Billie Eilish 非常驚喜的釋出了兩首新歌
真的是無預警 我半夜看到 Spotify 的發行資訊一開始還覺得不可置信
'TV' & 'The 30th' 這兩首歌都收錄在 Billie 的一個小合輯 叫作 Guitar Songs
而這兩首歌也完全如其名 是完全 stripped down 的 acoustic 吉他歌曲
我覺得兩首歌的編曲雖然簡簡單單 但其傳達出的情緒卻是滿又豐富
個人兩首比起來比較喜歡 The 30th 整體的編排 尤其是 Bridge 那邊的 build up
Billie 也表示這是他跟 FINNEAS 在 Happier Than Ever 專輯之後第一首寫的歌
會命名叫 The 30th 就單純是因為這首歌是在 12 月 30 日寫的
總言之整體來說我很喜歡這個小合輯 Billie 的聲音真的很適合這樣純粹的跟吉他搭配
[Verse 1]
Sometimes, you look the same 有時看你感覺沒什麼變
Just like you did before the accident 和你意外發生前一樣
When you're starin' into space 當你眼神空洞盯向他處
It's hard to believe you don't remember it 難以置信你竟什麼也不記得
Woke up in the ambulance 醒來時發現在救護車上
You pieced it all together on the drive 行駛路途將所有記憶拼湊了起來
I know you don't remember calling me 我知道你不記得你打給我過
But I told you even then you looked so pretty 但我說了你無論如何都依舊漂亮
In a hospital bed, I remember you said 醫院病床上 還記得你說過
You were scared 顫抖說著自己當時很害怕
And so was I 和你一樣我也恐懼無比
[Verse 2]
In a standstill on the 5 通勤時刻前方道路停滯不前
Thought it was unusual, the early traffic 以為早晨塞車這事並不常見
Usually, I don't panic 通常我不會為此焦慮
I just wanted to be on time 我只是想要能準時抵達
When I saw the ambulances on the shoulder 當我看見救護車從一旁要經過
I didn't even think of pullin' over 我從未想過要將車給停住
I pieced it all together late that night 那晚我將一切記憶給拼湊起來
And I know you don't remember calling me 我知道你不記得你打給我過
But I told you even then you looked so pretty 但我說了你無論如何都依舊漂亮
In a hospital bed, I remember you said 醫院病床上 還記得你說過
You were scared 顫抖說著自己當時很害怕
And so was I 和你一樣我也恐懼無比
What if it happened to you on a different day? 要是意外選擇別日來臨會怎麼樣
On a bridge where there wasn't a rail in the way? 場景改到一座沒有鐵軌擋路的橋墩會怎樣
Or a neighborhood street where the little kids play? 若意外發生在有孩童玩耍的街道會如何
Or the Angeles Crest in the snow or the rain? 或是在那條沐浴雨雪下的車道公路
What if you weren't alone? There were kids in the car 若你當時身旁還有人 孩子在車上該如何是好
What if you were remote? No one knows where you are 要是你住得太偏僻 沒人知道你在哪怎麼辦
If you changed anything, would you not have survived? 倘若有一絲不同 你是否就無法劫後存活
You're alive, you're alive, you're alive 不斷提醒自己 此時此刻你依舊活著
And I know you don't remember calling me 我知道你不記得你打給我過
But I told you even then you looked so pretty 但我說了你無論如何都依舊漂亮
In a hospital bed, I remember you said 醫院病床上 還記得你說過
You were scared 顫抖說著自己當時很害怕
And so am I 而我現在亦是