大家都去聽 Wet Leg 的同名新專輯了嗎!
我只能說 雖然最熱門洗腦的歌都被拿來打單了
這次要翻譯的歌曲是團體在 Chaise Longue 的成功下推出的第二支單曲
我一直有把這手放在翻譯清單裡面 但一直礙於各種狀況沒有翻
大家自己去查 Wet Dream 的意思 就知道我這個標題已經下的非常隱晦了
Wet Leg 在一次訪受訪的時候表示 Wet Dream 是她們版本的分手歌曲
Rhian 表示自己有一任男友在分手後不停打電話給他
總之我只能說無論是 MV 裡的龍蝦手還是歌詞都超級 Wet Leg 的 真的是愛死
Beam me up (Beam me up) 不停打電話給我
Count me in (Count me in) 也算我一份
Three, two, one (Three, two, one) 三二一倒數來
Let's begin 讓我們開始吧
Here we go (Here we go) 手牽手
Here we go (Here we go) 一起出發去
Here we go, here we go, here we go 讓我們開始這一切
[Verse 1]
I was in your wet dream, driving in my car 出現在你春夢裡 開著我的車
Saw you at the side of the road, there's no one else around 看見你在路另一端 無人在你身邊
You're touching yoursеlf, touching yourself, touching your— 你正在愛撫自身 撫觸每一寸肌膚
Touching yourself, touching yourself 雙手不停撫弄 撫觸自己身子
You said, "Baby, do you want to comе home with me? 叫我寶貝還問我要不要跟你回家
I got Buffalo '66 on DVD" 說你租了脫線痞子俏佳人的光碟
You said, "Baby, do you want to come home with me? 不斷問我要不要跟你一起回家
I got Buffalo '66 on DVD" 說你租了脫線痞子俏佳人的光碟
Beam me up (Beam me up) 不停打電話給我
Count me in (Count me in) 也算我一份
Three, two, one (Three, two, one) 三二一倒數來
Let's begin 讓我們開始吧
Here we go (Here we go) 手牽手
Here we go (Here we go) 一起出發去
Here we go, here we go, here we go 讓我們開始這一切
[Verse 2]
I was in your wet dream, driving in my car 出現在你春夢裡 開著我的車
What makes you think you're good enough to think about me 到底是誰允許你對我這麼魂牽夢縈
When you're touching yourself, touching yourself, touching your— 如此自戀的愛撫自我 撫弄自己全身
Touching yourself, touching yourself? 撫觸自己每寸肌膚 彷彿愛上自己一樣
You climb onto the bonnet and you're licking the windscreen 爬上我引擎蓋 舔舐著擋風玻璃
I've never seen anything so obscene 這生從未看過如此猥褻的景象
It's enough to make a girl blush 夠了 這夠讓一般小女孩臉紅心跳
It's enough, it's enough to make a girl blush 這般景象就能讓一般女孩心動不已
It's enough, it's enough, it's enough, it's enough 真是夠了 太過頭了 一切都足夠了
It's enough, it's enough, it's enough, it's enough 真是夠了 太過頭了 請你停下這一切
(To make a girl blush)
It's enough, it's enough, it's enough, it's enough 真是夠了 太過頭了 一切都足夠了
It's enough, it's enough, it's enough, it's enough 真是夠了 太過頭了 請你停下這一切
(To make a girl blush)
Beam me up (Beam me up) 不停打電話給我
Count me in (Count me in) 也算我一份
Three, two, one (Three, two, one) 三二一倒數來
Let's begin 讓我們開始吧
Here we go (Here we go) 手牽手
Here we go (Here we go) 一起出發去
Here we go, here we go, here we go 讓我們開始這一切
Beam me up (Beam me up) 不停打電話給我
Count me in (Count me in) 也算我一份
Three, two, one (Three, two, one) 三二一倒數來
Let's begin 讓我們開始吧