Cover art for Love From The Other Side by Fall Out Boy

Fall Out Boy is FINALLY BACK!



這次的新歌睽違了近五年才回歸釋出 可說是隔了好一段時間

Love From The Other Side 象徵了 FOB 新的篇章 新的開始

整首歌帶給大家一種重新出發的滋味 歌曲也回到熟悉的搖滾風格 

前面那段搖滾樂奏真的是聽的我超過癮 好像某個動畫的熱血 BGM 似的


[Verse 1]
Model house life meltdown 樣品屋華麗生活潰堤
Still a modern dream letdown 真實生活只是令人失望的現代夢想
It kills me, you know I'm dying out here 這使我生無可戀 失去活著的動力
What would you trade the pain for? 你打算拿什麼來交換這份痛苦
I'm not sure 我還真不確定
We were a hammer to the Statue of David 我們是破壞大衛像的那只鐵鎚
We were a painting you could never frame, and 我們是幅你永遠無法裱框的畫作
You were the sunshine of my lifetime 你是照亮我生命的那道重要曙光
What would you trade the pain for? 你會拿什麼來交換這份痛苦

This city always hangs a little bit lonely on me, loose 這座城市對我而言總是有點不合身
Like a kid playing pretend in his father's suit 就像一個試圖套穿自己父親西裝的孩子那樣
I'd never go, I just want to be invited, oh, got to give up 我從沒出席任何活動 只是想要受邀 卻又不得不放棄
Get the feeling, get the feeling, don't fight it, fight it 當感覺襲上心頭 別抑制逃避 好好去感受

Sending my love from the other side of the apocalypse 在末日後的彼端 讓我捎上我的愛
And I just about snapped, don't look back 難關就要熬過 前進了就別再回頭
Every lover's got a little dagger in their hand 每個愛人總會藏著一把小匕首
Love from the other side of the apocalypse 末日過後的另一端 讓我送上我的愛
And I just about snapped, don't look back 難關就要熬過 前進了就別再回頭
Every lover's got a little dagger in their hand 每個愛人總會藏著一把小匕首

[Verse 2]
Generation sleep, I'm falling in and out of love 被世代遺忘 一下愛著一下又無感
I'm getting that tilted feeling out here 腦中一片眩暈 什麼也看不清
What would you trade the pain for? 你打算拿什麼來交換這份痛苦
I'm not sure 我還真不確定
Nowhere left for us to go but Heaven 這世上除了天堂已無我們的歸宿
Summer falling through our fingers again 又一個夏日從我們指縫間流逝
And you were the sunshine of my lifetime 你是照亮我生命裡的重要曙光
What would you trade the pain for? 你打算拿什麼來交換這份痛苦

We're taught we gotta get ahead, yeah, no matter what it takes 總被教導要出人頭地 無論過程要付出多少代價
But there's no way off the hamster wheel on this rat race 但在這永無歇息的競爭中又何來退出
I'd never go, I just want to be invited, oh, got to give up 我從沒出席任何活動 只是想要受邀 卻又不得不放棄
Get the feeling, get the feeling, don't fight it, fight it 當感覺襲上心頭 別抑制逃避 好好去感受

Sending my love from the other side of the apocalypse 在末日後的彼端 讓我捎上我的愛
And I just about snapped, don't look back 難關就要熬過 前進了就別再回頭
Every lover's got a little dagger in their hand 每個愛人總會藏著一把小匕首
Love from the other side of the apocalypse 末日過後的另一端 讓我送上我的愛
And I just about snapped, don't look back 難關就要熬過 前進了就別再回頭
Every lover's got a little dagger in their hand 每個愛人總會藏著一把小匕首

I saw you in a bright clear field, hurricane heat in my head 在那璀璨世界看見你 我的腦袋是一片混亂
The kind of pain you feel to get good in the end, good in the end 你腦中的痛苦終會有消散的一日
Inscribed like stone and faded by the rain: "Give up what you love 曾鐫刻若磐石的終會有被雨水蝕去一日 告訴你放棄一切所愛
Give up what you love before it does you in…" 放棄你所愛之物 在你尚未被其摧毀之前

Sending my love from the other side of the apocalypse 在末日後的彼端 讓我捎上我的愛
And I just about snapped, don't look back 難關就要熬過 前進了就別再回頭
Every lover's got a little dagger in their hand 每個愛人總會藏著一把小匕首
Love from the other side of the apocalypse 末日過後的另一端 讓我送上我的愛
And I just about snapped, don't look back 難關就要熬過 前進了就別再回頭
Every lover's got a little dagger in their hand 每個愛人總會藏著一把小匕首
Sending my love 捎上我最真摯的愛
Sending my love 送上我的愛與關懷


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