Cover art for HOPE by NF

NF 正式回歸!王者重回寶座!

只有這個男人 可以讓我忍受翻譯這麼多歌詞 XD

這次的新歌 HOPE 為四月即將發行的新專輯 HOPE 的曲目 1

Nate 在這首歌表示的相當明瞭 這次的新歌跟專輯都會是全新的自己

純粹以這首歌曲來談 歌曲清楚的表示是時候該給世人展現全新的自己了

意即以往那些黑暗 到了現在這個人生階段 NF 已經不再迷惘絕望

現在的他已經找到了自己人生的希望之光 因此可以說這首歌是一首揮別過去陰霾的轉捩點歌曲

MV 拍攝手法依舊非常酷炫有趣 透過黑白對比映照過去與現在的 Nate

編曲部分更不用說 這次的歌曲是由 NF & Tommee Profitt 共同製作 

非常 cinematic 的編曲為這首歌曲營造了更進一分的磅礴跟刺激感

總言之非常期待新專輯的到來 這首歌聽的我超爽超過癮 真的很久沒有這般刺激感了 


Part I

Hope 抱著希望
I'm on my way, I'm coming 正在前進路途上 我就快要抵達
Don't, don't lose faith in me 還請別對我失去信心
I know you've been waitin' 知道你一直都在等待著
I know you've been prayin' for my soul 總是不停為我的靈魂祈禱著
Hope, hope 殷殷期盼希望到來

[Verse 1]
Thirty years you been draggin' your feet 三十年來你做起事總拖泥帶水
Tellin' me I'm the reason we're stagnant 卻說我才是我們停滯不前的罪魁禍首
Thirty years you've been claimin' your rightness 三十年來總對我聲張自己的權力
And promisin' progress, but where's it at? 告訴我一切會有進展 然而成果何在
I don't want you to feel like a failure 不希望你認為自己是一敗塗地
I know this hurts 我知道這一切很心痛
But I gave you your chance to deliver 但早給過你機會展現自我
Now it's my turn 現在輪到我的回合
Don't get me wrong, Nate you've had a great run 別會錯意了 這一路上 Nate 你真的表現很好
But it's time to give the people somethin' different 但是時候該給世人一些不一樣的了
So without further ado, I'd like to introduce my 那就廢話不多說 讓我來為你介紹
My album, my album, my album, my album, my album, my album 我的專輯 我的全新專輯
Hopе 希望
What's my definition of success? 對我而言 何謂成功
Listening to what your hеart says 做事跟隨自己的內心
Standing up for what you know is 勇敢為正確事物而戰
Right, while everybody else is 即使身邊所有人
Tucking their tail between their legs (Okay) 都畏縮夾緊尾巴 不敢吭聲
What's my definition of success? 成功之於我定義為何
Creating something no one else can 成功代表能創造無人能及的成就
Bein' brave enough to dream big 夠有勇氣胸懷大志 
Grindin' when you're told to just quit 即使被勸退 也要堅持不懈
Givin' more when you got nothin' left 一無所有時也全力以赴
It's a person that'll take a chance on 成功的人總會孤注一擲
Somethin' they were told could never happen 冒險拚命於那些不可能
It's a person that can see the bright side through the dark times when there ain't one 身邊人即使都絕望 他也會引領大家航向希望
It's when someone who ain't never had nothin' 欲求成功 你得成為那即使一無所有
Ain't afraid to walk away from more profit 也有膽拒絕眼前一切利誘之人
'Cause they'd rather do somethin' that they really love and take the paycut 寧可承其代價 也要追求自己所愛之事
It's a person that would never waiver 成功的人從不輕言放棄
Or change who they are 也不會為了博取更多人信任
Just to try to and gain some credibility 好在陌生環境更能被接受
So they could feel accepted by a stranger 而選擇改變原有自我
It's a person that can take the failures in their life and turn them into motivation 成功之人能將人生失敗轉為前進動力
It's believing in yourself when no one else does, it's amazing 身邊沒人相信你 自己也要去相信
What a little bit of faith can do if you don't even believe in you 再小的信念都能創造奇蹟 倘若連你都不相信自己
Why would you think or expect anybody else that's around you to? 又豈能期待身邊任何人會相信你
I done did things that I regret 受夠總幹些讓自己後悔的事
I done said things I can't take back 也受夠總說些無法收回的話
Was a lost soul at a cross road who had no hope but I changed that 過去的我是個看不見希望的孤魂 但現在我已改變一切
I spent years of my life holdin' on to things I never should've kept, full of hatred 花了數年糾結在早該放手的事物 活在仇恨之中
Years of my life carryin' a lot of baggage that I should've walked away from 花了人生數年承載許多早該棄置一旁的負擔行囊 
Years of my life wishin' I was someone different, lookin' for some validation 總希望自己能是個不同的人 四處去尋求認可
Years of my life tryna fill the void, pretending I was in— 這些年來總試著填補內心空虛 試圖去假裝
They get it 相信大家都懂了

[Verse 2]
Growing pain's a necessary evil 成長苦痛是份必要之惡
Difficult to go through, yes, but beneficial 很難捱過 但熬過終究會有收穫
Some would say having a mental breakdown is a negative thing which on one hand I agree with 有些人說心理疾病是件壞事 某些角度而言我同意
On the other hand, it was the push I needed to get help and start the healing process, see 但另一方面 它卻是促使我積極求助治療自我的警示 
If I'd have never hit rock bottom 倘若哪天我的人生盪到了谷底 
Would I be the person that I am today? 我還有機會成為現在的自己嗎
I don't believe so 我可不相信
I'm a prime example of what happens when you choose to not accept defeat and face your demons 我是個告訴世人選擇不接受失敗 去面對心魔會有如何結局的最佳典範
Took me thirty years to realize that if you want to get the opportunity to be the greatest version of yourself 花了我三十年 這才理解若想要成就最完美的自我
Sometimes you got to be someone you're not to hear the voice of reason 有時候你得要突破舊我 去傾聽各方理性意見
Having kids will make you really take a step back and look in the mirror 有了小孩後 會讓你退一步照看自己現在的模樣
At least for me that's what it did, I 至少之於我這方法行得通

Part II

Wake up every day and pick my son up 每天起床 做個好父親接送兒子
Hold him in my arms 將他擁進我溫暖懷裡
And let him know he's loved (Loved) 讓他知道這世上永遠有人愛他
Standing by the window questioning if dad is ever going to show up (Up) 倚在窗前納悶自己父親是否會出現
Isn't something he's goin' to have to worry about 這不會是他要掛念擔憂的事
Don't get it twisted, that wasn't a shot 別會錯意了 我可不是在責怪誰
Mama I forgive you 早原諒妳了 我親愛的母親
I just don't want him to grow up thinkin' that he'll never be enough 只是不希望他一路帶著自卑感成長
Thirty years of running, thirty years of searching 三十年來不停地奔波 不停地尋覓
Thirty years of hurting, thirty years of pain 三十年來總不停受傷害 承受如此多的痛苦
Thirty years of fearful, thirty years of anger 這三十年我總是擔心受怕 內心積累滿滿怒火
Thirty years of empty, thirty years of shame 這三十年忍受多少寂寞 心中蒙上多少羞愧
Thirty years of broken, thirty years of anguish 得承受多少心碎 承擔多少痛苦
Thirty years of hopeless, thirty years of (Hey) 這三十年來 總感覺人生無望
Thirty years of never, thirty years of maybe 收到多少次的拒絕 多少承諾沒被兌現
Thirty years of later, thirty years of fake 多少次「下次再說」承受了多少虛假 
Thirty years of hollow, thirty years of sorrow 三十年來內心空虛無比 心情悲痛萬分
Thirty years of darkness, thirty years of (Nate) 過去這些年來 我總是活在黑暗之中 
Thirty years of baggage, thirty years of sadness 三十年肩負滿滿負擔 承受了三十年份的憂傷
Thirty years of stagnant, thirty years of change 過去的總是停滯不前 面臨各種改變
Thirty years of anxious, thirty years of suffering 承受了無數焦慮 內心受盡煎熬
Thirty years of torment, thirty years of (Wait) 三十年來 我都活在折磨當中
Thirty years of bitter, thirty years of lonely 承受人生各種苦楚 獨自與寂寞共存
Thirty years of pushing everyone away 活了三十年 將所有人給拒於門外
You'll never evolve, I know I can change 看你從來沒成長 我知道我能改變
We are not enough, we are not the same 是人都有不足 每個人都與眾不同 
You don't have the heart, you don't have the strength 你沒那份真心 也沒那份勇氣
You don't have the will, you don't have the faith 更沒那份決心 和想實踐的信心
You'll never be loved, you'll never be safe 你永遠得不到任何愛 也永遠不會心安
Might as well give up, not running away 不如現在就放棄 別妄想能逃跑
You don't have the guts, you're the one afraid 你沒那份膽量 總是擔心受怕
I'm the one in charge 我才是自己的主宰
I'm taking the— (No) 現在就讓我奪下
I'm taking the 讓我拿下
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