Detention - Melanie Martinez




聽了幾次 播到那首的主歌還是認不出是哪一首xDD(超失敗)


我喜歡它的那種悲哀的漸層感 帶著微微悲傷的曲調

我覺得K-12厲害的地方 就是Mel可以利用這些學校詞彙講述日常生活的事情

反正我之後會寫一篇心得文 再來好好討論這張優質專輯吧♥


[Verse 1]
I'm not a bad guy 我並非壞人
So don’t treat me bad if I'm feeling sad, alright? 所以請別在我傷心難過時 差勁待我 好嗎
Please don't be mad if I don’t smile back, alright? 請別因為我沒有回以笑容就對我發怒 好嗎
If I fuck up my words, don't think I'm absurd, alright? 如果我稍微說錯話 也請你別認為我荒謬 好嗎
Alright? 好嗎

I'm physically exhausted 體力不支 生理方面的勞累
Tired of my knuckles piercing 受夠關節的那刺穿感 
I'm chewing gum to pass this time 咀嚼口香糖 只為了度過這漫長等待
Sadness, can't you see it? 傷心 你看的見我的哀愁嗎
You're too busy seeking selfish wishes 你太忙碌 以致無法追求私人利益
Look at how I'm feeling 看看我是怎麼感受的
You write me up and say it’s love 敷衍欺瞞我 還敢說這是愛
And I can’t believe it 我理所當然的選擇不信

Baby, can you meet me tonight in detention? 寶貝 今晚能偷偷來見我嗎 在那留校察看
I can feel your blood pressure rise, fuck this tension 我能夠感覺你的血壓上升 該死的壓力
Let me crawl up into your mind, did I mention? 讓我寄居你的思想中 我是否提及
Pretending everything's alright is detention 假裝每件事都安好 這就是留校察看

De-detention 留校察看 
De-detention 囚禁自由
Pretending everything’s all right is (Shh) 假裝每件事都沒事 佯裝一切安好

[Verse 2]
The teachers don't care about me 老師根本不在乎我
Fuck how I feel, as long as I make money 根本不在乎我的感受 只要我會賺錢就好
They let them do whatever they want to me 他們讓我做任何他們要我做的事
They're the customer, I'm chopped meat 他們是顧客 而我是那砧板上任人宰割的肉
I’m chopped meat 我是塊任人宰割的肉

I'm physically exhausted 體力不支 生理方面的勞累
Tired of my knuckles piercing 受夠關節的那刺穿感 
I'm chewing gum to pass this time 咀嚼口香糖 只為了度過這漫長等待
Sadness, can't you see it? 傷心 你看的見我的哀愁嗎
You're too busy seeking selfish wishes 你太忙碌 以致無法追求私人利益
Look at how I'm feeling 看看我是怎麼感受的
You write me up and say it’s love 敷衍欺瞞我 還敢說這是愛
And I can’t believe it 我理所當然的選擇不信

Baby, can you meet me tonight in detention? 寶貝 今晚能偷偷來見我嗎 在那留校察看
I can feel your blood pressure rise, fuck this tension 我能夠感覺你的血壓上升 該死的壓力
Let me crawl up into your mind, did I mention? 讓我寄居你的思想中 我是否提及
Pretending everything's alright is detention 假裝每件事都安好 這就是留校察看

De-detention 留校察看 
De-detention 囚禁自由
Pretending everything's alright is detention 假裝沒事 這就是留校察看

I wanna go home and you say, "Now is not the time" 我想回家 而你說"現在並不是時候"
Fuck being all alone in back of the classroom, ah 待在教室後面真是該死的寂寞
Stop calling up my phone, trying to say that I've been out of line 別再找我的碴 刻意說我違法亂紀
When all I ever asked was to go to the bathroom 當我只是想問可否去上個洗手間

Baby, can you meet me tonight in detention? 寶貝 今晚能偷偷來見我嗎 在那留校察看
I can feel your blood pressure rise, fuck this tension 我能夠感覺你的血壓上升 該死的壓力
Let me crawl up into your mind, did I mention? 讓我寄居你的思想中 我是否提及
Pretending everything's alright is detention 假裝每件事都安好 這就是留校察看

Tonight, I can feel your blood pressure rise 今晚我感覺得到你的血壓飆升
Let me crawl up into your mind 讓我深深植入你的思想
Pretending everything's alright (Is detention) 假裝每件事都安好 (留校察看)


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    階梯 JT

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