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這次的MV依舊是相當厲害 可以說是Nate在一座雪山迷失自我不斷跋涉後 找到埋在雪堆裡的Hopsin


有趣的是這支MV把我們在The Search當中熟悉的黑氣球找回來啦!


網路上說他沒有一個官方的說法 但有人說那代表了Nate永無止消的burden

也有人說這是overdose awareness (Nate的母親就是因為藥物過量死亡的)

*美國有一個節日叫做Black Balloon Day 在3/6 這天是人們拿來紀念那些因為藥物過量逝去的生命


[Verse 1: NF]
Self-awareness, pride's a coat and yes, I like to wear it 自我意識強烈 尊嚴像件外套而我愛披戴
Buttoned up, don't like to let no air in 全副武裝 絲毫不留一絲破綻
With a pair of gloves, that I hope doesn't perish 護裝手套戴牢 希望最後別走入末途 
I discovered, though, when I get holes in 'em and I let joy in, I'm in higher spirits 發現當我興高采烈時 快樂事件如此簡單之事
My mistakes are like a screamin' parrot 鑄下的錯誤像是聒噪的鸚鵡般
Just repeatin' lyrics, I can barely bear it when I'm lost 不斷重蹈覆轍 迷失自我時是那樣難以接受
Road is narrow, I'm lookin' down it like a gun's barrel 前進的道路那樣狹窄 如看槍管般的瞄準注視
Aren't we all searchin' for the serum that could help us breathe and leave our state of peril? 豈非我們皆在尋找那讓我們脫離死亡困境的救命血清
All of us have made defensive scarecrows, that we scatter 'round our fields and treat like heroes 敢說你我沒有做幾個防禦稻草人 遍滿全野待之像英雄
When they scare away the things that we should cherish 嚇走了我們原應好好珍惜的那些美好事物
'Cause we're too embarrassed to admit the fear is that we're lost 只因為我們太過害怕去承認自己正在迷失自我
Yeah, but what does it matter? I get so combative 事實便是如此 但有什麼好在意的 我是那樣好戰絕不低頭認輸
Inside of me's a personal canvas, the paint can be splattered 內在掛了張空白畫布 色彩任你恣意潑灑
Get messy when I start to get rattled 緊張歡亂時便會亂了陣腳
The heart of a savage, I'm quiet when I lurk in the shadows 心中藏野性 隱匿於角落時我是那樣安靜
But somethin' don't add up, I don't wanna be overdramatic 結果是那樣不理想 不想太反應過度
But look at the data, it's obvious that humans are fragile 但看看那些數據統計 得證人類都是脆弱的生物
We tend to get mad at the ones that call us out but the fact is we need someone that'll be honest when we fly off the handle 總對那些戳破自己謊言的人生氣 但事實便是當我們獨立自主時總希望能遇到誠實以待之人
I admit I throw a fit when I begin to unravel 我承認當我勃然大怒時我會破壞眼前一切
Keep my wits, been off the grid but now I'm back in the saddle 保持理智 或許會掙脫韁繩失去控制但最終必會回歸安穩
My intent is not to rent, I like to own what I value 本意絕非僅是租用 珍視的事物便一定要佔有
I could sit here on the fence or maybe pick up the paddle 可以就這樣坐視不理 但也可以拾起那木槳
I like to row against the current, that's the way that I travel 划過那命運洪流 這便是我行進的方式
Opposite of what the grain does, got the brain of a rebel 那謝少數異議動搖不了我 有著反抗叛逆的思想
Take initiative, I'm diligent on every level 總是主動出擊 如此勤奮不懈
I never could settle, I like to keep my foot on the pedal, yeah 永遠安頓不下來 隨時準備踏上新旅程
I'd love to pack arenas and all 喜歡收攬美景和一切美麗事物
But what I really wanna do is learn to handle my thoughts 但我真正想做的事便是安頓好自己的思想
And put the reins on 'em, show 'em I'm the one that's the boss 將韁繩套牢在他們身上 讓他們認清誰才是老大
And pull 'em back when they get out of hand, I'm breakin' their jaws 但凡逃離便迅速將之驅回 絕對是嚴厲懲治
I'm takin' the flaws, that told me I could never evolve 接納自身缺憾 那些說我無法再進步的風聲
Then pull a Bane on 'em, ask 'em, "Oh, you think you're in charge?" 將這麻煩拋諸你 試問你難道以為自己能稱王
You oughta know better, ain't no way around it, I'm flawed 你是該認清現實 說我有缺失那還真是可笑 
The traits that I want, they say I can't afford what it cost  所有我企求所圖 人們說我負擔不起

[Pre-Chorus 1: NF]
But I, manifested this 但我可是證明了一切
Failing's how you grow and learn your lessons, kids 跌了跤才知道如何成長 學會自身教訓
Take the worst and try to make the best of it 接納那些不美好 試圖發揮其長處
'Cause when you fail, just know it's a test and if 當你面臨失敗 你知道那只是個考驗 而臥
You can learn to pick yourself back up again 你可以學習如何將自己重組復原
And train your brain to not be such a pessimist 試圖訓練自己別總是把事情想得如此悲觀
It's okay to make mistakes, just don't forget that 犯錯無傷大雅 但請別忘記了
There's a high road but I skip the exit when I'm lost 人生像條高速公路 但當我迷失自我時我錯過了出口

[Chorus: NF]
When I'm lost 當我迷失了自我
When I'm lost 迷失在人生的漫漫長路
When I'm lost 找尋不得自身的蹤跡
When I'm lost, lost 徹徹底底 迷失了自我

[Verse 2: Hopsin]
Wow, these burdens are heavy 這些負擔可真是沉重
And I'm hopin' it don't bury me 希望這重量可別把我壓垮
I used to be joyful and skip so merrily  曾經是那樣開心又毫無壓力
But now I'm too cautious and tip toe carefully 但如今卻變得太過小心翼翼
My mind left and it's nowhere to be found 思想已飄遠 現在已遍尋無處
Am I a big ol' parody? 難道我只是某人滑稽的模仿之作
'Cause it's no fair to me 這一切對我是那麼不公平
And now I'm at the point where I'm spending a grand a week on hypnotherapy 花了一周認真鑽研心理療法
Look, I'm tryna wash away my sins 試著洗滌自身罪惡
I got a group of loved ones that ain't my friends 有著一群喜愛但非朋友之人
And if I ever take an L then they might grin 人生失足一次 他們必是謾笑連連
And they all wanna see me stay in the cage I'm in 他們只想看我關在籠子裡無法掙脫
So when it come to anybody, there's no trust for no one 試著找尋任何能幫助之人 但人們與我早已失去信任 
Man, so what? My whole plan's to go nuts 那又如何 我的計畫本就是邁向瘋狂
My shoulders ready for more shrugs, I'm gon' judge 肩膀已準備承擔更多重量
Anybody tryna enter my circle with no love (Hol' up) 任何不愛我的試圖進入我的舒適圈
My sanity's gone, I'd rather be torn from this planet they planted me on 神智已不清 寧可自己被折磨的四分五裂
Yes, that's a reward, I'm actually bored with having a sore heart 這是個獎賞沒錯 早已對這些心碎疲勞感到厭倦
It's torn apart from a family that I don't have anymore (Now hol' up) 在一個我已失去的家庭中搞得四分五裂
I was livin' so oblivious with millions, it really was a pity, huh? (A pity, huh?) 過的那樣無知覺 這可真值得同情可不是 
It's kinda funny what a penny does, mixed in with a mini buzz (I feel stuck) 看這小小事物能有多大影響力 可真是件有趣的事
Life's got me by the neck, with a blade against it (What?) 生活壓的我瀕臨死亡境界 宛若拿把刀貼掛我頸
Guess I was runnin' late for the train and missed it (What?) 看來我太晚到那堂列車 與之錯過無緣 
The only thing I feel is pain and vengeance (What?) 僅剩的感受只剩下痛苦和復仇
So I'ma act out like a raging misfit (What?) 總擺出自己一副憤世嫉俗厭世份子
And every verse I lay gon' stay sadistic (Yeah) 所有我吟誦的段落都是那樣帶有虐待式的煽情 
You wanna hate me? Good, great, terrific (Good) 你是不是想恨我 那很好 這可真是件好事
You'll never see the day where my anger's dismissed 你永遠看不見我的憤怒有消散之日
You better go and change your wishlist 'cause I 你最好徹頭徹為遍自己和你的理想清單

[Pre-Chorus 2: Hopsin & NF]
Yeah, manifested this 如此精通 證明自身實力
Do not treat me like some adolescent kid 別把我當個叛逆青少年來看待
I am praying to the Lord with the Book of James hopin' he gon' add my testament 帶著雅各書向上帝虔誠祈禱  希望他加重我的試煉
This dark cloud, that's my residence 這黑暗的不祥之雲 是我的居住之地
Demons knockin', I don't have to let 'em in 惡魔來敲門 沒必要讓他們進門
I done made mistakes, day to day, you probably can't relate 沒犯過任何錯 這是個日常 你或許無法理解
I just ain't the same when I'm lost 當我迷失自我一切是那樣不同

[Chorus: NF]
When I'm lost 當我迷失了自我
When I'm lost 迷失在人生的漫漫長路
When I'm lost 找尋不得自身的蹤跡
When I'm lost, lost 徹徹底底 迷失了自我


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    階梯 JT

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