好喜歡 Dagny 這次的新歌 聽著聽著就會很有活力 治癒了一整天的負能量
這首歌曲是 Dagny 2022 年推出的第一部作品
整首歌曲講述對這個男孩的愛戀 他帶給我無限量的美好 不用多說我早已神采飛揚
Dagny 人也真的是超好 我在 IG 上的貼文提及了這首歌 他也完全不吝嗇地幫我按讚
還回覆我的訊息 真的是超級無敵親民的啦 QQ
(I'm catching all these feelings 對你我早已深深墜入情網
Oh boy, you got me flyin' through the ceiling 只要有你在我總是神采飛揚
Wish you would tell me what you're thinkin' 但願你能告訴我你都在想些什麼
If you drink about me on the weekend) 假日時是否總邊飲酒邊想念我
[Verse 1]
I've never been the type 我從來不是那種人
To wear my heart on my sleeve 不是那種會輕易流露情感的人
I'd rather sit in silence than go causing a scene 寧可待在角落也不願張揚搞事
He gives me just enough to know I want in 對我這樣好就足以讓我願意付諸一切
A little taste of him that got me falling 不過就一點認識就讓我傾醉不已
If I get drunk enough then I might call him 若我喝的爛醉或許我會打給他
Say, "This whole time, you're the only thing that's on my mind" 告訴他這段時間 你是我腦中唯一所想的事物
I'm catching all these feelings 對你我早已深深墜入情網
Oh boy, you got me flyin' through the cеiling 只要有你在我總是神采飛揚
Wish you would tell me what you're thinkin' 但願你能告訴我你都在想些什麼
If you drink about mе on the weekend 假日時是否總邊飲酒邊想念我
Guess I don't mind 一點也不在乎身邊的煩雜事
'Cause I'm flyin' through the ceiling 因為我早已將一切拋諸九霄雲外
Oh boy, yeah, you got me catching feelings 男孩是你讓我如此動心不已
[Verse 2]
Oh, he started a fire and he don't even know 他就這麼不知情地點燃這把愛火
That I only leave the house so he can walk me home 踏出家門也只為了能讓他陪我回家
He gives me just enough to know I want in 對我這樣好就足以讓我願意付諸一切
A little taste of him that got me falling 不過就一點認識就讓我傾醉不已
If I get drunk enough then I might call him 若我喝的爛醉或許我會打給他
Say, "This whole time, you're the only thing that's on my mind" 告訴他這段時間 你是我腦中唯一所想的事物
I'm catching all these feelings 對你我早已深深墜入情網
Oh boy, you got me flyin' through the cеiling 只要有你在我總是神采飛揚
Wish you would tell me what you're thinkin' 但願你能告訴我你都在想些什麼
If you drink about mе on the weekend 假日時是否總邊飲酒邊想念我
Guess I don't mind 一點也不在乎身邊的煩雜事
'Cause I'm flyin' through the ceiling 因為我早已將一切拋諸九霄雲外
Oh boy, yeah, you got me catching feelings 男孩是你讓我如此動心不已
Do you love me? Maybe? 你愛我嗎 或許有點動心吧
In my dreams, you've already saved me 在我的夢裡 你以拯救我上千萬回
You say, "I'm tired of waitin'" 告訴我你已受夠枯乾等候
We leave the city and go sunset sailing 離開這喧囂城市 讓我們共同追逐日落
Do you love me? Maybe? 你愛我嗎 或許有點動心吧
In my dreams, you've already saved me 在我的夢裡 你以拯救我上千萬回
You say, "I'm tired of waitin'" 告訴我你已受夠枯乾等候
We leave the city and go sunset sailing 離開這喧囂城市 讓我們共同追逐日落
Do you love me? Maybe? 你愛我嗎 或許有點動心吧
In my dreams, you've already saved me 在我的夢裡 你以拯救我上千萬回
You say, "I'm tired of waitin'" 告訴我你已受夠枯乾等候
We leave the city and go sunset sailing 離開這喧囂城市 讓我們共同追逐日落
Do you love me? Maybe? 你愛我嗎 或許有點動心吧
In my dreams, you've already saved me 在我的夢裡 你以拯救我上千萬回
You say, "I'm tired of waitin'" 告訴我你已受夠枯乾等候
We leave the city and go sunset sailing 離開這喧囂城市 讓我們共同追逐日落
Do you love me? Maybe? 你愛我嗎 或許有點動心吧
In my dreams, you've already saved me 在我的夢裡 你以拯救我上千萬回
You say, "I'm tired of waitin'" 告訴我你已受夠枯乾等候
We leave the city and go sunset sailing 離開這喧囂城市 讓我們共同追逐日落