而且竟然還是folklore的姊妹專 這要粉絲的荷包怎麼瘦(受)的了!
我個人愛這張>folklore 這張很多歌我都超推
ex: willow, gold rush, no body, no crime, long story short...(還沒聽完Q)
MV延續cardigan繼續下去 看來這女人早就計畫好了!(發瘋)
歌曲風格我覺得很像上一張的mad woman但就是抓耳
阿然後我有打算開啟evermore翻譯計畫 只要迴響高我就會繼續做喔
[Verse 1]
I'm like the water when your ship rolled in that night 你像是那艘拯救我脫離暗水深淵的希望之船
Rough on the surface, but you cut through like a knife 路途縱然艱辛 但你總能不畏阻難前行
And if it was an open-shut case 若這是如此簡單好解決
I never would have known from the look on your face 我永遠不會從你面容表情洞悉一切
Lost in your current like a priceless wine 迷失在你美好 若沉浸在一只無價酒中
The more that you say, the less I know 說得愈多 我也理解的愈少
Wherever you stray, I follow 無論你迷失何處 我總會跟隨
I'm begging for you to take my hand 向你祈求 請緊握住我的手
Wreck my plans, that's my man 破壞我原有計畫 這才是我心愛之人
[Verse 2]
Life was a willow and it bent right to your wind 人生像顆楊柳樹 總隨你所向而飄曲
Head on the pillow, I can feel you sneakin' in 倚著綿枕 總能感受到你蜷入被窩
'Cause if you are a mythical thing 若你是個如此虛幻之物
Like you were a trophy or a champion ring 聖潔如王冠或如只奢華鑽戒
But there was one prize I'd cheat to win 有那麼一件美好 我會不計代價取得
The more that you say, the less I know 說得愈多 我也理解的愈少
Wherever you stray, I follow 無論你迷失何處 我總會跟隨
I'm begging for you to take my hand 向你祈求 請緊握住我的手
Wreck my plans, that's my man 破壞我原有計畫 這才是我心愛之人
You know that my train could take you home 你知道你我相依總能平安返家
Anywhere else is hollow 無你之處盡是空虛
I'm begging for you to take my hand 低下身段 乞求你握住我的手
Wreck my plans, that's my man 毀了我原有打算 這才是我所愛之人
Life was a willow, and it bent right to your wind 人生像顆楊柳樹 總隨你所向而飄曲
They count me out time and time again 反覆算著 一次次周而復始
Life was a willow, and it bent right to your wind 人生宛若棵楊柳 順著你的風所曲折
But I come back stronger than a '90s trend 不畏所難 如九零流行般來場盛大回歸
[Verse 3]
Wait for the signal, and I'll meet you after dark 等待我的信號 你我夜裡來場幽會
Show me the places where the others gave you scars 向我展現你的脆弱 被他人所傷之處
Now this is an open-shut case 這事情其實再簡單不過
I guess I should'a known from the look on your face 早該從你面容表情得知些什麼
Every bait-and-switch was a work of art 所有的計畫等待都是項傑出藝術
The more that you say, the less I know 說得愈多 我也理解的愈少
Wherever you stray, I follow 無論你迷失何處 我總會跟隨
I'm begging for you to take my hand 向你祈求 請緊握住我的手
Wreck my plans, that's my man 破壞我原有計畫 這才是我心愛之人
You know that my train could take you home 你知道你我相依總能平安返家
Anywhere else is hollow 無你之處盡是空虛
I'm begging for you to take my hand 低下身段 乞求你握住我的手
Wreck my plans, that's my man 毀了我原有打算 這才是我所愛之人
The more that you say, the less I know 說得愈多 我也理解的愈少
Wherever you stray, I follow 無論你迷失何處 我總會跟隨
I'm begging for you to take my hand 向你祈求 請緊握住我的手
Wreck my plans, that's my man 破壞我原有計畫 這才是我心愛之人
You know that my train could take you home 你知道你我相依總能平安返家
Anywhere else is hollow 無你之處盡是空虛
I'm begging for you to take my hand 低下身段 乞求你握住我的手
Wreck my plans, that's my man 毀了我原有打算 這才是我所愛之人
Hey, that's my man 這才是我心上之人
That's my man 我所愛之人
Yeah, that's my man 這才是我心中摯愛
Baby, every bait-and-switch was a work of art 每項策略計倆都是項傑作藝術
That's my man 這才是我的愛人
Hey, that's my man 我所愛之人
I'm begging for you to take my hand 請求你緊緊握住我的手
Wreck my plans, that's my man 破壞我的計畫 這才是真正的你