Cover art for Dopamine Addict by Alec Benjamin

Alec 的新專輯終於釋出啦!


於是就決定要來翻整張專輯了 補足上一張沒有完成的小遺憾

專輯的第一首歌叫 Dopamine Addict 

Dopamine 就是多巴胺的意思 

科學表示當一個人對一件事有渴望的時候 就會分泌出多巴胺、內腓肽等物質


因為你腦中會一直想要重溫體驗過的美好 因此就有了所謂 Dopamine addict 的詞彙出現



[Verse 1]
Six months clean off the dopamine 整整半年 遠離不碰多巴胺
Throw my phone through the wall 手機拋到牆上 碰也不碰
My friends can't get a hold of me 朋友完全聯繫不上我
Just a dial tone when they call 撥打號碼時只聽得見撥打音

Chills and sweats coming over me 寒顫冷汗襲上我
And I'm aching from the withdrawal 戒斷時得承受折磨萬分的痛苦 
This chemistry has got a hold of me 這般化學反應狠狠箝制了我
Got a hold of me 徹徹底底掌控了我
Got a hold of me 佔據了我生活一切重心

I'm a dopamine addict 我是個多巴胺上癮者
Can't break the habit 無法戒斷舊有習慣
Runs in my head 佔據了我一切思想
Psychosomatic 身心滿是焦慮
I stare in the mirror 瞪視鏡中的自己
Hide in the attic 將自己所藏在閣樓裡
Cry in my bed 床上盡情啜泣
I'm a dopamine addict 重度多巴胺上癮
And I feel like I'm out of touch 感覺自己與世界早已脫軌
Keep thinkin' I need that crutch 需要一些依靠支撐自己活下去
Keep thinkin' I need that rush 不斷惦念那份椎心快感
I just can't break the habit 無法擺脫舊有習慣
Can't break the habit 無法擺脫這些慣性
Runs in my head 腦中滿是亂緒侵蝕
Dopamine addict 多巴胺重度上癮

[Verse 2]
I have these dreams where I'm me again 似乎在夢境裡找回了舊我
They almost feel like they're real 那感覺如此真實 好似存在般的感受
It's as if I have self-esteem again 好似我再度找回了自我尊嚴般
It's as if I'm starting to heal 自已的身心也似乎開始痊癒

The chills and sweats grab a hold of me 寒顫冷汗侵占了我身心
And they pull me out of my dream 讓我從夢境中醒來 
They just won't seem to let go of me 所有麻煩似乎都沒打算放過我
To let go of me 讓我自由
To let go of me 逃離這一切

I'm a dopamine addict 我是個多巴胺上癮者
Can't break the habit 無法戒斷舊有習慣
Runs in my head 佔據了我一切思想
Psychosomatic 身心滿是焦慮
I stare in the mirror 瞪視鏡中的自己
Hide in the attic 將自己所藏在閣樓裡
Cry in my bed 床上盡情啜泣
I'm a dopamine addict 重度多巴胺上癮
And I feel like I'm out of touch 感覺自己與世界早已脫軌
Keep thinkin' I need that crutch 需要一些依靠支撐自己活下去
Keep thinkin' I need that rush 不斷惦念那份椎心快感
I just can't break the habit 無法擺脫舊有習慣
Can't break the habit 無法擺脫這些慣性
Runs in my head 腦中滿是亂緒侵蝕
Dopamine addict 多巴胺重度上癮

The psycho is doomed 這瘋子注定死路一條 
Your psycho re-used 身心早已錯亂無比
And then out of the potency 藥物失去了一切效力
The psycho is doomed 這瘋子注定死路一條 
Your psycho re-used 身心早已錯亂無比
It just won't let go of me 終究不會放過我
Won't let go of me 我掙脫不出這癮頭禁錮
Got a hold of me 人生徹底被掌握於下

I'm a dopamine addict 我是個多巴胺上癮者
Can't break the habit 無法戒斷舊有習慣
Runs in my head 佔據了我一切思想
Psychosomatic 身心滿是焦慮
I stare in the mirror 瞪視鏡中的自己
Hide in the attic 將自己所藏在閣樓裡
Cry in my bed 床上盡情啜泣
I'm a dopamine addict 重度多巴胺上癮
And I feel like I'm out of touch 感覺自己與世界早已脫軌
Keep thinkin' I need that crutch 需要一些依靠支撐自己活下去
Keep thinkin' I need that rush 不斷惦念那份椎心快感
I just can't break the habit 無法擺脫舊有習慣
Can't break the habit 無法擺脫這些慣性
Runs in my head 腦中滿是亂緒侵蝕
Dopamine addict 多巴胺重度上癮


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