








Woke up in a bad place 醒來身處一個不祥之地
Should probably get up so I’m not late 是時候醒來了 否則會遲到
Stared at my phone for the past 一路上都直盯手機瞧
8 Minutes at nothing my head aches 八分鐘盯著 頭都看疼了
Bottle’s empty by the lampshade I’m out of 燈光照耀下 酒杯都喝空了
Excedrin again great 伊克賽錠 美好的藥物
Too early to tell but at this rate 或許太早說 但都走到了這步田地
I’m thinking this might be a bad day 思考後或許今天不是個幸運日
I walk out the bedroom my roommate’s 走出我室友的房門
Asleep on the couch with her twofaced 搭配她雙面的情人 睡在她凳椅上
Boyfriend who lives here but don’t pay 那白吃白住不付錢的男友
A penny for rent but he still stays 一分錢作房租還有臉留下
She says he’s broke I’m like no way 她說他破產我直說少來了
Probably sells drugs but she won’t say 根本去賣毒 但她才不會透漏風聲
Told me he dabbles in real estate  說他對房地產有基本涉獵
I mean I don’t believe it but ok 壓根不買帳但也不想搭理

Pull out the driveway Notice my gas tank’s 看了一下車上的油量表
On E again well of course it is 想當然爾又是油量已耗盡
Guess I probably should stop at the gas station  或許該去趟加油站補充個能量
So I take a right pull up to the pump while it’s pumpin’將油管放入開始補充
I look at my ashtray 看了一下自己的菸灰缸
Then remember I need to get cigarettes 才意識到自己該買些菸了
Anything to help my mind state 抑或是任何能幫助我控制心志的東西
So I park and walk inside wait? 是該路邊停車走進去等待嗎
I should probably 或許我該做的是
Get something to drink and eat I guess 給自己買些吃的喝的 應該是的
So I find and grab a couple bags of chips 於是給自己買了幾袋薯片
Where’s the candy aisle? 放糖果的走道跑哪去了
Oh yeah here it is Which one should I get? 在這裡找到了 那該買什麼糖果
Should I grab the Starburst or… change it up and maybe grab the Twix 該買Starburst還是乾脆買根Twix
Grab the Starburst Starbust丟進袋裡
Then I started walkin’ as I pass the garbage and I reach the fridge I hear someone yelling at the front 當我經過垃圾箱抵達冰箱時 聽見有人在前方大喊
Of the store 在店裡在我前方
Probably just a homeless guy getting bored 或許只是個沒事做的乞丐
Probably just a customer whose card didn’t work 或許只是個信用卡故障的客人
And now he wants to start a war 但如今他想做的便是挑起爭端
Man I can’t afford to Keep buying energy drinks every day I shut the door then 老天根本負擔不起買那麼多能量飲 於是我關上門
Turn around 轉身準備離去
And as I’m heading towards the Counter with my drink 當我拎著我的飲料準備結帳時
I hear Hey open up the drawer! 聽見 給我把收銀機打開的喊聲 
Crouching on the floor 人們全跪在地上
Peak around the aisle 偷偷從走道窺視
Gun is on the fore- head of the man that’s behind the counter 櫃檯收銀人員有把槍抵住他的前額
Now my heart is poundin’ and I’m praying to the Lord 心臟跳動個不停 心中向上帝祈禱
I don’t die today 今天的我不會死
I can’t die today 今天的我不能死
I got things to do 我有那麼多是想完成
Trying not to shake 試著不去顫抖
Plotting my escape 計畫著自己的逃離
Where’s my cell phone at 我的手機去哪了 
Left it in my car? 是放在我車上嗎
Icing on the cake 太好了根本是錦上添花
I start crawling 於是我開始爬行
I can hear em yelling 可以聽見人們的喊叫聲
I want every penny 每分錢都不想放過
I want every dime 無論幣值全裝進袋裡獨吞

Once you finish with the cash open up the back throw some cigarettes inside 搶完錢後別忘了丟幾包菸進去
Which ones do you want 想要的是哪一種
Which ones do you want I’m not picky give me any kind 我這個人不挑剔無論何種品牌我都願意買單
Give me all of em! 全給我就對了
Yeah just toss em in 全部拿給我就對了
Keep it moving though I’m running low on time… 縱然已經遲了一些但你動作還是要給我繼續
An I’d advise ya 但早已給過你建議
To move a little quicker 試著加快自己的腳步些
Trust me I don’t wanna have to pull the trigger 相信我應該是不需要逼迫你動作
I’ve done it before it’s not a pretty picture 以前就做過 確實不是什麼賞心悅目的回憶
What you don’t believe me? 等等你根本不相信我
I’m just playin with ya 只是和你玩玩說笑罷了
Well no I’m not (no I’m not) 但現在你知道我非常認真
Just do what I say cause if you even think of 就按照我指令作因為你一有二心
Tryin’ to pull a fast one on me promise you’ll be sorry 試著背叛我 相信我你一定會感到後悔
Oh my driver’s calling I can’t miss my pick up 我的司機來電了 抱歉我無法錯過這通電話
That’s when I did Something stupid and my jacket knocked over a can of soup and then 這時馬上犯了蠢 我的外套揮到一罐湯於是
It got quiet did he hear me moving shh 全場安靜 他能否聽見我的行跡聲
Hold my breath he must of heard me do it huh? 屏氣凝神 相信他一定是聽見了
I’m assuming the 作出一些揣測推敲
Noise must of made em turn his head enough 這噪音一出使之頭轉頭回視 
To let the guy that was 那被槍管抵著的男人
At gunpoint grab his own gun now they both 抓著自己的槍 他們兩人皆
Got weapons maybe I should help him 手上有了武器 正猶豫自己該不該伸出援手
Sneak up slow and deck him 悄悄接近並給他來個突擊
Time to go time to go time to go 該行動了 是時候該做事了
It’s goin’ be a bloody miracle 這一切一定會是個殘忍血腥的奇蹟
Now or never God if I had any blessings coming 現在未來要是上帝有任何恩賜要賜予我
In my future could you send them to my present 若是未來才能收到 那不妨權給現在的我
Peak around the edge then I start running at him 四處探望伺機 並開始我的行動
He don’t see me coming does he steppin’他並沒看見我 漸漸接近他的立足點
Closer grab his neck and hold em Squeezing on his throat 接近後抓住他的頸子並扭押他的喉部
I’m tryin’ to choke em then his elbow hits my nose an 試著窒息他 但他的手肘給我鼻子來個肘擊
Think he broke it 應該是被他打斷了
I Think he broke it my 我想我的鼻子被他給打斷了
Blood is leaking all over my clothes I tried 血流滿面 沾滿我的衣料
Not to let go But my hands begin to 沒打算放棄 但我的手漸漸開始
Slip and bullets start to fly (Shot shot shot) 逐漸滑落 可以看見子但開始到處紛飛
Can’t see out my eyes 眼睛睜不開什麼也看不見
Cashier still alive? 收銀員是否還活著
I can’t tell I’m tryin’ to crawl away here comes another guy 無從得知 試著爬回去時又看見一個人 
He runs inside Like where’s the money did you get the money 跑進店裡 四處流露自己要討錢的心情
Where’s the bag you brought 你帶的包跑去哪了
Hey I don’t know I think it’s still behind the counter 不知去向 我想大概還置收銀機後
Prolly by the cashier I just shot 大概是在那我剛開槍射發的收銀員後方

Who’s this on the floor who’s this on floor I don’t know 誰躺在地上 我根本不知道他為何人
Well did they call the cops? 是否有尋求警方的協助
He Runs up to me then he grabs my shoulder as he flips me over then my jaw it drops cause I thought his voice sounded real familiar he’s 他向我跑來抓住我肩膀翻我過來 我大吃一驚因為他的聲音是那樣熟悉
Got a mask on but the shirt he’s wearing is the same one he had on this morning staring 身上戴著口罩 但我發誓他的衣服跟今早一樣
In my eyes 在我的眼裡
I know he knows 他我兩人都知悉一切
I know embarrassed he 我知道要如何羞辱他
Stands above me and says sorry  站到我前方 他開始向我道歉
Erin but I don’t have a choice he holds the barrel up 說句實話 對於這個爭端我也沒有什麼選擇
To my head I scream you can’t be serious 我放聲尖叫 不敢相信他是認真的 
He shakes his head and says I’m sorry then the gun 他雙手顫抖著 說自己很抱歉釀成這麻煩
Cashier yells to ask if I’m ok he’s dialing 911 收銀員問我是否無恙 並開始撥打911
I run over to him grab his phone and try to help him up 911 向收銀員跑去 搶過他手機試圖替他完成這通電話
What’s your emergency? 您好 請問有什麼緊急狀況
There’s been a robbery the cashier was shot he needs an ambulance 這裡發生一個搶案 收銀員中彈請派遣一輛救護車來幫忙
He looks kind of pale I think he might of lost a lot of blood 他看來有些蒼白 我想他可能失血過量
(Okay, help is on the way. Has anybody else been injured?) (好的 馬上前往救援 請問還有任何人受傷嗎)
Yeah the robbers there were two of em 有的 搶匪們都受傷了 而且他們有兩個人
(Can you tell me their condition. Are they still alive?) (能否向我交代他們的狀況 他們還活著嗎)
Well I’m not really sure but they don’t look so good 我有點不太確定 但他們看來不太好
I’m pretty sure they’re dead yeah I think they’re dead 大概是死了 我確定他們都死了
(Alright take a deep breath. Everything’s going to be okay. You’re going to be alright.) (好的請深呼吸 一切都會好轉的 你也會沒事的)

    創作者 階梯 JT 的頭像
    階梯 JT

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