Cover art for You Were Loved by Gryffin & OneRepublic




但因為連假結束了 所以我又開始上工了 所以就來還債了XD

今天要翻的這首歌是 Gryffin 跟我寶貝 OneRepublic 合作的新歌 You Were Loved

根據 1R 套路我應該要他們發任何歌的一天內翻完 但...我剛剛解釋過了

這首歌是 Gryffin 睽違一陣子回歸的新作品 我覺得整體氛圍非常的輕快舒服

特別喜歡副歌後那段 oh oh oooh 每次聽完都是精神百倍的充滿能量 🥰


[Verse 1]
I hope that you finally found it all 希望你最終會發現一切
All the things that you said that you needed after all 所有你說過生命必須具備的事物
All those times we had, they left a mark 那些我們一起度過的美好時光 終究會在心中永存
And I know life goes on but I miss you in the dark 人生固然得繼續 我卻總是暗中偷偷思念你

Days turn to years, turn to stories we tell about 日子積久了變年年累積 最後變成我們流傳下的故事
All of the good times and times that were hell when 那些一起經歷過的無論天堂或地獄般的時光

We were young, we were broke 當時是那樣年少輕狂 彼此都身無分文
We were chasin' a fire and watchin' it turn to smoke 追尋的是如此般的愛火 終要永恆的燃燒著 
And some of us just let go (Ooh) 兩人間總要有人學會如何放下
You got lost, had enough 你迷失了自我 說你受夠了這一切
Time had did what it does and turned what you had to rust 時間總是那樣無情 無情蝕去了曾擁有的一切
But wherever you are, understand me 但無論你身在何處 還請好好接受我一片真心

You were loved 你會永遠被愛著
(Loved, loved, ooh)
You were loved 深受喜愛 就這樣被擁護著
(Loved, loved, ooh)

[Verse 2]
I hope that our paths they cross again 盼著兩人的人生線能再次產生交集
'Cause I'm dyin' to know all the places you have been (Oh) 過分渴望好奇你這些日子走過了哪些地方
Someday when the future meets the past 當未來再次喚醒過去那份真摯情感
That's when we'll make up for all of the years that went so fast 即是時候好好彌補那些倏忽失去的歲月

'Cause days became years became stories we tell 日子積久了變年年累積 最後變成我們流傳下的故事
That I know you can't deal but here's wishin' you well 知道你無法面對這一切 至少帶著我的祝福前行

We were young (We were young), we were broke (We were broke) 當時是那樣年少輕狂 彼此都身無分文
We were chasin' a fire that suddenly turned to smoke 追尋的是如此般的愛火 終要永恆的燃燒著 
And some of us had to let go (Ooh, yeah) 兩人間總要有人學會如何放下
You got lost (You got lost), had enough (Had enough) 你迷失了自我 說你受夠了這一切
Time had did what it does and turned what we had to rust 時間總是那樣無情 無情蝕去了曾擁有的一切
But wherever you are, you should know (Ooh) 但無論你身在何處 還請好好接受我一片真心

You were loved 你會永遠被愛著
(Loved, loved, ooh)
You were loved 深受喜愛 就這樣被擁護著
(Loved, loved, ooh)
You were loved 你會就這麼永遠被愛著
(Loved, loved, ooh)
(Loved, loved, ooh)


    創作者 階梯 JT 的頭像
    階梯 JT

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