Cover art for I Ain’t Worried by OneRepublic

我們 OneRepublic 為全新電影《捍衛戰士:獨行俠》演唱的歌曲 I Ain't Worried 終於正式發行了!


我覺得這大概就是接下來那張所謂為 West Coast 創作的專輯所要走的路線

就是這種輕快的夏日風 我只能說我很興奮哇哇哇 ><

目前釋出的歌我都覺得很有以前 1R 的風味 又外加融入了一些新的特色所以感覺就很值得期待😍


[Verse 1]
I don't know what you've been told 不知道你理解了多少
But time is running out, no need to take it slow 但時間已不夠 沒時間慢慢來
I'm stepping to you toe-to-toe 責任心告訴我是時候該干涉你
I should be scared, honey, maybe so 應該要害怕的 或許是吧

But I ain't worried 'bout it right now (Right now) 但我現在一點也不擔心
Keeping dreams alive, 1999, heroes 九零年代英雄夢 現在依舊想兌現
I ain't worried 'bout it right now (Right now) 此時此刻的什麼也不怕
Swimmin' in the floods, dancing on the clouds below 前方洪流認真闖 雲端裡我自由徜徉

I ain't worried 'bout it 我什麼也不擔心
I ain't worried 'bout it (Hey) 一絲憂慮也無

[Verse 2]
I don't know what you've been told 不知道你理解了多少
But time is running out so spend it like it's gold 但時間也不夠 就大把善用吧
I'm living like I'm nine-zeros  過著宛若富翁般的生活
Got no regrets even when I am broke (Yeah) 身無分文也毫不後悔
I'm at my best when I got something I'm wanting to steal 想奪取東西時我會盡我所能
Way too busy for them problems and problems to feel (Yeah, yeah) 太過忙碌無法意識到身邊麻煩
No stressing, just obsessing with sealing the deal 達成協議時無壓力只感到興奮不已
I'll take it in and let it go 將其吸收腦海並使命必達

But I ain't worried 'bout it right now (Right now) 但我現在一點也不擔心
Keeping dreams alive, 1999, heroes 九零年代英雄夢 現在依舊想兌現
I ain't worried 'bout it right now (Right now) 此時此刻的什麼也不怕
Swimmin' in the floods, dancing on the clouds below 前方洪流認真闖 雲端裡我自由徜徉

I ain't worried 'bout it 我什麼也不擔心
I ain't worried 'bout it (Hey) 一絲憂慮也無

Ooh, I ain't worried 我什麼也不擔心
Ooh, oh, no, no 一絲憂慮也無

But I ain't worried 'bout it right now (Right now) 但我現在一點也不擔心
Keeping dreams alive, 1999, heroes 九零年代英雄夢 現在依舊想兌現
I ain't worried 'bout it right now (Right now) 此時此刻的什麼也不怕
Swimmin' in the floods, dancing on the clouds below 前方洪流認真闖 雲端裡我自由徜徉

I ain't worried 'bout it (Ooh, hey) 我什麼也不擔心
I ain't worried 'bout it (Ooh, hey) 一絲憂慮也無

I ain't worried 'bout it 我什麼也不擔心

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    階梯 JT

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