Hey Violet - Problems (new music) free mp3 download | Abbey Light Show


Hey Violet is BACK!!!

預計將於今年釋出新專輯的Hey Violet今年相繼推出了兩個好作品

無論是第一首的Friends Like This或是這首Problems我都很愛!


這首歌之前就有小小的teaser了 Rena自己也有發過副歌的snippet


結果真的出來了 Hey Violet真的很寵粉♡




[Verse 1]

I, I got trouble on my mind 腦中陷入無限混亂的迴圈

I, I do this every fucking time 總是如此重蹈覆徹

I, I try to keep it inside 試著保持理智控制住自己

But I, I don't follow my own advice 但最後卻總是打破自己的原則


[Verse 2]

I, I got my focus on you 全神貫注 眼裡只有你一人

I, I feel your fire in the room 在房裡總能感受到你的怒火

I, I don't know what I might do 不知道自己下一步會怎麼做

If I, I get a taste of something new 一旦自己接觸到嶄新的事物 



Dip a toe to overdosing 探索摸求沈浸其中

Lose control of my emotions 深陷情緒無法抽離



If you keep looking at me like that (problems) 再這樣注視我 麻煩就大了

If you keep on touching me like that (problems) 再撫觸我一絲 必會釀成災禍

If you keep on thinking what I think, you might be thinking then 若你和我一同苦惱 你也不會多好過

I think, I think, I think we're gonna have (problems) 那我想我們必會遭遇瓶頸

If you keep looking at me like that (problems) 再這樣注視我 麻煩就大了

If you keep on touching me like that (problems) 再撫觸我一絲 必會釀成災禍

If you keep on thinking what I think you might be thinking then若你和我一同苦惱 你也不會多好過

I think, I think, I think we're gonna have- 我想你我必會遇上麻煩


[Verse 3]

You, you could be my best mistake 你是我鑄下最美麗的錯誤

Yeah, you, you make it hard to hesitate 你讓一切變得毋須去猶豫

I, I try to show some restraint 試著克制控制自己的衝動

But you, you know it's already too late 但你也知道 一切已為時已晚



Dip a toe to overdosing 探索摸求沈浸其中

Lose control of my emotions 深陷情緒無法抽離



If you keep looking at me like that (problems) 再這樣注視我 麻煩就大了

If you keep on touching me like that (problems) 再撫觸我一絲 必會釀成災禍

If you keep on thinking what I think, you might be thinking then 若你和我一同苦惱 你也不會多好過

I think, I think, I think we're gonna have (problems) 那我想我們必會遭遇瓶頸

If you keep looking at me like that (problems) 再這樣注視我 麻煩就大了

If you keep on touching me like that (problems) 再撫觸我一絲 必會釀成災禍

If you keep on thinking what I think you might be thinking then若你和我一同苦惱 你也不會多好過

I think, I think, I think we're gonna have- 我想你我必會遇上麻煩


I don't trust myself 我不相信我自己

I know me too well 我太了解自己的為人

I can't stop this now 無法停止控制住自己

There's no slowing down 一切已無法停下

God, I'm so cliché 天啊 這也太陳腔濫調

Love the mess we made 愛上你我共創的混亂

I can't stop this now 現在的我無法停下這一切

There's no slowing down 無法止住緩下我腳步



If you keep looking at me like that (problems) 再這樣注視我 麻煩就大了

If you keep on touching me like that (problems) 再撫觸我一絲 必會釀成災禍

If you keep on thinking what I think, you might be thinking then 若你和我一同苦惱 你也不會多好過

I think, I think, I think we're gonna have (problems) 那我想我們必會遭遇瓶頸

If you keep looking at me like that (problems) 再這樣注視我 麻煩就大了

If you keep on touching me like that (problems) 再撫觸我一絲 必會釀成災禍

If you keep on thinking what I think you might be thinking then若你和我一同苦惱 你也不會多好過

I think, I think, I think we're gonna have- 我想你我必會遇上麻煩



Problems, problems, ooh 麻煩百出 混亂無比

Problems, problems, ooh 麻煩頻造 到處闖禍

Problems, problems 你我只會製造麻煩

(Yeah, I think, I think, I think we're gonna have) 我很確信 你我只要一起便會

Problems, problems, ooh 製造麻煩 滿滿災害

Problems, problems, ooh 麻煩百出 混亂無比

Problems, problems 你我只會製造麻煩

(Yeah, I think, I think, I think we're gonna have) 我很確信 你我只要一起便會


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