Tears Of Gold幾個月前Faouzia就有放Demo帶了(In progress影片)
也是別有一番風味但我還是prefer In progress版的
In progress版我第一次聽真得快哭出來有夠好聽QQ
Mama always told me 媽媽總是告訴我
That I was too naive 說我太過天真
Gave away my trust for pennies 為了金錢利益誤信他人
I said don't you worry 我說你不需要擔心
Didn't think that I'd be 不用誤認我會變得
Broken down and crying 崩潰心碎大哭淚泣
'Help me' 幫幫我吧
Wrecked? Check 毀了?沒錯
Heart? In debt 心?大大負債
All you do is come around 你所做的就是在周圍環繞
Just came here to collect 在附近撿拾蒐集
Wrecked? Check 崩局?是的
Heart? In debt 心?已死
Don't you know that 你難道不知道
I cried tears of gold for you 我為了你哭出了珍金淚滴
I sit here poor for you 苦苦坐在那守候你
Collect my pennies and my dimes 蒐集我的財貨和金錢
That's why you love it when I cry 難怪你總是喜愛我哭泣
Platinum love for you 給你我那白金珍寶的愛
I'd give no less for you 一點也沒少給
Generosity's my enemy 慷慨善意是我的敵人
So I'm broke and 我早已一無所有
Your heart's rich because of me 你的心是那般富有 因為我
Know that this is my fault 知曉這都是我的錯
Gave a little too much 給了有點太多
Knew that this was gonna happen 早知曉這一切將會發生
But I'm not gonna lie 但我沒打算說謊
You can make me cry, thousand times 你可以讓我哭 哭個上千回
I come running back like 我奔回來納悶著
'What is going on with my head?' 請問我腦袋有什麼問題
Wrecked? Check 毀了?沒錯
Heart? In debt 心?大大負債
All you do is come around 你所做的就是在周圍環繞
Just came here to collect 在附近撿拾蒐集
Wrecked? Check 崩局?是的
Heart? In debt 心?已死
Don't you know that 你難道不知道
I cried tears of gold for you 我為了你哭出了珍金淚滴
I sit here poor for you 苦苦坐在那守候你
Collect my pennies and my dimes 蒐集我的財貨和金錢
That's why you love it when I cry 難怪你總是喜愛我哭泣
Platinum love for you 給你我那白金珍寶的愛
I'd give no less for you 一點也沒少給
Generosity's my enemy 慷慨善意是我的敵人
So I'm broke and 我早已一無所有
Your heart's rich because of me 你的心是那般富有 因為我
And the worst part is I'd do it all over again 最壞的部分是我總是重蹈覆轍
The worst part is, I know it's never gonna end 最糟糕的是 我知道這一切沒有結束的一天
I keep coming right back like a maniac 一直重複發生 恐慌無限輪迴
I keep coming right back like 一直重新發生就像
And the worst part is I'd do it all over again 最壞的部分是我總是重蹈覆轍
No, the worst part is I know it's never gonna end 最糟糕的是 我知道這一切沒有結束的一天
I keep coming right back like a maniac 一直重複發生 恐慌無限輪迴
I cried tears of gold for you 我為了你哭出了珍金淚滴
I sit here poor for you 苦苦坐在那守候你
Collect my pennies and my dimes 蒐集我的財貨和金錢
That's why you love it when I cry 難怪你總是喜愛我哭泣
Platinum love for you 給你我那白金珍寶的愛
I'd give no less for you 一點也沒少給
Generosity's my enemy 慷慨善意是我的敵人
So I'm broke and 我早已一無所有
Your heart's rich because of me 你的心是那般富有 因為我