THAT'S A JOKE Lyrics NF | CLOUDS (THE MIXTAPE) - Genius-Lyrics

THAT'S A JOKE是我mixtape裡可以說是最愛的一首了


反正這首歌就是NF在嗆那些說他不值得進rap game的那些人

他說他進步了這麼多 如今已經沒有人有資格在旁邊說閒話了

帥氣又炸叫人怎麼能不愛 (雖然會翻到中風但我還是不介意我太愛了)


[Verse 1]
I'm not on your radar? Then your radar's broke 什麼你沒在聽我的歌 那你那音響差不多該砸了
Don't blame me for the way y'alls jokes 別怪我嘲笑你們笑我的那些話
Fall flat, get your mouth slapped—ain't no hoax 平板無奇 自我打臉 別自欺欺人
I get an inkling, they picked me for the weak link 他們總說我是圈子裡最弱的那個
I'm gonna have to pose 說我得擺架子做做樣子
A question for the ones that don't accept that I've been exceptional 對那些不能接受我的卓越非凡的人我有個問題要問
'Cause the moment I get involved, is the moment a song takes off 一旦我選擇參與 必是首首精品
So how could you think I wouldn't last long in a game that 那麼你憑什麼抱持我會迅速過氣
I was made to play? What do y'all take me for? 在這我天註定隸屬的遊戲中 你們又把我當什麼了
Rest assured 放寬心
When I do come back to tour, it'll be Christmas mor- 當我回歸巡迴 那天會是耶誕節的早晨
​n​ing in a way 'cause I'ma wake up with a present so big, they'll jump for joy 因為當我醒來時必會收到份大禮 人們會為之歡欣鼓舞
Yeah, let it be known 讓一切攤在光天化日之下吧
I'm better when I'm outta control 當我失去控制時我才能馬力全開
I can not be the butt of a joke 豈能說我可謂玩笑存在
I'm cutting in the front of you posers talkin' like you really a pro 走在眾人前端 深深超越你們這些偽君子
When you ain't even part of the convo 當你們根本連我的邊都沾不著
Nothin' but an amateur, I'll slow down when I want it colossal 啥也不是就個爛菜雞 若你願意我能為你緩下腳步
Only way to put it if I chose 一切運行由我自行抉擇
I could be bigger, maybe consider it a bit of it was helpin' you all 我還能再更創造極限 就認為這是在造福世人吧
To comprehend, you condescend (You're gone) 要想了解 最好先虛心屈服
Incompetent, the consequences (Are) 完全無法駕馭 這便是你們的結局
Hard to miss, it's common sense (I'm on) 每次都精準無比 這根本基本常識 
One, so wrap your head around it (Or) 最好把你那呆頭好好給纏住
I might have to get up off the porch 是時候讓我走出世外
Show you how it's done, I got the form 告訴你這成就如何而來 教教你何謂必勝公式
Power trippin' on me, get destroyed 能量超載 炸毀整個世界 
Pull the plug, I'm rollin' up your cord 插頭拔起 我收割勝利

Fool me once—shame on you 要想愚弄我 那你還真夠丟臉
Fool me twice—shame on you 重蹈覆轍謾笑我 真心憐憫你
Fool me three times, hold up, rewind 嘲笑我過三 稍等給你重想的機會
That's not even possible 這還真夠荒謬無理
Me, I keep it honorable 抱持我高貴的情操
Who's your favorite? Let me know 誰是你的最愛 倒讓我知道
Tally up, count the votes 統計數目 計算選票
Wasn't me? That's a joke 等等不是我嗎 開什麼玩笑
Yeah, ayy, that's a joke 開什麼荒唐玩笑
That's a, that's a joke 荒誕無比 無腦至極的玩笑
Funny, yeah, that's a joke 太有趣搞笑 別給我開這種玩笑
That's a, that's a joke 荒謬無比 沒道理的玩笑
Funny, woo, that's a joke 笑得人仰馬翻 開什麼鬼玩笑
That's a, that's a joke 確確實實的荒唐玩笑
Funny, ayy, that's a joke 真心在搞笑 太扯淡的玩笑
That's a joke (Haha) 別給我開這種玩笑

[Verse 2]
Yeah, I took a minute now, I'm at the better end of all of it 花了一些時間思考 結論就是我比誰都還優秀
The day I wanna quit'll be a bitter one to swallow 哪天絕對退出 絕對是世人共悲的一日
'Cause I meant it when I said I wasn't really into audibles 當我說我真的對有聲書沒興趣時還真不是在說說
I guess you gotta call 'em when your odds are at the bottom 當你絕望命運悲戚時看來你也只能求助他們
And it's stackin' up against you, it's a pity, but they gotta give a nod to me 與你相較之下 我必得到所有的肯定支持 
I'm runnin' with the best, I been the kind to make a profit 與最好的競爭 最終得利的也是我
Off of everything that you told me was impossible 得到那些你說過我不可能成就的所有事物
So why would you continue with the narrative 所以繼續在旁酸言酸語又有什麼意義
And not admit I'm someone incredible, look of a general 而選擇不承認我是個優秀的眾人表率
Hit 'em with the end of shovel, they wanna forget it 給他們致命最後一擊 他們想忘記一切
I put 'em on the ground and I get up and open the pit of my stomach 再度面對那些俗人 我站起身向他們敞開心胸
To remind 'em again I'm a whole different animal 好提醒他們你我間是多麼不一樣的存在
Whatever the case, I'ma get it, I'm in it, no doubt, I would give it 無論如何的事件我都會拚盡全力 無庸置疑奉獻一切
Everything if I gotta, but not if the commas 每件事毫無例外 除了那些為利益的不當作為
Are pushin' me to run with the common, the jokin' aside 總讓我漸漸迷失在凡俗平庸之中
If you took away the dummies and bias, you'll notice that I'm insane (Insane) 拋下一切愚蠢成見 你便會發現我是那樣瘋狂
Improved a lot, but I still feel 縱然進步顯著 但依舊感受得到
It's hard to keep my lid from poppin' off, but I prevail 很難控制自己思想別失控 但我戰勝了一切
How you gonna skip over the details 你又是如何省略了一切細節
And tell me to be focused? Hold that thought 告訴我要如何保持專心 堅持理想
Don't tell me you mean well if you don't mean well 別告訴我你自己其實也是一問三不知
I call the shots, but don't need my hand held 我掌握全局 不需要任何箝制束縛
When it comes to makin' records 當提及做音樂時
Who you know that does that better? 你又知道有人能做得比我更好
The way I connect letters 我思索字句排列的方式
You'd think that the alphabet was made by me 你還真以為我發明字母表嗎 
When it comes to storytellin', I'm great at it 一說到訴說故事 那可是我的專業領域
Tune in or get tuned out, my face got redder 選擇劇情起或落 都使我興奮不已
'Cause I'm embarrassed for the ones unaware of my work 因為對於那些不熟悉我作品的人總會有些難為情
What, did I stutter?  詞窮到說不出話了嗎
Known to be cordial 我以我的真誠著名
But those that think that never seen me in a war zone 那些以為我沒經歷過那些苦難的
My delivery gets better every time I spit 我訴說故事的方式可說是愈漸進步
I don't keep my sword low 絕不會讓自己原地踏步
Tell me why would I do that? 告訴我這麼做的緣由為何
Doesn't make sense when you're in a game this cutthroat 當你身處這如此殘酷的遊戲裡是那樣沒邏輯
If you wanna maintain control, then you gotta keep up 倘若你要控制住自己 那你得持之以恆
If you can't handle the workload 你若無法負荷這工作量 
Somebody else will 天下總會有人可以
How could you call me unskilled? 你豈能說我技藝不純熟 
That's like lookin' at Mount Everest and then calling it a small hill 這就像眼望聖母峰還蝦說它只是座小山丘
Not at all thrilled, I'm in awe still 心情不是多愉悅 但依舊保持敬佩
Tryin' not to laugh, but it just spills 試著別笑出來 但終究掩埋不住
Out sometimes, I been writin' chill 有些特別時刻 我會創作些舒服爽歌
Just chew on this 'til the record's built, okay! 沉浸於此 直至一切完工 穩穩的

Fool me once—shame on you 要想愚弄我 那你還真夠丟臉
Fool me twice—shame on you (On you) 重蹈覆轍謾笑我 真心憐憫你
Fool me three times, hold up, rewind 嘲笑我過三 稍等給你重想的機會
That's not even possible 這還真夠荒謬無理
Me, I keep it honorable (Okay) 抱持我高貴的情操
Who's your favorite? Let me know (Lemme know) 誰是你的最愛 倒讓我知道
Tally up, count the votes 統計數目 計算選票
Wasn't me? That's a joke 等等不是我嗎 開什麼玩笑
Yeah, ayy, that's a joke (Joke) 開什麼荒唐玩笑
That's a, that's a joke (Joke) 荒誕無比 無腦至極的玩笑
Funny, yeah, that's a joke (Joke) 太有趣搞笑 別給我開這種玩笑
That's a, that's a joke (Joke) 荒謬無比 沒道理的玩笑
Funny, woo, that's a joke (Joke) 笑得人仰馬翻 開什麼鬼玩笑
That's a, that's a joke (Joke) 確確實實的荒唐玩笑
Funny, ayy, that's a joke 真心在搞笑 太扯淡的玩笑
That's a joke (Haha) 別給我開這種玩笑


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    階梯 JT

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