湊近點距離 看你能否讀懂我唇間語言

They say I come and I go 他們總說我來來又去去
Tell me all the ways you need me 快對我坦承你的一切渴求 
I'm not here for long 我不會在這裡待上許久
Catch me or I go Houdini 不抓牢我就要逃之夭夭
I come and I go 我來了又會馬上離開
Prove you got the right to please me 證明你有那能耐取悅我 
Everybody knows 人人都知曉這件事 
Catch me or I go Houdini 將我抓緊 否則我會逃去遠方

If you're good enough, you'll find a way 若你夠聰明 你會自己找到一條路的
Maybe you could cause a girl to change her ways 或許你能徹底改變一個女孩的一生
Do you think about it night and day? 你是否日日夜夜都掛念著這些呢
Maybe you could be the one to make me stay 或許你能是那個讓我留下來的人

[Verse 2]
Everything you say is soundin' so sweet (Ah-ah) 你所說的每句話聽來都是那樣美好
But do you practice everything that you preach? (Ah-ah) 但你是否開口前都要仔細排練呢
I need something that'll make me believe (Ah-ah) 我需要些能讓我信任的事物
If you got it, baby, give it to me 若你手上握有 就全交給我吧

They say I come and I go 他們總說我來來又去去
Tell me all the ways you need me 坦承你對我的一切渴求 
I'm not here for long 我不會在這裡待上許久
Catch me or I go Houdini 用力抓牢我 不然我這就要逃之夭夭
I come and I go (I come and I go) 我來了又會馬上離開
Prove you got the right to please me 證明你有那能耐取悅我 
Everybody knows (I'm not here for long) 人人都知曉這件事 
Catch me or I go Houdini 將我給抓緊 否則我會逃去遠方

If you're good enough, you'll find a way 若你夠聰明 你會自己找到一條路的
Maybe you could cause a girl to change her ways 或許你能徹底改變一個女孩的一生
Do you think about it night and day? 你是否日日夜夜都在想這些呢
Maybe you could be the one to make me stay 或許你能是那個讓我留下來的人


I come and I go 我來了又走
Tell me all the ways you need me (Ooh) 坦承你對我的一切渴求 
I'm not here for long 我不會在這裡待上許久
Catch me or I go Houdini 用力抓牢我 不然我這就要逃之夭夭
I come and I go (I come and I go)
Prove you got the right to please me
Everybody knows (I'm not here for long)
Catch me or I go Houdini 將我給抓緊 否則我會逃去遠方

Houdini 我會馬上遠走高飛
Catch me or I go Houdini 最好將我抓緊 否則我會馬上逃離


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