這首意境滿滿可是很難從字面翻出其中的滋味 光是查資料要讓它通順就花了我超久QQ
Nuance 這個詞的意思是生活中一些事物的些微改變
這首歌真的非常 relatable
當你長大了 那些青春所經歷過的回憶 或是曾經陪伴你歲月的好友
即使保持聯絡 過去所經歷的時光也回不去
然而 最終失聯的 不再有互動的 似乎也是佔了多數
每個人都是彼此人生的過客 時間這種東西是一去不會復返的 就像每段經歷過的青春一樣
[Verse 1]
Nuance was an old friend 那些青春美好曾是我老朋友
That everyone forgot 然而記憶都已隨著時間淡去
After graduation 在畢業分道揚鑣之後
He became an afterthought 那些細微改變 將這些美好拋諸成過去想法
We threw a cocktail party 辦了場雞尾酒慶祝派對
And just left nuance out 把那些所有經歷過的美好給拋下
Of the conversation 從此再也沒有出現在對話當中
Must have lost his invitation 也不再是我們人生裡的一部分
In the mail 透過信件傳訊
In the mail 信件成為唯一溝通橋梁
The all too familiar tale 這還真是老掉牙的故事
Of growing up and closing off 漸漸長大也進而關閉了自己
And losing touch 最終失去了與身邊人的聯繫
I used to talk about the world 曾經的我也會大談世界理想
I used to talk about life with nuance 和我那些好友談談人生想法
I used to see word from the trees 曾經我從樹縫向外就能看見全世界
I used to be alright with nuance 成長後的那些小改變 我曾經以為自己能夠承擔
But I've got some nuance, don't want to be seen 然而有些改變是我不想被是人所看見的
With nuance, I've moved on, it's just not for me 這些改變讓我向前進 我卻一點也不想要
Don't wanna talk about the world 再也不想談論這個世界
Don't wanna talk about life with nuance 也再也不想歌頌自己的理想抱負
Anymore 再也不想
Anymore 選擇封閉自我
[Verse 2]
Nuance was an old friend 那些青春美好曾是我老朋友
That had a lot to say 彼此間有好多話可以說
Sharing his opinions 也會對對方分享自己想法
Used to listen in those days 曾經我也會細心聆聽
But I threw a cocktail party 但在我辦了一場狂歡派對後
And just left nuance out 我選擇將這些一切全拋下
Of the conversation 不再談論這一切
Must have lost his invitation 看來我們也不再會有聯繫
In the mail 透過信件傳訊
In the mail 信件成為唯一溝通橋梁
The all too familiar tale 這還真是老掉牙的故事
Of growing up and closing off 漸漸長大也進而關閉了自己
And losing touch 最終失去了與身邊人的聯繫
I used to talk about the world 曾經的我也會大談世界理想
I used to talk about life with nuance 和我那些好友談談人生想法
I used to see word from the trees 曾經我從樹縫向外就能看見全世界
I used to be alright with nuance 成長後的那些小改變 我曾經以為自己能夠承擔
But I've got some nuance, don't want to be seen 然而有些改變是我不想被是人所看見的
With nuance, I've moved on, it's just not for me 這些改變讓我向前進 我卻一點也不想要
Don't wanna talk about the world 再也不想談論這個世界
Don't wanna talk about life with nuance 也再也不想歌頌自己的理想抱負
Anymore 再也不想
Anymore 選擇封閉自我
And if I do ever see him 倘若再次重逢那老朋友
Run into him at a café 在一間咖啡廳偶然的邂逅
And he asks me why I don't call him 被質問為何不打給他聯絡
I'll have nothing with nuance to say 最終我也會是無話可說
I'll have nothing with nuance to say 一句話也道不出口
I used to talk about the world 曾經的我也會大談世界理想
I used to talk about life with nuance 和我那些好友談談人生想法
I used to see word from the trees 曾經我從樹縫向外就能看見全世界
I used to be alright with nuance 成長後的那些小改變 我曾經以為自己能夠承擔
But I've got some nuance, don't want to be seen 然而有些改變是我不想被是人所看見的
With nuance, I've moved on, it's just not for me 這些改變讓我向前進 我卻一點也不想要
Don't wanna talk about the world 再也不想談論這個世界
Don't wanna talk about life with nuance 也再也不想歌頌自己的理想抱負
Anymore 再也不想
Anymore 選擇封閉自我