大家都聽了我們麗珠姐的新專輯 Special 了嘛!
這張專輯也算是歷經了滿多困難才正式釋出 所以我也是滿為我們珠姐感到開心的
整張專輯依舊是滿滿的麗珠味 麗珠歌曲裡的超級正能量在這張專輯也是一點也沒少
而曲目當中最吸睛最多人喜歡 也是我個人最愛的想必就是這首 2 Be Loved 了
光是製作陣容就知道這首歌一定穩 拜託是我們 Max Martin 製作的哪次崩盤了
這首走的復古風讓我想起 90s 左右的舞曲風格 但加了麗珠風味又顯得特別新潮
Girl, I'm 'bout to have a panic attack 天啊感覺我恐慌症要犯了
[Verse 1]
I did the work, it didn't work, ah, ah (Mm, mm) 努力付出 卻什麼事也沒成
That truth, it hurts, goddamn it hurts, ah, ah (Goddamn, it hurts) 真相是那樣傷人 該死地讓人心痛
That lovey-dovey shit, was not a fan of it (Uh-uh) 這種俗爛情情愛愛 實在不是多欣賞
I'm good with my friends, I don't want a man, girl 和朋友相處自在愉快 我不需要男人陪伴
I'm in my bed, I'm way too fine to be here alone (Too fine) 舒適待在床上 過的如此自在何須感到寂寞
On other hand, I know my worth, ah, ah 早就知道自己在這世上的價值
And now he callin' me (Brr), why do I feel like this? 突然接到他的來電 為何我會有這般感受
What's happenin' to me? Oh, oh, oh 我到底是發生了什麼事
Am I ready (Girl, there ain't a doubt) 我是否準備就緒 (女孩不需要懷疑)
Am I ready (What you talkin' 'bout?) 準備是否齊全 (你到底在說什麼)
Am I ready (You gon' figure it out) 我是否準備好了 (我終究會找到答案)
To be loved, to be loved? (To be loved) 準備好被愛 找到自己的歸宿
Am I ready? (You deserve it now) 我是否準備就緒 (你值得一切美好)
'Cause I want it (That's what I'm talkin' about) 我是那樣的渴望 (早就跟你說過了)
Am I ready (You gon' figure it out) 準備好了嗎 (你終究會獲得解答)
To be loved, to be loved? 準備好迎接真愛 做好被愛的準備
[Verse 2]
How am I supposed to lovе somebody else (Shee, shee, shee) 我又該怎麼去愛其他人
Whеn I don't like myself? Like, ooh 當我連自己都愛不了
Guess I better learn to like this, ooh (True) 看來我得先學會這人生課題
It might take my whole life just to do (Damn, hey, hey) 大概得花上一生去領悟這門學問
He call me Melly (Ayy), he squeeze my belly (Yeah) 用小名稱呼我 磨蹭我的小腹
I'm too embarrassed (Ah) to say I like it 太過害臊 不敢老實說自己很享受
Girl, is this my boo? (Is this my boo?) 女孩看看這男孩適合我嗎
That's why I'm askin' you 'cause you know I've been through 得先問過妳 因為我之前實在經歷了太多
Am I ready (Girl, there ain't a doubt) 我是否準備就緒 (女孩不需要懷疑)
Am I ready (What you talkin' 'bout?) 準備是否齊全 (你到底在說什麼)
Am I ready (You gon' figure it out) 我是否準備好了 (我終究會找到答案)
To be loved, to be loved? (To be loved) 準備好被愛 找到自己的歸宿
Am I ready? (You deserve it now) 我是否準備就緒 (你值得一切美好)
'Cause I want it (That's what I'm talkin' about) 我是那樣的渴望 (早就跟你說過了)
Am I ready (You gon' figure it out) 準備好了嗎 (你終究會獲得解答)
To be loved, to be loved? (Yeah) 準備好迎接真愛 做好被愛的準備
You found me, I was fed up with the fantasy 你找到了我 但我已厭倦一切童話幻想
What you wanna do? Think I'm ready, ooh 你想對我做什麼 我想我已準備就緒
Think you like that, think you like that 知道你喜歡這樣 就喜歡對我這樣
When I clap back like that, let me know (Let me know) 看到我如此回擊 還請你讓我知道
You found me, I was fed up with the fantasy 你找到了我 但我已厭倦一切童話幻想
What you wanna do? Think I'm ready, ooh 你想對我做什麼 我想我已準備就緒
Think you like that, think you like that 知道你喜歡這樣 就喜歡對我這樣
When I clap back like that, let me know (Let me know) 看到我如此回擊 還請你讓我知道
Am I ready (Girl, there ain't a doubt) 我是否準備就緒 (女孩不需要懷疑)
Am I ready (What you talkin' 'bout?) 準備是否齊全 (你到底在說什麼)
Am I ready (You gon' figure it out) 我是否準備好了 (我終究會找到答案)
To be loved, to be loved? (To be loved) 準備好被愛 找到自己的歸宿
Am I ready? (You deserve it now) 我是否準備就緒 (你值得一切美好)
(Is you ready, ready, ready?) (問問自己 到底準備好沒)
'Cause I want it (That's what I'm talkin' about) 我是那樣的渴望 (早就跟你說過了)
Am I ready (You gon' figure it out) 準備好了嗎 (你終究會獲得解答)
(Yeah, yeah, woo, woo, woo)
To be loved (To be loved), to be loved? (To be loved) 準備好迎接真愛 做好被愛的準備
(Am I ready?) (我是否做好準備)
Yesterday, I would have run away 昨日的我或許會選擇逃避
And I don't know why 而我也不知原因為何
I don't know why (To be loved), know why (To be loved) 我不知道原因如何 也不知愛情為何
(Am I ready?) (我到底準備好了沒)
Yesterday, I would have run away 昨日的我或許會選擇逃避
And I don't know why (Did you know?) 而我也不知原因為何
I don't know why, but I'm ready 不知道愛情是什麼 但我想我準備好了