
Alec 表示 Hill I Will Die On 這首歌描述的是世界現在所經歷的戰亂狀況


跟上一張專輯收錄的 Alamo 不一樣 Alamo 描述的戰士充滿挑戰精神




[Verse 1]
Some have fought battles in fields full of cattle 有些人在和平之境下血殺四方
And some have waged war out at sea 有些人橫跨大洋只為自己信念
Some in militias and some with malicious intent 有人追求自身理想而戰 有人卻只是純粹之邪惡
Some men just want to be 有些人就只是單純想要
Free from oppression and so their aggression 遠離那些可怕壓迫 好將自己的野心
Is worn like a badge on their sleeve 別於自己袖口若徽章似的
Some have fought battles from desks in Seattle 有些人用紙筆唇舌作為武器對戰
And some have waged war on the street 也有人在民間發起自己的戰爭

Guess this is the hill I will die on 帶著我的信念 這即是我葬身之丘
I woke up this morning, put my suit and tie on 早晨醒來 著上正裝別好領帶
Walked down to the bus that I ride on 搭乘我熟悉不過的公車
The air felt so still, I guess this is the hill 一切是那樣平靜 宛若大雨前的平靜
I guess this is the will I will write on  看來這會是我所留下的遺囑
The back of this bill with my pen as my quill 背後有著政府強大意志 用我的筆書寫記下這一切
And I hope you'll still love me when I'm gone 當我消失後 希望你的心依舊在我身上
The air felt so still, I guess this is the hill I will— 一切是那樣平靜 宛若大雨前的平靜

Mm-na, mm-na-da-da
Mm-mm-na, mm-na-da-da

[Verse 2]
Some fight with rifles and some use the Bible 有些爭鬥用的是來福槍 有的則憑藉聖經
And some use a shield and a knife 有些戰爭則是彼此劍盾相向
Some author libel which sometimes goes viral 有些作家靠著誹謗侮辱來成為世界焦點
And ruins an innocent life 毀掉所有無辜之人生活
Leaves an impression, teaches no lesson 只為留下深刻印記 而非用以教誨事人
And leads to regression and strife 帶來的只是滿滿悔恨和衝突
Some fight to stifle and some 'cause it's primal 有些衝突只為推翻 有些則是人之本能
And some 'cause they're sure that they're right 有些則是認定自己才擁有最正確觀點

Guess this is the hill I will die on 帶著我的信念 這即是我葬身之丘
I woke up this morning, put my suit and tie on 早晨醒來 著上正裝別好領帶
Walked down to the bus that I ride on 搭乘我熟悉不過的公車
The air felt so still, I guess this is the hill 一切是那樣平靜 宛若大雨前的平靜
I guess this is the will I will write on  看來這會是我所留下的遺囑
The back of this bill with my pen as my quill 背後有著政府強大意志 用我的筆書寫記下這一切
And I hope you'll still love me when I'm gone 當我消失後 希望你的心依舊在我身上
The air felt so still, I guess this is the hill I will— 一切是那樣平靜 宛若大雨前的平靜

Mm-na, mm-na-da-da
Mm-mm-na, mm-na-na-na
Die on 犧牲自我之地
Mm-na, mm-na-da-da
Mm-mm-na, mm-na-na-na

Some fight with rifles and some use the Bible 有些爭鬥用的是來福槍 有的則憑藉聖經
And some use a shield and a knife 有些戰爭則是彼此劍盾相向

Guess this is the hill I will die on 帶著我的信念 這即是我葬身之丘
I woke up this morning, put my suit and tie on 早晨醒來 著上正裝別好領帶
Walked down to the bus that I ride on 搭乘我熟悉不過的公車
The air felt so still, I guess this is the hill 一切是那樣平靜 宛若大雨前的平靜
I guess this is the will I will write on  看來這會是我所留下的遺囑
The back of this bill with my pen as my quill 背後有著政府強大意志 用我的筆書寫記下這一切
And I hope you'll still love me when I'm gone 當我消失後 希望你的心依舊在我身上
The air felt so still, I guess this is the hill I will— 一切是那樣平靜 宛若大雨前的平靜

Mm-na, mm-na-na-na
Mm-mm-na, mm-na-na-na
Die on 犧牲自我之地
Mm-na, mm-na-na-na
Mm-mm-na, mm-na-na-na


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