個人是在最近才剛聽到這首歌 真的非常喜歡這首歌的輕快旋律跟有趣的歌詞
也因此我去翻了Maisie Peters的許多作品
都很小品 但都非常舒服好聽♥
但是聽來聽去 我還是覺得Stay Young永遠是my pick♥
[Verse 1]
I wanna say it like Simon would 想要和保羅西蒙一樣那樣說
'Cause I was listening this morning 方才早晨才剛聽過他的歌
On my own thinking if I could 自己深思反想我是否也能做到
I’d be Kathy and make this bus a greyhound 我會成為那搭乘灰狗女士的凱西姑娘
And this sun would always stay down 這太陽永遠西沉於地平線向下
And there would be so much time for us 我與你的時間永遠充裕足夠
Time for us 永遠都有時間
My hand's out, I wanna throw my cards now 手放下 是時候該攤牌亮招
Making your name our hometown 讓你的名字成為家鄉之光
But all my trains are here 我必能到達看見你閃耀之刻
Please don't be worried 請毋須感到擔心
No doubt I’ll found you in our old crowd 別擔心 在茫茫人海中我一錠能夠找到你
So many things to say if you stay 只要你留下 我有好多話想與你訴說
So stay young 就讓我們永保青春吧
I know that I'm talking too much 我知道有時我話說得有點太多
And I'll get nowhere tryna do it at once 一心多用 一輩子也到不了終點
But oh my God, I wanna be someone 但我真的希望我終將能出人頭地
So stay young 讓我們永遠活在青春下吧
With me, 'cause I hope that it's you 偕同一起 我希望和我共度的是你
That I'll break my back tryna run home to 費盡一切心力 只為見你一面
Because oh my God, I want you to be the one 真希望你就是我的命選之人
So stay young 就請青春為我們駐足吧
[Verse 2]
I wanna say it like Simon would 想要和保羅西蒙一樣那樣說
I wanna make my mother feel things 想讓我的母親為我感到驕傲
I wanna have the marching band 希望未來的我能用一支樂隊為我伴奏
But right now it's just me and steel strings, lonely 但現在只有我和我孤單的琴弦相伴
So when I miss you it is slowly 我已習慣這樣慢慢的想念你
'Cause I’m doing good here mostly on my own 獨自一人時我也能把事情做的盡善盡美
Mostly on my own 全部仰賴自己
My hand's out, I wanna throw my cards now 手放下 是時候該攤牌亮招
Making your name our hometown 讓你的名字成為家鄉之光
But all my trains are here 我必能到達看見你閃耀之刻
Please don't be worried 請毋須感到擔心
No doubt I’ll found you in our old crowd 別擔心 在茫茫人海中我一錠能夠找到你
So many things to say if you stay 只要你留下 我有好多話想與你訴說
So stay young 就讓我們永保青春吧
I know that I'm talking too much 我知道有時我話說得有點太多
And I'll get nowhere tryna do it at once 一心多用 一輩子也到不了終點
But oh my God, I wanna be someone 但我真的希望我終將能出人頭地
So stay young 讓我們永遠活在青春下吧
With me, 'cause I hope that it's you 偕同一起 我希望和我共度的是你
That I'll break my back tryna run home to 費盡一切心力 只為見你一面
Because oh my God, I want you to be the one 真希望你就是我的命選之人
So stay young 就請青春為我們駐足吧
Oh, stay young 就讓我們永保青春吧
Oh, woah
(Stay young) (永遠活在青春中吧)
And I promise I care 我保證我很在乎
I know it's hard, know that I'm never there 我知道這一切很難 因為我從未現身
But call me from the bathroom when you're low 當你低潮所在廁所時 請記得來找我
We'll stay young until we wanna be old 讓我們活在青春中 直到我們願意變老
Electric blankets so we're never cold 帶上電熱毯 好讓我們永遠保持溫暖
'Cause you have always been my ticket home 你永遠會是我通往心裡歸屬的車票
And we stayed young 就讓我們這樣徜徉在青春洪流中吧
So stay young 就讓我們永保青春吧
I know that I'm talking too much 我知道有時我話說得有點太多
And I'll get nowhere tryna do it at once 一心多用 一輩子也到不了終點
But oh my God, I wanna be someone (Be someone) 但我真的希望我終將能出人頭地 (成為世界名人)
So stay young 讓我們永遠活在青春下吧
With me, 'cause I hope that it's you 偕同一起 我希望和我共度的是你
That I'll break my back tryna run home to 費盡一切心力 只為見你一面
Because oh my God, I want you to be the one, the one 真希望你就是我的命選之人
So stay young 就請青春為我們駐足吧
Oh, stay young 就讓我們永保青春吧
Oh, woah
Oh, stay young 就這樣徜徉在青春洪流吧
(Stay young) (永遠活在青春中吧)
Oh, oh, oh
Just stay young 就讓青春為我們駐足吧