打給好久不見 目前仍在期末水深火熱中
但我發現我最近各大平台觸及陷入史上新低谷 所以來拯救一下自己
今天要來推薦的歌曲是來自 RAYE 的新歌 Escapism. 預計也將收錄於他首張個人專輯 My 21st Century Blues 當中
這首歌不僅奪下英國金榜冠軍 更是在 Spotify 已創下破億串流數目 非常為 RAYE 感到開心
這首歌剛出我就有關注很喜歡了 RAYE 真的有夠 underrated
很開心他有用這首歌得到他該有的關注 非常期待新專輯!
整首歌的編排 無論是歌詞旋律都非常具有故事性 是一首隨著慢慢聽
會跟著抽絲剝繭感受其中的歌曲 歌曲段落編排得非常豐富 完全不會枯燥乏味的一首歌
[Intro: RAYE]
Sleazin' and teasin', I'm sittin' on him 魅惑挑逗 我就駕坐其上
All of my diamonds are drippin' on him 鑽石首飾全張於他身
I met him at the bar, it was twelve or something 在一個酒吧邂逅他 約莫凌晨十二點
I ordered two more wines 'cause tonight, I want him 多點了兩杯酒 因為今晚我要享用他
[Verse 1: RAYE]
A little context if you care to listen 若你願意聽 故事是這麼一回事的
I find myself in a shit position 發現自己狠狠被糟蹋了一番
The man that I love sat me down last night 那個我心繫的男人 昨夜坐到我隔壁
And he told me that it's over, dumb decision 告訴我一切沒戲 說這是個愚蠢決定
And I don't wanna feel how my heart is rippin' 不想去感受內心那撕心裂肺的痛楚
In fact, I don't wanna feel, so I stick to sippin' 只想麻木自我 於是我沐浴酒精當中
And I'm out on the town with a simple mission 踏出城外只為一個簡單任務
In my little black dress and this shit is sittin' 著黑洋裝想重新開始 痛苦卻未曾褪去
[Pre-Chorus: RAYE]
Just a heart broke bitch, high heels six inch 只是個腳著六吋高跟鞋的心碎女孩
In the back of the nightclub, sippin' champagne 在夜店門後獨自啜著香檳
I don't trust any of these bitches I'm with 不信任身邊任何假爛婊友
In the back of the taxi sniffin' cocaine 計程車後座我吸著古柯鹼
Drunk calls, drunk texts, drunk tears, drunk sex 醉後失控 來電傳訊眼淚性愛都來
I was lookin' for a man who was on the same page 只是想找個能理解我的好男人而已
Now it's back to the intro, back to the bar 一切又循環回到一開始酒吧場景
To the Bentley, to the hotel, to my old ways 上賓利去旅館 一切又和以前一樣
[Chorus: RAYE]
'Cause I don't wanna feel how I did last night 不想重蹈昨夜的任何覆轍
I don't wanna feel how I did last night 不願再有昨夜那惡夢般的經歷
Doctor, doctor, anything, please 醫生拜託了 什麼方法我都行
Doctor, doctor, have mercy on me 醫生算我求你 能否同情下我
Take this pain away 把我的痛苦給帶走吧
You're askin' me my symptoms, doctor, I don't wanna feel 問我症狀為何 但醫生我可不想記起來啊
[Verse 2: RAYE]
Toke this joint how I'm blowin' this steam 捲煙叼起 幕幕煙霧升起
Back to my ways like 2019 恣意過活 宛若回到疫情前一樣
Not twenty-four hours since my ex did dead it 距離我把前任甩掉可還不到一天
I got a new man on me, it's about to get sweaty 馬上找了個新男人 是時候該來場翻雲覆雨
Last night really was the cherry on the cake 昨夜那歡愉可真是好上加好
Been some dark days lately and I'm findin' it cripplin' 這段日子過的黑暗到我都有點麻木了
Excuse my state, I'm as high as your hopes 還請諒解我 現在你我是如此情慾高漲
That you'll make it to my bed, get me hot and sizzlin' 與你床上纏綿交歡 弄的我全身火熱煽情
If I take a step back to see the glass half-full 退一步來樂觀看待這事的話
At least it's the Prada two-piece that I'm trippin' in 至少我再怎麼搞砸 也是華服在身
And I'm already actin' like a dick, know what I mean? 壞事早幹盡 知道這代表什麼嗎
So you might as well stick it in 想逃為時已晚 還不如繼續幹下去
[Pre-Chorus: RAYE]
Just a heart broke bitch, high heels six inch 只是個腳著六吋高跟鞋的心碎女孩
In the back of the nightclub, sippin' champagne 在夜店門後獨自啜著香檳
I don't trust any of these bitches I'm with 不信任身邊任何假爛婊友
In the back of the taxi sniffin' cocaine 計程車後座我吸著古柯鹼
Drunk calls, drunk texts, drunk tears, drunk sex 醉後失控 來電傳訊眼淚性愛都來
I was lookin' for a man who was on the same page 只是想找個能理解我的好男人而已
Now it's back to the intro, back to the bar 一切又循環回到一開始酒吧場景
To the Bentley, to the hotel, to my old ways 上賓利去旅館 一切又和以前一樣
[Chorus: RAYE & 070 Shake]
'Cause I don't wanna feel how I did last night 不想重蹈昨夜的任何覆轍
I don't wanna feel how I did last night 不願再有昨夜那惡夢般的經歷
Doctor, doctor, anything, please 醫生拜託了 什麼方法我都行
Doctor, doctor, have mercy on me 醫生算我求你 能否同情下我
Take this pain away 把我的痛苦給帶走吧
You're askin' me my symptoms, doctor, I don't wanna feel, mm (What?) 問我症狀為何 但醫生我可不想記起來啊
[Verse 3: 070 Shake & RAYE]
'Cause I don't wanna feel how I did last night 不想重蹈昨夜的任何覆轍
I don't wanna feel how I did last night 不願再有昨夜那惡夢般的經歷
Be at peace with the things you can't change (Last night) 木已成舟 那些無法改變的只能和平共存
I'll be naked when I leave and I was naked when I came, yeah 裸著身子離開一如我來時模樣
Out of reach, out of touch 力所不及 無人能依靠
Too numb, I don't feel no way 早已麻木不仁 什麼感受都無
Toast up, so what? 一切全搞砸 那又如何呢
Street small, but it go both ways 街道再窄小 都能雙向通行
So, you'll run, yeah 於是就這樣向前跑
But you'll never escape 但你終究是無法逃離
Sunset in the maze 迷宮中的殘輝永遠揮之不去
(You're askin' me my symptoms, doctor, I don't wanna feel) 問我症狀為何 但醫生我可不想記起來啊
[Chorus: RAYE]
I don't wanna feel how I did last night 不想重蹈昨夜的任何覆轍
I don't wanna feel how I did last night 不願再有昨夜那惡夢般的經歷
Doctor, doctor, anything, please 醫生拜託了 什麼方法我都行
Doctor, doctor, have mercy on me 醫生算我求你 能否同情下我
Take this pain away 把我的痛苦給帶走吧
You're askin' me my symptoms, doctor, I don't wanna feel 問我症狀為何 但醫生我可不想記起來啊
[Bridge: 070 Shake]
I don't wanna feel how I did last night 不想重蹈昨夜的任何覆轍
I don't wanna feel how I did last night 不願再有昨夜那惡夢般的經歷
I don't wanna feel how I did last night 再也不想重溫昨夜那般痛苦感受
[Outro: RAYE]
Mm, lipstick smudged like modern art 唇印滿遍 髒得像幅現代藝術作
I don't know where the fuck I am or who's drivin' the fuckin' car 不知自己在何處 也不知前方司機何人
Speedin' down the highway, sippin' 高速公路馳騁 享受酒精愉歡
Mixin' pills with the liquor 'cah fuck these feelings 藥丸混下去 我什麼都不想管了
I left everyone I love on read (Uh-huh) 所有我愛的人 全已讀置之不理
Spilling secrets to the stranger in my bed (Uh-huh) 秘密全分享給枕邊那陌生床伴
I remember nothing so there's nothing to regret (Uh-uh) 什麼也不記得 就沒什麼需要後悔
Other than this 4/4 kick drum poundin' in my head 只依稀記得那 4/4 節奏的鼓聲迴盪腦海