Cover art for EVIL by Melanie Martinez

Melanie 的專輯實在是太完美了

我都不知道要從何開始說起 好爽好炸好喜歡

昨天我是跟 Agnes 一起聽整張專輯的


EVIL 就是其中一首 我之前其實就有放話說過

我最期待的兩首新歌就是 VOID & EVIL

兩首的預告最令我興奮 所以她發行前在 Lollapalloza 有唱這兩首我真的是聽到哭

而最後成品也實在是沒讓人失望 EVIL 跟前面那首的承接真的做得太好

而且全程高潮沒有要讓你喘息的空間 Mel 真的好適合這種黑暗死亡搖滾風

絕對是我專輯最愛的 TOP 3


[Verse 1]
You called the other day, I stayed away 某天你又聯繫我 我特意避開
I left your shit on read, four times today 已讀你所有鳥訊息 光今天就四次了
And it felt like bliss, used to miss your kiss 這可真是件歡喜事 過去還對你的吻念念不忘
Now I'm hop-skip jumpin' over narcissists 現在我挑人自戀狂就先旁邊請
Throwing all your stuff into the abyss 把關於你的一切全拋諸淵底
Now the role is reversed and told you I'ma switch 現在角色早已對調 由我做掌控
How you like my spit? 喜歡我對你的反擊嗎
That's for all the pits, that you left me in 將我拋棄了數連回 報復你也就剛好而已
See, the horns on my head they're from goddesses 看見我頭上長的角了嗎 女神恩賜我的
Goddesses, on god 如此聖潔的饋贈

No, I never knew what it meant 我可從沒理解其中意涵
What it meant to be content with you 到底要如何才能取悅你
Everything I expressed, I professed 所有我盡心力表達聲言的
It nеver quite made it through 似乎從來沒有合過你胃口
Said it's all in my hеad, all in my head 說我根本都在胡思亂想
Whenever I spoke my truth 無論我多努力說出心裡想法
No, I won't defend you to all my friends 這次我不會在朋友前為你辯護
This time, I refuse 這次我要大力拒絕

If you bite my hand again 若你再度向我央求援助
I will never feed you, you can call me evil 要我滿足你可沒門 說我邪惡也無妨
Take it to the grave if you wanna play pretend 想假裝沒傷害過我 省省吧給我全帶進墳墓裡
I won't be mistreated, please call me conceited 我可不想再被虧待 說我自負也沒差
Took me way too long to put this to bed 處理掉這些鳥事花上我太久
Lovin' you was lethal, guess that makes me evil, evil 愛你實在太致命 你就是我黑化的肇因

Evil, evil, evil 變得如此邪惡無比

[Verse 2]
Remember when you smiled right to my face?  還記得你總在檯面上對我微笑
As all my little tears of oxalate  而我卻在旁流著心酸眼淚
They made a shape, revealed a snake 漸漸你露出真面目 揭露你若蛇狡猾心腸
Now I'm stop-drop rollin' over all your jokes 面對你的玩笑 現在我可不會再輕易受騙
Every time you tell a lie I'm prayin' that you choke 每次你說謊我都希望你徹底嗆著
Should've listened to the signs and the horoscopes 應該聽取星象各式徵兆的指示
Hope you never cope, hope you slip on soap 希望你什麼事都成不了 被肥皂絆跤
Crack your head like an egg, wanna see the yolk 把你頭當成蛋敲開 看見蛋黃才甘願
You were such a hoax 你真是個騙子

No, I never knew what it meant 我可從沒理解其中意涵
What it meant to be content with you 到底要如何才能取悅你
Everything I expressed, I professed 所有我盡心力表達聲言的
It nеver quite made it through 似乎從來沒有合過你胃口
Said it's all in my hеad, all in my head 說我根本都在胡思亂想
Whenever I spoke my truth 無論我多努力說出心裡想法
No, I won't defend you to all my friends 這次我不會在朋友前為你辯護
This time, I refuse 這次我要大力拒絕

If you bite my hand again 若你再度向我央求援助
I will never feed you, you can call me evil 要我滿足你可沒門 說我邪惡也無妨
Take it to the grave if you wanna play pretend 想假裝沒傷害過我 省省吧給我全帶進墳墓裡
I won't be mistreated, please call me conceited 我可不想再被虧待 說我自負也沒差
Took me way too long to put this to bed 處理掉這些鳥事花上我太久
Lovin' you was lethal, guess that makes me evil, evil 愛你實在太致命 你就是我黑化的肇因

[Instrumental Bridge]

If you bite my hand again 若你再度向我央求援助
I will never feed you, you can call me evil 要我滿足你可沒門 說我邪惡也無妨
Take it to the grave if you wanna play pretend 想假裝沒傷害過我 省省吧給我全帶進墳墓裡
I won't be mistreated, please call me conceited 我可不想再被虧待 說我自負也沒差
Took me way too long to put this to bed 處理掉這些鳥事花上我太久
Lovin' you was lethal, guess that makes me evil, evil 愛你實在太致命 你就是我黑化的肇因

Evil, evil, evil, evil 變得如此邪惡無比
Evil, evil, evil, evil 罪大惡極 不再留情面

Lovin' you was lethal, guess that makes me evil 愛你實在太致命 你就是我黑化的肇因



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