Heart Ice 應該是專輯收錄曲裡面我第二喜歡的歌
(第一當然實至名歸的是 Understand 啦~~)
我個人很喜歡間奏那種感覺 有一種騎馬(?)的感覺(在說啥啦XD)
[Verse 1]
I thought there was something wrong with my life 總以為自己的人生出了什麼差錯
I thought I was hopeless, thinking I'm out of time 以為自己了無希望 做什麼都為時已晚
And nothing could change it and nobody knew 以為沒人知曉也無人能改變這般頹勢
I thought I was breaking and then I met you 當我瀕臨絕望之際 我遇見了你
Oh my, you're so fine, can't write you out my mind 我的天 你長的也太美 無法將你從腦中抹去
I like it when you lie to me, I love it when you try to be 對我說謊我也愛 就愛你這樣多情風貌
Wild, bitchy, impolite, somehow stuck in my sights 這般野性有時狡猾無理 不知怎麼總會定睛於你
I like that you're not nice to me, I love your heart of ice 就愛你不善待我的方式 就愛你那冰山般無情心
Your heart of ice 你那無情的冰冷心
Your heart of i— 高冷難以觸及的冰寒內心
[Verse 2]
You got a heart of ice 內心是如此無情又冰冷
I love the way you don't even try 就愛你那毫不掩飾隱藏的個性
To hide the fact that you wеre never minе 說自己對我沒動心 必是老實表示
Oh my, I would've never thought 這還真始料未及 我從未如此想過
Would've never figured out your lock 我永遠無法敞開你那緊鎖心門
But I tried, and you were caught in a lie 但我也努力過 但卻讓你陷入謊言中
But I wanna fall in love, wanna mend my trust 我想要好好的愛 想要修復我的信用
Wanna fuck my life again, don't wanna fucked up 卻只是再次搞砸 但我這次真不想毀掉一切
Fuck with all these walls when they disguised as friends 那些自以為是的假裝是朋友的我全都恨
I'll never recognize the lies I fantasize inside my head 從沒明辨過是非 總活在自己腦中幻想裡
I'll never get upset, I'll just forget, let regret faster in 'cause 但我永遠不會喪氣 最終我會淡忘將悔恨拋去
Oh my, you're so fine, can't write you out my mind 我的天 你長的也太美 無法將你從腦中抹去
I like it when you lie to me, I love it when you try to be 對我說謊我也愛 就愛你這樣多情風貌
Wild, bitchy, impolite, somehow stuck in my sights 這般野性有時狡猾無理 不知怎麼總會定睛於你
I like that you're not nice to me, I love your heart of ice 就愛你不善待我的方式 就愛你那冰山般無情心
Your heart of ice 你那無情的冰冷心
Your heart of i— 高冷難以觸及的冰寒內心
[Verse 3]
I found a part of me 找到了部份的隱藏自我
From a place that you don't seem to see 在你也沒有察覺到的地方
Where I can go to fall asleep again, and 在那裏我可以再次安心入睡
I know there seems to be to many thoughts for this to be 我知道或許這一切只是由於太過胡思亂想
A dream, I said the same thing to my friends 而導致而成的夢境 告訴這事給身邊朋友
And I finally thought that you would take me out this spot 天真幻想或許這次你能拯救我於這片混亂
But no and now I hope to rid these thoughts 但事實非如此 我希望能夠抹消這些雜緒
But I can't lie, I know you know it hurts my eyes 但我無法說謊 你知道這樣會傷到我自己
To see you, I love how you made me cry 傷到我對你的感受 我就愛你總這樣讓我哭泣
Oh my, you're so fine, can't write you out my mind 我的天 你長的也太美 無法將你從腦中抹去
I like it when you lie to me, I love it when you try to be 對我說謊我也愛 就愛你這樣多情風貌
Wild, bitchy, impolite, somehow stuck in my sights 這般野性有時狡猾無理 不知怎麼總會定睛於你
I like that you're not nice to me, I love your heart of ice 就愛你不善待我的方式 就愛你那冰山般無情心
Your heart of ice 你那無情的冰冷心
Your heart of i— 高冷難以觸及的冰寒內心