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K-12系列 依舊如火如荼的進行著

今天要介紹的是Wheels On The Bus

Wheels On The Bus作為專輯的開頭曲 走的是一種輕快的感覺

當然 並不是為整張專輯奠定基調XD

這首雖然輕快 但其實歌詞滿為憂傷

我們常對身邊的各種麻煩視而不見 做一個旁觀者似乎永遠都是最好的選擇吧

然後 這首歌的歌詞部分 有很多是使用電影裡的人名 所以建議要看完電影 才會懂Mel要表達什麼喔xD


[Verse 1]
I'm just looking out the window and it's cold outside 張望窗外 外頭是那麼的寒冷難耐
There are two boys yelling behind me and I'm terrified 兩名男孩在我身後大喊 讓我害怕顫抖
Counting trees as they pass me by 數著外頭經過的樹兒 
And I'm trying not to look across the aisle 試圖不去看走道旁發生了什麼事
Cause Maya's letting Dan put his hand up her skirt 因為梅雅正讓丹把手伸進她的裙裡
And she’s got her hand down his pants 她還將她的手伸進他的褲檔裡

I know the driver sees it 我知道駕駛全都看見了
I know he's peeking in the rearview mirror 我知道他正透過後照鏡偷窺著
He says nothing 他什麼也不說
Trying to ignore it is fucking boring 試圖去忽略 這真是太無聊了
I'm quietly observing, I'm saying nothing 我靜悄悄的觀察著 我什麼也不說

No one's watching us‚ don't give a fuck 沒人在看我們 根本沒有人在乎
Wheels on the bus 公車輪子轉啊轉
I'm holding it down up in the front 我忍住耐著 在前頭苦撐著
Wheels on the bus 公車輪子運轉著
Ooh‚ ooh‚ ooh
Wheels on the bus 在這熱鬧的公車上

[Verse 2]
Now, I'ma light it up and pass it 現在我即將點燃這菸 讓雲霧一個個接著傳遞
Puff, puff and pass it 吐煙吐霧 再傳遞
Don't be a dick and‚ baby, sit, c'mon‚ just pass it over here 請別當個混蛋 寶貝請坐好 就把它遞過來吧
Counting cars as they pass me by 數著每台經過我的車輛
And I'm trying not to look a row behind me 我試圖不去看後面發生的慘況
'Cause Jason's got his ass on the glass 因為傑森正把他的屁股貼在窗上展示
And I hate him, driver hit a bump fast 我恨透他了 駕駛冷不防來的加速

I know the driver sees it 我知道駕駛全都看見了
I know he's peeking in the rearview mirror 我知道他正透過後照鏡偷窺著
He says nothing 他什麼也不說
Trying to ignore it is fucking boring 試圖去忽略 這真是太無聊了
I'm quietly observing, I'm saying nothing 我靜悄悄的觀察著 我什麼也不說

No one's watching us‚ don't give a fuck 沒人在看我們 根本沒有人在乎
Wheels on the bus 公車輪子轉啊轉
I'm holding it down up in the front 我忍住耐著 在前頭苦撐著
Wheels on the bus 公車輪子運轉著
Ooh‚ ooh‚ ooh
Wheels on the bus 在這熱鬧的公車上

Ooh, ooh, oh, ooh
Wheels on the, on the bus 公車的輪子轉啊轉
Ooh, ha, ooh, oh, ooh, ooh 
Wheels on the bus 在這熱鬧公車上

No one's watching us‚ don't give a fuck 沒人在看我們 根本沒有人在乎
Wheels on the bus 公車輪子轉啊轉
I'm holding it down up in the front 我忍住耐著 在前頭苦撐著
Wheels on the bus 公車輪子運轉著
Ooh (Wheels on the bus) (公車輪上)
Ooh (Wheels on the bus) (公車輪子)
Wheels on the bus 在這熱鬧公車上

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    階梯 JT

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