Download Jesy Nelson ft. Nicki Minaj – Boyz Mp3 Leak • HiPHOPLEAKS

Jesy Nelson 的 solo 曲終於正式釋出了

這次的歌曲找來了我們久久未出巡忙著當媽媽的 Nicki Minaj 

兩人應該算是舊識吧XD 畢竟之前 Woman Like Me 就有合作過了

這次的歌曲陣容真的是讓我興奮不已 畢竟真的很久沒看到我們插花雞出巡了 真的是涕淚縱橫

但說真的歌曲第一次聽我沒有到很 get 到 一開始覺得這首有點抱太高期待值

畢竟是第一印象嘛 可能需要花一些時間消化啦


真的對 Jesy 日後的發展很寄予厚望的!

而且 MV 真的拍得很有誠意!

但是 Nicki 的瀏海(還是應該說髮際線)真的讓我看的很擔憂 希望是造型而已哭 很擔心他的頭髮狀況


[Intro: Nicki Minaj]
Ayo, it's the UK baddie and the barbie 英倫壞女孩攜手芭比出場

[Verse 1: Jesy Nelson]
Love a little bit to run the street 就愛上街到處玩耍
Bad boy, me recipe 壞男孩是開啟我的契機
Being nice a little boring when you in between the sheets 床上功夫太輕柔可謂過分無聊
When I ride that hee haw, you know I know how to please ya 當我如此騎乘 你便知曉我知如何取悅你

[Refrain: Jesy Nelson]
Ooh, I like them tattoos and them gold teeth 就愛佈滿刺青戴金牙這味
Tough to make me feel like I'm a baddie 難駕馭到讓我覺得自己是個壞女孩 
I like the fire you're bringing out of me 就愛你如此點燃我心之慾火
Baby, something 'bout him got me weak in the knees 壞的讓我徹底臣服於你

[Pre-Chorus: Jesy Nelson]
Oh, the hole that you dug, you'd be criminal 在我身上做滿記號 犯下滔天大罪
My momma won't see what I see in ya 我母親看不見我在你身上看見的
But I don't want it if it ain't bad enough 若是不夠壞 我可還真不想要
I don't know what it is but 不知為何 但是

[Chorus: Jesy Nelson]
I like a bad, bad boy (Boy)  就喜歡壞到不行的男孩
You know I like a bad, bad boy (Boy) 你知道 我只愛壞男孩這款
I like a bad boy, you can't stop me 就愛壞男孩 誰也阻止不了我
I love bad boys for life 一生只愛壞男孩
I like a bad, bad boy (Bad boy) 就喜歡壞到不行的男孩
You know I like a bad, bad boy (Bad boy) 你知道 我只愛這款壞男孩
I like a bad boy, you can't stop me 就愛壞男孩 誰也阻止不了我
I love bad boys for life 一生只愛壞男孩

[Verse 2: Jesy Nelson]
Got a little attitude 狠勁態度拿出來
But I think he's kinda cute 他還真是可愛可口
So hood, so good, so damn tattooed 這般流氓美好 全身滿佈刺青
No, you know how to please me 現在你可知該如何取悅我
Like it raw baby, so G me 就愛這般直接 狠很寵愛我

[Refrain: Jesy Nelson]
Ooh, I like them tattoos and them gold teeth 就愛佈滿刺青戴金牙這味
Tough to make me feel like I'm a baddie 難駕馭到讓我覺得自己是個壞女孩 
I like the fire you're bringing out of me 就愛你如此點燃我心之慾火
Baby, something 'bout him got me weak in the knees 壞的讓我徹底臣服於你

[Pre-Chorus: Jesy Nelson]
Oh, the hole that you dug, you'd be criminal 在我身上做滿記號 犯下滔天大罪
My momma won't see what I see in ya 我母親看不見我在你身上看見的
But I don't want it if it ain't bad enough 若是不夠壞 我可還真不想要
I don't know what it is but 不知為何 但是

[Chorus: Jesy Nelson]
I like a bad, bad boy 就喜歡壞到不行的男孩
I like a bad, bad boy 你知道 我只愛壞男孩這款
I like a bad boy, you can't stop me 就愛壞男孩 誰也阻止不了我
I love bad boys for life 一生只愛壞男孩
I like a bad, bad boy 就喜歡壞到不行的男孩
You know I like a bad, bad boy 你知道 我只愛壞男孩這款
I like a bad boy, you can't stop me 就愛壞男孩 誰也阻止不了我
I love bad boys for life 一生只愛壞男孩

(As we proceed, to give you what you need) 讓我們繼續看下去 帶來所有你所需
Bad bitches want a bad boy (Come on) 壞女孩就該搭配壞男孩
Word Biggie, Diddy and Mase (Woo) 壞男孩典範 看看大個小子跟尚恩
Woah, like Rob, he won't find a prettier face (Let's go) 就像羅伯 他可再也找不到這麼姣好的臉蛋

He gon' keep my VV's dancing like totals 他讓我秀出舞姿 活像女王一般
So I could just shine while he shoot up the place (Prrr) 當他揮灑汗水時 我才能晶耀璀璨
Raspberries, cherries, and berries, I'm edible 蔓越莓櫻桃莓果 我是那樣可口
Do these bitches like a library? Done read 'em all 這些壞女孩跟圖書館一樣 全被我看透透 
My body smokin' , come get a pole 我的身體火燙冒煙 請灌注愛意

Lucky charms on my anklets, no, not Cereal 幸運符套腳踝 可不是Cereal牌
Jesy, we got all jelly bitches actin' real messy 潔希看看這些壞女孩 全部如此素行不良
Still a bad bitch, whether I'm sporty or I'm dressy 無論穿搭風格 都維持一樣壞風範
I don't know why I got the dudes actin' zesty 不知為何能讓這些男人慾火焚身為我癡狂
But I only want a bad boy as my bestie 我只需要一個壞男孩伴我左右

[Chorus: Jesy Nelson]
I like a bad, bad boy 就喜歡壞到不行的男孩
I like a bad, bad boy 你知道 我只愛壞男孩這款
I like a bad boy, you can't stop me 就愛壞男孩 誰也阻止不了我
I love bad boys for life 一生只愛壞男孩
I like a bad, bad boy (Bad boy) 就喜歡壞到不行的男孩
You know I like a bad, bad boy (Bad boy) 你知道 我只愛壞男孩這款
I like a bad boy, you can't stop me 就愛壞男孩 誰也阻止不了我
I love bad boys for life 一生只愛壞男孩

[Intro: Nicki Minaj]
It's Nicki and Jesy 這是妮姬配潔希
He love me, impress me 愛我就趕緊諂媚我
Ready to knock a motherfucker out just to impress me (Woo) 所有雜物拋開只為誠奉我


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