
Speakers 這首歌曲是會隨著專輯一起釋出 MV 的單曲 所以我們要加緊腳步來完成了


5:30 A.M. 睡覺 7:00 起床 通勤去上課 現在 9:30 坐在教室繼續翻譯 請各位珍惜我犧牲肝而來的作品


趕緊開始啦啦啦 我的電腦開始漏電了^^


[Verse 1]
I've been thinking 'bout the way you'll think about me when we're o-o-old 思考著長大後你會是如何看待我的
Always thought that we could be the greatest story ever to-o-old 曾經以為你我會締造出世上最美好之故事
But there's a rock inside my sock, I'll keep on walking 'cause it's co-o-old 石子跑進襪子阻礙行進 但為了保暖我依舊前行
And I can't stop the clock from ticking 然而這卻無法停止時間無情流逝
I know that it's just the beginning 而我知道這一切都只是開始而已

Don't forget, this story's not over yet 別忘了 我們的故事尚未劃下句點
Time passed like a cigarette 時間若菸般的倏忽即逝
Turning into smoke between our fingers 在我們手指間逝散如菸
Tell me you won't forget 告訴我你不會忘記這一切
Remember the night we met 要永遠記得我們相遇之夜
Rewind like an old cassеtte 若品味老舊錄音帶那樣的回味
And I'll be the song that's on your spеakers playing for you, you, you 我會永遠成為你播音器裡那首最真摯的歌
Playing for you, you, you 只為你播放 為你一人而放
I'll be playing for you, you, you 永遠只為你而歌奏 僅屬於你一人
And I'll be the song that's on your speakers 我會成為你播音器裡的那首最重要之歌

[Verse 2]
I often wonder why I wonder how I'll feel in 30 years 曾經納悶自己為何會好奇三十年後會作何感受
About the time we spent together will the memories disappear 對於那些彼此走過的回憶 終有一日也會忘卻嗎
It might sound crazy but my baby that's the thing that I most fear 或許聽來有些瘋狂 但這是我最害怕成真之事
Oh, I can't stop the world from spinning 我無法停止這世界繼續運轉
I know that it's just the beginning 我知道這一切僅是開端而已
So please- 所以算我求求你了

Don't forget, this story's not over yet 別忘了 我們的故事尚未劃下句點
Time passed like a cigarette 時間若菸般的倏忽即逝
Turning into smoke between our fingers 在我們手指間逝散如菸
Tell me you won't forget 告訴我你不會忘記這一切
Remember the night we met 要永遠記得我們相遇之夜
Rewind like an old cassеtte 若品味老舊錄音帶那樣的回味
And I'll be the song that's on your spеakers playing for you, you, you 我會永遠成為你播音器裡那首最真摯的歌
Playing for you, you, you 只為你播放 為你一人而放
I'll be playing for you, you, you 永遠只為你而歌奏 僅屬於你一人
And I'll be the song that's on your speakers 我會成為你播音器裡的那首最重要之歌

And if one day the image starts to fade 若終有一日那些回憶景象開始消散
Don't worry babe, oh that would be okay 不用擔心 一切都會沒事的
I'll give you all the memories that I saved 我會給予你所有我珍藏的回憶
Just leave me with a picture, just a picture of your face 只需要留下一張照片 一張有你臉的照片

I won't forget, this story's not over yet 別忘了 我們的故事尚未劃下句點
Time passed like a cigarette 時間若菸般的倏忽即逝
Turning into smoke between our fingers 在我們手指間逝散如菸
Tell me you won't forget 告訴我你不會忘記這一切
Remember the night we met 要永遠記得我們相遇之夜
Rewind like an old cassеtte 若品味老舊錄音帶那樣的回味
And I'll be the song that's on your spеakers playing for you, you, you 我會永遠成為你播音器裡那首最真摯的歌
Playing for you, you, you 只為你播放 為你一人而放
Playing for you, you, you 只為你播放 為你一人而放
And I'll be the song that's on your speakers 我會成為你播音器裡的那首最重要之歌 
Playing for you 永遠只為你而歌奏 僅屬於你一人

    創作者 階梯 JT 的頭像
    階梯 JT

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