「Saweetie best friends」的圖片搜尋結果

最近發文頻率突然變得好高產好好笑 2021的新目標就是部落格破兩百萬總觀看!!!!!(立flag) (感覺好難)



就是來自Saweetie跟蜜桃貓朵佳Doja Cat的這首Best Friends



Saweetie自從前年發布了首支單曲Icy Girl之後就開始爆紅 並簽約到華納音樂發行了幾張作品

其中我最愛的是他的Tap In真的是熱舞社twerking首選歌曲

這首Best Friends看來也會follow這個trend了

還有這首的MV也很有趣 就是兩個辣妞做一堆親密的事情

比方說踩對方屁屁偷包包 飆車 抓彼此的奶 一起全裸跳海

雖然很不知所云 但MV是滿好笑滿不錯的 (但我得說Saweetie裡面有很多造型我真的是不敢恭維)

時尚我不敢說我很懂但也是略懂一二 Saweetie有一些我甚至覺得沒人敢那樣玩自己的頭

(他有一顆彩虹boy cut我真的嚇到)

阿BTW Saweetie跟Quavo在一起喔(相信大家知道的)


[Chorus: Doja Cat & Saweetie]
That's my best friend, she a real bad bitch  看我好閨蜜 貨真價實真婊子
Got her own money, she don't need no nig' 賺自己的錢 才不需要男人養
On the dance floor, she had two, three drinks 駕馭舞池 黃湯灌上三兩杯
Now she twerkin', she throw it out and come back in 扭腰擺臀 吐上幾回在重回戰場
That's my best friend, she a real bad bitch 我的最佳閨蜜 新世代最壞真婊子
Drive her own car, she don't need no Lyft 自己駕車 才不需要搭什麼來福車
In the strip club, know my girl gon' tip 在脫衣俱樂部 知道我的姊妹必定金援我
Now she twerkin', she throw it out and come back in 現在他到處甩她電臀 吐幾杯酒後又王者歸來

[Verse 1: Saweetie]
Beep beep, is that my bestie in a Tessie? 稍等一下 我閨蜜現在是穿泰西衣嗎
Fresh blow out, skin on tan, ooh, she ready 光彩奪目 膚況曬的古銅 已準備就緒
Bitch, you look goodt, with a T at the end 女孩你看起來美極了 自始至終都是
I'ma hype her every time, that my motherfuckin' friеnd 每看見她總不敢置信自己有這種女神朋友
She been down since the jеllies and the bobos 自從遇見那些嫉妒女和痞痞後她總有點提不起勁
Now we steppin' out the Jeep in Manolo's 現在就讓我們躍下那馬諾洛吉普車
When we pull up to the scene, they be filled with jealousy 一旦我們到場 現場必是滿滿嫉妒注視
If a bitch get finicky, she gon' bring that energy (Pop-pop-pop)  一個講究的婊子 必然是活力滿滿現身
I hit her phone with the tea, like, "Bitch, guess what? 茶杯手機擊個掌 告訴她女孩猜怎麼著
All the rich-ass boys wanna fuck on us!" 那些富公子全都對我們有意思
All this ass sittin' up, you could look, don't touch 這精緻美臀 僅可觀不可褻玩焉
In our bag, bust some bands every time we link up 經過我們之時 別忘記替我們的包包填滿鈔票

[Chorus: Doja Cat & Saweetie]
That's my best friend, she a real bad bitch  看我好閨蜜 貨真價實真婊子
Got her own money, she don't need no nig' 賺自己的錢 才不需要男人養
On the dance floor, she had two, three drinks 駕馭舞池 黃湯灌上三兩杯
Now she twerkin', she throw it out and come back in 扭腰擺臀 吐上幾回在重回戰場
That's my best friend, she a real bad bitch 我的最佳閨蜜 新世代最壞真婊子
Drive her own car, she don't need no Lyft 自己駕車 才不需要搭什麼來福車
In the strip club, know my girl gon' tip 在脫衣俱樂部 知道我的姊妹必定金援我
Now she twerkin', she throw it out and come back in 現在他到處甩她電臀 吐幾杯酒後又王者歸來

[Verse 2: Doja Cat]
That's my best friend, if you need a freak 這是我的最佳閨蜜 若你在覓尋怪胎
I ain't dumb, but motherfucker, she my Tweedledee 我可不蠢 但我得說我們可謂一個半斤一個八兩
If she ride for me (Ride), she don't need a key 欲進入我內心世界 她才不需要什麼通行證
If you sideways, she'll straighten you if needed be 待她不善 必要時她可會好好教訓你
And she so bad that I just can't take that bitch nowhere 這婊子真夠壞 壞到我也拿她沒法子
She off her fifth shot, I said, "Mm-mm, don't go there" 乾下她第五杯酒 告訴她是時候該歇息了
Bitch, break her back, she protect and attack 敢傷她招惹她 她既能攻亦能守
Get that strap like them buckle, foot on neck, give no air 繫緊背帶若安全帶般 別給他一絲逃跑餘地
Whole world wanna be us 全世界都想變成我們
And my main bitch, she my day-one 我這最佳拍檔 我打從一開始就熟識之人
On my way, bitch, let you get drunk 正在途中 灌醉你的路上 
Let's celebrate 'cause we the baddest in the club 今晚讓我們好好慶祝 因為我們可是這吧裡最狠角色

[Chorus: Doja Cat & Saweetie]
That's my best friend, she a real bad bitch  看我好閨蜜 貨真價實真婊子
Got her own money, she don't need no nig' 賺自己的錢 才不需要男人養
On the dance floor, she had two, three drinks 駕馭舞池 黃湯灌上三兩杯
Now she twerkin', she throw it out and come back in 扭腰擺臀 吐上幾回在重回戰場
That's my best friend, she a real bad bitch 我的最佳閨蜜 新世代最壞真婊子
Drive her own car, she don't need no Lyft 自己駕車 才不需要搭什麼來福車
In the strip club, know my girl gon' tip 在脫衣俱樂部 知道我的姊妹必定金援我
Now she twerkin', she throw it out and come back in 現在他到處甩她電臀 吐幾杯酒後又王者歸來

[Outro: Saweetie]
Hah, best friend, you the baddest and you know it (You know) 我的最佳閨蜜 你可最壞猜想你也心知肚明
Uh-oh, girl I think our booty growin' (Ayy, yeah) 女孩我想你的蜜臀可說是越來越豐滿
Fuck it up in the mirror, hit them poses (Pose) 讓我們一起到鏡子前 搔首弄姿擺出各樣姿勢
Best friends, and you motherfuckin' glowin' (Woa-oh) 最佳閨蜜 你可是如此閃耀奪目
Best friends, and your wrist look like it's frozen 最好知音 你的腕帶吊滿了滿滿鑽石墜飾 
Uh-oh, girl I think our booty growin' (Uh-oh) 我想你的蜜臀越來越秀色可餐了
Fuck it up in the mirror, hit them poses (Hit the pose) 一起到鏡子前 好好欣賞我們的美姿
Best friend, you my motherfuckin' soulmate (Soulmate) 最佳閨蜜 你可真是我最合拍靈魂伴侶



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