收錄自 Tove Lo 全新第五張專輯 Dirt Femme 的第三支歌曲 2 Die 4 終於在 7/27 正式釋出公開了!
中間釋出了非常多的短影片 也在現場表演過 但遲遲沒有發行的消息
一知道是 7/27 發行我整個興奮難耐 結果她時間又給我押在凌晨兩點發 MV
害我頂著惺忪睡眼把 MV 看完 結果只是她走了三分鐘的路(無誤)
雖然說以上看起來都很像在抱怨 但我抱怨歸抱怨 說實在的我還是愛死這首歌了
2 Die 4 取樣自合成樂器經典之作 Popcorn 大家可以去搜尋看看非常有趣的 sample
Tove Lo 就是那種把所有音樂類型把玩到一個極致的那種歌手 這也是我為啥如此愛她的一大原因
總之這首完全無話說是豆腐肉近期我的最愛 完全等不及新專輯的發行
[Verse 1]
You don't look like in your photo 你看起來不像照片裡的你
You're prettier than that 本人看起來漂亮多了
Now I kinda wish that you said so 希望你當時能兌現你的愛語
Would've put in more effort 若能返回我必會付出更多努力
You tell me I'm so beautiful 你說過我看起來美麗動人
But you seem really sad about something 但你總看來有些憂愁神傷
You tell me it's 'cause your heart hurts 你說這是因為你的心痛了
But with me, you don't feel bad 但和我在一起 狀況就沒那麼差
Man, I hope you call me, call me 希望你能夠打給我
'Cause I know I won't let you down 我知道我不會讓你失望
And I hope you believe, believe 希望你能夠相信我
I'll be here for you, here for you 我會永遠在你身邊支持你
Look alive and come with me, you're to die for everyday 活力滿滿跟著我 每天都渴望有你跟隨
Drag you out at midnight to dance in headlights and making out in the rain 深夜拖你燈光下熱舞 讓我們雨中身體交歡
Look alive and come with me, you're to die for everyday 活力備好一起走 你是我每天的強烈渴望
When I think about you, the world go less blue, let's do it over again 一想到你世界就沒那麼憂鬱 讓我們不斷循環這感情
Look alive and come with me, you're to die for everyday 活力滿滿跟著我 每天都渴望有你跟隨
Drag you out at midnight to dance in headlights and making out in the rain 深夜拖你燈光下熱舞 讓我們雨中身體交歡
Look alive and come with me, you're to die for everyday 活力備好一起走 你是我每天的強烈渴望
When I think about you, the world go less blue, let's do it over again 一想到你世界就沒那麼憂鬱 讓我們不斷循環這感情
[Verse 2]
I'll go on all your adventures 我願參與你人生每場冒險
If you wanna find yourself 倘若你想要找尋真正自我
I've been to so many places 我走過了許多地方角落
But I've never felt better 但沒有你感覺永遠都不對
Man, I hope you call me, call me 希望你能夠打給我
'Cause I know I won't let you down 我知道我不會讓你失望
And I hope you believe, believe 希望你能夠相信我
I'll be here for you, here for you 我會永遠在你身邊支持你
Look alive and come with me, you're to die for everyday 活力滿滿跟著我 每天都渴望有你跟隨
Drag you out at midnight to dance in headlights and making out in the rain 深夜拖你燈光下熱舞 讓我們雨中身體交歡
Look alive and come with me, you're to die for everyday 活力備好一起走 你是我每天的強烈渴望
When I think about you, the world go less blue, let's do it over again 一想到你世界就沒那麼憂鬱 讓我們不斷循環這感情
Look alive and come with me, you're to die for everyday 活力滿滿跟著我 每天都渴望有你跟隨
Drag you out at midnight to dance in headlights and making out in the rain 深夜拖你燈光下熱舞 讓我們雨中身體交歡
Look alive and come with me, you're to die for everyday 活力備好一起走 你是我每天的強烈渴望
When I think about you, the world go less blue, let's do it over again (It works) 一想到你世界就沒那麼憂鬱 讓我們不斷循環這感情
You're to die for everyday-day-day-day-day-day-day-day-day-day 你是我每天心中最深切的渴望