他一直都是我很喜歡的rapper 比起現在市面很多只會swear沒什麼real skill的rapper
NF算是少數幾個很special 不swear 饒舌的主題也都大多比較黑暗一些的rapper
第一次認識他是聽到Let You Down後來去dig他的更多作品後就整個陷入了
前年的專輯The Search也超抓我的耳 專輯大推專輯Leave Me Alone & When I Grow Up
BTW Why Would You Leave Us我第一次根本是聽到哭
這首Clouds是NF 2021的新作品 收錄在他2021將推出的新mixtape 同名Clouds
MV製作依舊是充滿巧思 這也是另一個我更愛NF的理由
很多rapper通常對visual沒有那麼追求但NF不一樣NF的music video都很有創意也很有故事性
帶有一些黑暗色彩 跟自己所要講的寓意在內要人怎麼不愛啦到底
(sduolc eht ni s'daeH)
[Verse 1]
Calmly, feel myself evolving 心平氣和的 感受到自己正在進化
Appalling, so much I'm not divulging 糟透了 什麼都不打算透漏
Been stalling, I think I hear applauding, they're calling 四處拖延 似乎聽見掌聲和壯烈歡呼聲
Mixtapes aren't my thing, but it's been awfully exhausting 混音帶不是我的風格 但這一切累得難以承受
Hanging onto songs this long is daunting (Yeah) 發首歌等那麼久有點太過折磨
Which caused me to have to make a call I thought was ballsy 因此讓我下了個有些大膽的決定
Resulting in what you see today, proceed indulging 導致你們現在看見的這首歌曲 持續沉溺其中
As always, the one-trick pony's here, so quit your sulking 一如既往 這沒什麼把戲的人只剩這招 所以別太氣
Born efficient, got ambition, sorta vicious, yup, that's me (Woo) 生來有效率 野心勃勃 有時有些兇狠 沒錯那就是我
Not artistic, unrealistic, chauvinistic, not those things 不夠有藝術性 不切實際 沙文主義 這些可不是我
Go the distance, so prolific, posts are cryptic, move swiftly 持之以恆 收穫滿滿 發文行跡神秘 動作雷般迅速
Unsubmissive, the king of mischief 不屈不撓 可謂搗蛋界的翹楚
The golden ticket, rare sight to see 手握黃金票券 這可少見
I stay committed, embrace the rigid 堅持奮鬥不懈 擁抱那些困難
I'm playful with it, yeah, basically 享受這一切 大概是吧
Too great to mimic, you hate, you're bitter 優秀到你學不來 只好憎惡我 我知道你眼紅
No favoritism, that's fine with me 喜不喜歡我 對我來說一點關係都沒
Create the riddles, portrayed uncivil 寫些謎題 用詞粗鄙
Unsafe a little, oh, yes, indeed 逾越道德底線 那是一定要的
It's plain and simple, I'm far from brittle 追求簡單直接 心臟可沒那麼脆弱
Unbreakable, you following? 如此堅不可摧 你跟得上嗎
I'm Bruce Willis in a train wreck 我像經歷火車事故後的布魯斯威利
I'm like trading in your car for a new jet 像是用你的車換台戰鬥機般
I'm like having a boss getting upset 像是讓自己的上司對我感到懊惱困惑
'Cause you asked him for less on your paycheck 只因你要他給你減薪
I'm like doing headstands with a broke neck 如用斷掉的脖子倒立那般
I'm like watching your kid take his first steps 就像看你的新生兒踏出第一步那樣
I'm like sayin' Bill Gates couldn't pay rent 像是比爾蓋茲說他付不起帳單一樣
'Cause he's too broke- where am I goin' with this? 因為他窮困潦倒 現在我到底在想什麼
Unbelievable, yes, yes, inconceivable 難以置信 沒錯這一切根本始料未及
See myself as fairly reasonable 看見自己如此理性明理
But at times I can be stubborn, so 但偶爾依舊是那樣冥頑不靈
If I have to, I will rock the boat 若情況必須 我必會興風作浪
I don't tend to take the easy road 從不會讓自己走上最省事那條捷徑
That's just not the way I like to roll 這就不是我的行事風格
What you think's probably unfeasible 你所思考的一切大概都不太能實行
I've done already a hundredfold, a hundredfold 早就付出比他人上百倍更多的努力
It's probable that I might press the envelope 大概機率 我會突破自己的極限
Ideas so astronomical 想法眾多如此天馬行空
Sometimes I find 'em comical 有時甚至覺得可笑至極
Yeah, incomparable 無可比較 無法衡量
Replay value phenomenal 值得回味再三 價值連城
Beat selection remarkable 節奏選擇可說是品味滿滿
Slowing me down, impossible 想讓我停下腳步 門都沒有
I don't rock no Rollies 我可不玩炫富那一套
I don't hang around no phonies (Nope) 不跟騙子打任何交道
I don't really got no trophies 說真的這生也沒拿過幾個獎盃
I don't know why God chose me (I don't know) 也不知道神為何挑選了我
Got something in the cup, ain't codeine (Never) 杯裡裝了些東西 但可不是可代因
Change my style, they told me 改變自己風格 這是他們要我做的
Now they come around like, "Homie" 成天對我稱兄道弟
Man, y'all better back up slowly, back up slowly 最好離我遠點 給我後退幾步
Woo, who are you kidding? 你現在在跟我開玩笑嗎
How could you doubt me? I've always delivered 你怎能懷疑我一絲 我總是使命必達
Ripping the teeth out of the back of my mouth's 扯出我嘴巴最後排的牙齒
The closest you get to my wisdom 是你能離我的智慧最近的距離
See my initial thought was to wait 最初的想法是打算伺機而動
But what can I say? I had to come visit 但又能奈我何 我得來拜訪一下
Check on you guys, you doin' alright? 關心一下你各位 最近過得如何
Your year really sucked? Yeah, that's what I figured 今年真的過得這麼爛 這是我做出的結論
They cover they heads up whenever I drop 無論我釋出什麼 他們總掩住耳目隔絕
Shake the whole industry, put 'em in shock 震撼整個樂壇 驚豔全場
Come out the clouds like a meteor rock 從雲端俯衝 若顆巨隕石般
Then land on the earth like "Ready or not?" 墜落至地表 過問你是否準備就緒
Ain't no one like me, the cream of the crop 無人像我這樣 我可說是獨樹一格
Don't even front, better give me some props 沒打算假裝掩飾 掌聲給我來點
I pick up your body and throw it a block 舉起你的屍首 拋至九霄雲外
Okay, I admit it, that's over the top, not 我得承認 這有些逾越規則
Deer in the headlights looks every time I step my foot on the ground 每次踏回地表 人們總像隻鹿被頭燈嚇著那樣驚訝
I get mistook for a lame with no weight to his name 人們總以為我是個沒才能的無明瘸子
Ground just shook, let's not beat around the bush 全地表受震撼 別在拐彎抹角
Even my B-sides throw 'em off like "How's he do it?" 光是卡帶背面就能豔驚四座 納悶他是怎麼做到的
Some say I'm a great influence 有些說我有深遠的影響力
I don't know about that, but I did do the best I could 不太清楚是否屬實 但我已拚盡全力
"Hollywood, Hollywood 好萊塢 人人嚮往的好萊塢
Hope Nate doesn't go Hollywood" 叮囑自己可別迷失在這紙醉金迷中
You think that, you don't know me good 你以為自己很了解我嗎
You think that, you don't know me good 你可一分都不認識我
"Hollywood, Hollywood 好萊塢 繁華奢侈好萊塢
Hope Nate doesn't go Hollywood" 希望自己別淪陷在這虛華之中
You think that, you don't know me good 你以為自己很了解我嗎
You think that, you don't know me 你可一分都不認識我
[Verse 2]
I-I-I always advance, say how I feel, you know where I stand 永遠在登峰造極 紓解自己心聲 你可最清楚我地位身何處
Raisin' the bar, I gotta expand 提升標準 拓展自身市場
Top of the charts, I'm setting up camp 佔領所有榜單 打造自己的帝國
Pound in my stakes, I put up my tent 地基奠定穩當 選好立足點
Shoot for the stars, they fall in my hand 追求的志向崇高 全入我手中
Stick to my guns, I don't even flinch 槍把握緊 絕不退縮
Can push all you want, ain't movin' an inch 無論如何撼動 可絲毫未受影響
I rarely miss, you know I'm relentless 從不失手 你知道我不會停下腳步
Ain't got a choice, no way to prevent it 沒有選擇 無人能阻擋
Just who I am, and I don't regret it 這就是我的本色 一點也不後悔
See what I want and then I go get it 立定目標 便會全力去爭取
Followed my gut, I'm happy I did it 尊崇自身意志 很高興我堅守原則
Beat all the odds, I ain't got no limits 打破自身命運 早已沒有極限可言
Cannot be stopped, you payin' attention? 無法被阻擋 有否注意到我勢不可擋
I ain't gotta say it, they know where my head is 不需要多說 都知道我地位崇高
They know where my head is (Head is) 人人皆知我的不可或缺