Cover art for The Joker And The Queen (Remix) by Ed Sheeran

從 2012 帶給我們滿滿感動的 Everthing Has Changed 到現在的 The Joker And The Queen


(End Game 表示:???)


Joker And The Queen 講述的是一對戀人即使兩人都相當恐懼但依舊努力去追尋屬於自己的那份戀愛的故事

而之前 Ed Sheeran 在受訪的時候就表示過這首歌曲會正式成為單曲且會錄製 Remix 版找來一位女歌手來助陣

後來公開是 Taylor 的時候我真的雖然沒有到太驚訝但還是又驚又喜(什麼矛盾情緒XD)

這首歌曲一直是我等號裡很喜歡的歌曲 之前礙於時間跟各種安排沒有辦法呈現 

這次有了混音版的契機 為各位呈現這首美麗的歌曲!


[Verse 1: Ed Sheeran]
How was I to know? It's a crazy thing 我又豈會知曉 這一切都太過瘋狂
I showed you my hand and you still let me win 向你攤牌一切 而你始終護著我
And who was I to say that this was meant to be? 我又是何等身分 能說這一切是天註定
The road that was broken brought us together 那些崎嶇挫折 讓我們磨合而在一起

[Chorus: Ed Sheeran]
And I know you could fall for a thousand kings 天底下那麼多好男人供你挑選
And hearts that would give you a diamond ring 那麼多能以鑽戒向你承諾愛情的人
When I fold, you see the best in me 四處瀏覽遴選 你找到了我
The joker and the queen 你我就像是小丑配皇后

[Verse 2: Taylor Swift, Taylor Swift & Ed Sheeran]
I've been played before, if you hadn't guessed 過往心總被玩弄 直到你重新打開它
So I kept my cards close to my foolproof vest 將內心世界深鎖 設下層層保護
But you called my bluff (But you called my bluff) 但你說我只是虛張聲勢 試圖武裝自己
And saw through all my tells (And saw through all my tells) 看透我內心所有一切 讓我敞開心懷
And then you went all in 你就這麼進入我的內心世界
And we left together 牽著我 帶著我走出陰霾

[Chorus: Taylor Swift, Taylor Swift & Ed Sheeran]
And I know you think that what makes a king 我知道你總以為一個好男人
Is gold, a palace, and diamond rings 需要具備滿貫錢財及崇高地位
When I fold, you see the best in mе 但當我抉擇之時 你看見了我最好的一面
The joker and the queen 你我就像是小丑配皇后

[Instrumental Break]

[Chorus: Ed Sheeran, Ed Sheeran & Taylor Swift]
And I know you could fall for a thousand kings 天底下那麼多好男人供你挑選
And hearts that would give you a diamond ring 那麼多能以鑽戒向你承諾愛情的人
When I fold, you see the best in me 四處瀏覽遴選 你找到了我
The joker and the queen 你我就像是小丑配皇后
The joker and the queen 小丑與皇后 最美好的搭配

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    階梯 JT

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