Cover art for Red Wine Supernova by Chappell Roan

終於!拖了好久!終於把 Chappell 的第一部翻譯做完了
想當初我 Pink Pony Club 認識 但真的是這首才幫我真正拉進坑
看著 Red Wine Supernova 從無人知曉到慢慢成為各大樂評 2023 排行榜的前十名常客
Chappell 真的是我覺得近年流行音樂界的一塊寶
他的歌詞 explicit 卻又不失美感 歌曲憂鬱卻又有自己的活力在
他的首張專輯我也是相當喜愛 大家可以去看我 IG 上是多努力在推坑她!!!
在米國我也有成功收到他的專輯 只可惜她開專場時我人不在米國
幫 Olivia 開場的時候我也不在 不然我真的是去爆ㄟ
總歸雖然他的知名度有慢慢起來 但在台灣聽眾耳裡他應該還是冷門
就把她放進來了 但近期有看到越來越多人入坑


[Verse 1]
She was a playboy, Brigitte Bardot 她是個像碧姬芭杜一樣的花花公子
She showed me things I didn't know 她向我展現了許多我未知的事物
She did it right there out on the deck 沒有一絲虛假在我面前展現
Put her canine teeth in the side of my neck 她將利牙貼近我的頸部
I'm in the hallway waitin' for ya 我就在門廊等候著妳
Mini skirt and my go-go boots (Uh-Uh) 身穿迷你裙 腳著戈戈舞靴
I just want you to make a move 我只希望妳能採取行動
So slow down, sit down, it's new 慢下腳步 一起感受這嶄新體驗

I just wanna get to know ya 我只是想要更了解妳一點
Guess I didn't quite think it through (Nah-uh, girl) 因為我怎麼樣也想不明白
Fell in love with the thought of you 為何我會這麼為妳迷戀
Now I'm choked up, face down, burnt out 想得我快窒息 被壓垮 精疲力盡

Baby, why don't you come over? 寶貝 為何妳不來找我呢
Red wine supernova, falling into me 共飲紅酒催情 枕在我的懷中
(Let's pick it up now) 加快腳步 快來見我一面吧
I don't care that you're a stoner 我才不在乎妳是不是有嗑藥
Red wine supernova, fall right into me 讓我們共啜紅酒 再跌進我的懷裡

[Verse 2]
I like (I like) 我喜歡 (我喜歡)
What you like (What you like) 所有妳喜歡的東西 (妳愛我就愛)
Long hair (No bra) 長頭髮 (沒穿胸罩)
It's my type (That's right) 是我的菜 (沒錯)
You just told me 妳告訴我
Want me to fuck you 想要我上妳
Baby, I will 'cause I really want to 我會答應 只要妳真的想要

Baby, why don't you come over? 寶貝 為何妳不來找我呢
Red wine supernova, falling into me 共飲紅酒催情 枕在我的懷中
(Okay, y'all, let's pick it up now) 加快腳步 快來見我一面吧
I don't care that you're a stoner 我才不在乎妳是不是有嗑藥
Red wine supernova, fall right into me 讓我們共啜紅酒 跌進我的懷裡

Well, back at my house 一起回到我家
I've got a California king 我家有張特大雙人床
Okay, maybe it's a twin bed 好啦其實只是張單人床
And some roommates (Don't worry, we're cool) 旁邊還有幾個室友 (別擔心我們感情不錯)
I heard you like magic 聽說妳喜歡魔術
I've got a wand and a rabbit 我家裡有魔杖和隻兔子
So baby, let's get freaky, get kinky 寶貝讓我們一起徹夜狂歡
Let's make this bed get squeaky 讓這張床吱吱作響吧

Baby, why don't you come over? 寶貝 為何妳不來找我呢
Red wine supernova, falling into me 共飲紅酒催情 枕在我的懷中
I don't care that you're a stoner 我才不在乎妳是不是有嗑藥
Red wine supernova, fall right into me 讓我們共啜紅酒 跌進我的懷裡

    創作者 階梯 JT 的頭像
    階梯 JT

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