Cover art for Pick Me by Alec Benjamin


這次的新歌 Pick Me 寫得相當可愛 但也非常符合現代人在追求戀情前的心態


我們往往會給自己「膨風」一下 來讓自己的形象加分



但這首的 MV 我很喜歡 Alec 在這部 MV 有好多超可愛的扮裝 XD


與其化身一堆五花八門的虛華身份 不如用最真實的自我去認識彼此



[Verse 1]
Is it lying if I add a couple inches to my height? 若我身高多報了幾寸算是在謊報嗎
Say I'm 5'11" when I'm really just 5'9" 說我身高 180 但其實才 175
Am I trying too hard, tell me, with these tired pickup lines? 這些老套的搭訕句子 會不會顯得我太過頭
Baby, when you fell from Heaven, did it hurt or are you fine? 親愛的當你從天堂墜落 你會不會疼痛呢

We can say that we met at a party 我們可以說我們是在派對相遇的
Or at the park or through our friend Charlie 或是說在公園遇見 或是說我們朋友查理牽線的
Something we'll probably forget 這些事我們總有一天都會忘記
And then have to make up again 最後又要重新編造新的故事
We can say that we met doing yoga 我們可以說我們是做瑜伽認識對方的
Or at the coffee shop over mochas 或是在咖啡店買摩卡相遇的
Something we'll probably forget 這些事我們總有一天都會忘記
And then have to make up again 最後又要重新編造新的故事

Pick me if you need a guy within a hundred miles 若你想要找個住附近的男孩 那就選我吧
Who likes tea, is a Gemini, has family in Ohio 這男孩喜歡茶 星座雙子座 家在俄亥俄州 
Is free this Friday night and just might make you smile 週五晚上有空 準備好逗得你笑開懷
I know there's other fish in the sea 我知道茫茫大海裡多的是其他條魚
But pick me 但拜託選我吧

[Verse 2]
Is it lying if I tell you that I went to USC 說我讀過南加大算是在騙你嗎
Even though I didn't graduate and had a 2.3? 即使我沒畢業 成績接近不及格
Am I trying too hard, tell me, if I say you've got to be 這樣會太過頭嗎 若我說你真的是
The most flawless specimen, you're better than I've ever seen? 我見過世上最完美的人 比我見過的任何人都美

We can say that we met at a party 我們可以說我們是在派對相遇的
Or at the park or through our friend Charlie 或是說在公園 或是說透過我們的朋友查理
Something we'll probably forget 這些事我們總有一天都會忘記
And then have to make up again 最後又要重新編造新的故事
We can say that we met doing yoga 我們可以說我們是做瑜伽認識對方的
Or at the coffee shop over mochas 或是在咖啡店買摩卡相遇的
Something we'll probably forget 這些事我們總有一天都會忘記
And then have to make up again 最後又要重新編造新的故事

Pick me if you need a guy within a hundred miles 若你想要找個住附近的男孩 那就選我吧
Who likes tea, is a Gemini, has family in Ohio 這男孩喜歡茶 星座雙子座 家在俄亥俄州 
Is free this Friday night and just might make you smile 週五晚上有空 準備好逗得你笑開懷
I know there's other fish in the sea 我知道茫茫大海裡多的是其他條魚
But pick me 但拜託選我吧
But pick me, mm 但拜託選我吧

I'm here waiting, undeterred 我會在這裡等待 不受任何事影響
My heart is aching, but still no word 內心疼痛著 一切盡在不言中

Pick me if you need a guy within a hundred miles 若你想要找個住附近的男孩 那就選我吧
Who likes tea, is a Gemini, has family in Ohio 這男孩喜歡茶 星座雙子座 家在俄亥俄州 
Is free this Friday night and just might make you smile 週五晚上有空 準備好逗得你笑開懷
I know there's other fish in the sea 我知道茫茫大海裡多的是其他條魚
But pick me 但拜託選我吧

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    階梯 JT

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