大家還記得我們之前在頻道發過的 Why Am I Like This 的剪輯翻譯嗎?
只要是影集剪輯我都沒有特別放到部落格裡我再三道歉啊各位 請各位去看影片七七四十九遍吧
這次要推薦的歌曲一樣來自 Orla 是他個人於去年專輯收錄的歌曲 You're Not Special, Babe
有時候我們都會覺得人生怎麼可以這麼爛 覺得全世界都不了解自己 愧對自己
但終究還是要記得 面對世界我們不過是個渺小的人類存在
我們的存在可以是獨一無二 但對世界來說呢?眾生看來都是一樣普通又平凡的存在罷了
每個人都會有不如意的時刻 有時侯就是試著心情讓自己度過難關
若把每件事總搞的那麼抓馬 又何嘗能找到真正的快樂呢
(我原本以為是在罵渣男的歌 沒想到背後竟是如此正面)
[Verse 1]
If you 如果你
Could see yourself 能看見你自己
From the outside in 從外面旁觀的角度來看
You'd say you don't have to be more thin, it's okay 相信你也會對自己的身材沒那樣挑剔
And if you 而如果你
Could see yourself 能夠看看自己
From above the sky 從天上俯瞰下來
I think you'd say that you're doing fine 相信你也會覺得自己過的不賴
Life is short until it's not 人生苦短 但其實也不然
Honestly it's kinda long 說實在的其實人生滿長的
It takes a while to come around 需要點時間來想通頓悟一切
People always let you down 身邊人總讓你失望
Find the ones that get you 又如何 找到能理解你的就夠了
Stick to them like hot glue 找到就好好依賴他們吧
Dance if you want to 想跳舞時就好好享受吧
'Cause you're not special, babe (No!) 你並沒有自己想的那麼特別
I know you feel like your life is one big mistake 我知道你總覺得自己的人生是個大錯誤
I am right there on your side 我會永遠站在你身邊陪著你
You're not special, babe (No!) 你並沒有自己認定的那樣獨特
'Cause we all go from heartbreak to happy to heartbreak 人都是這樣 心情總會經歷高低起伏
Some things just don't change 這些事情從不曾改變過
[Verse 2]
You 看看你
You're an adult now 你現在可是個成年人了
Make your own to-do list 自己規劃自己未來的人生計劃
And eat whatever you want for breakfast, yeah 早餐想吃什麼就吃什麼
Get a job just to get by 找份工作只為活下去
Spend your money 'til you die 身上金錢恣意花費到你離世
Some people don't stick around 身邊有些人最終會離你而去
But, don't let yourself down 但請別讓自己被這些事給擊倒
Find the ones that get you 試著尋覓那些能理解你的人
Stick to them like hot glue 找到就好好依賴他們吧
Dance if you want to 想跳舞時就好好享受吧
'Cause you're not special, babe (No!) 你並沒有自己想的那麼特別
I know you feel like your life is one big mistake 我知道你總覺得自己的人生是個大錯誤
I am right there on your side 我會永遠站在你身邊陪著你
You're not special, babe (No!) 你並沒有自己認定的那樣獨特
'Cause we all go from heartbreak to happy to heartbreak 人都是這樣 心情總會經歷高低起伏
Some things just don't change 這些事情從不曾改變過
Everyone cries, everyone lies, everyone hates you 大家都會哭 會說謊也會有人討厭你
Everyone's so scared of the future, it's true 人人都害怕未知未來 事實即如此
Everyone fucks up and then breaks up and then makes up 人都會搞砸事情 經歷分開最後再次和好
Everyone has days where they don't wanna wake up 人人都有那些不想醒來面對的日子
Everyone loves, everyone loses and they're on their own 身為人都會去愛 也會經歷失去最後獨自過日
When everyone else is covered in bruises but we feel alone 有些人看來傷痕累累 也有人總感到寂寞
And everyone hears us but they all seem to ignore us 總有人會聽見你心中的吶喊卻選擇忽視
Everyone else wants to get right back to the chorus 也會有人總試著將人生導回正軌
You're not special, babe (No!) 你並沒有自己想的那麼特別
I know you feel like your life is one big mistake 我知道你總覺得自己的人生是個大錯誤
I am right there on your side 我會永遠站在你身邊陪著你
You're not special, babe (No!) 你並沒有自己認定的那樣獨特
'Cause we all go from heartbreak to happy to heartbreak 人都是這樣 心情總會經歷高低起伏
Some things just don't change 這些事情從不曾改變過