我(主觀)覺得比Wherever I Go好欸XD
但是都很讚 這個贏一咪咪而已哈哈
Days when 那些過往日子
(We'd fight, we'd fight 'til I would give in...) 我們吵架 到我放棄認輸的那些時候
Yeah, perfect disasters 那是完美的災難
We were reaching, reaching for the rafters... 我們張手去碰觸那椽子
And on most of the days we were searching for ways 那些日子裡我們每天都在尋找方法
To get up and get out of the town that we were raised, yeah, Cause we were done 去離開我們的原生地 到外面去闖片天 因為我們有備而來
I remember, we were sleeping in cars 記得那些睡在車裡的日子
We were searching for 四處尋找盎司
We were burning cigars 一起燃燒酒精
With white plastics tips 'til we saw the sun 用那白白的塑膠尖筒直視太陽
And we said crazy things like 我們聊些瘋狂的事情像
I refuse to look back thinking days were better 我拒絕沉浸過去思考未來會更好
Just because they're younger days 那些日子都過去了
I don't know what's 'round the corner 我不知道有什麼是唾手可得的
Way I feel right now I swear we'll never change 那種承諾我們永遠不改變的那種美好感受
Back when we were kids 回到我們的童年時代
Swore we would never die! 承諾我們永遠不死
You and me were kids 你和我 不過是個稚童
Swear that we’ll never die! 承諾要永遠活下去
Lights down 燈光暗下
And we drive and we're drivin' just to get out 我們到處闖 就只是要逃離
Yeah, perfect disasters 那些完美的災難
Yeah we were swinging, swinging from the rafters 我們在夢想的最頂端搖搖擺蕩著
Hey, we were dancing in cars 我們在車裡舞動著
We were looking for ours 找尋屬於我們的事物
We were naming the stars 一起為星星命名
After people we knew 'til we had to go 和那些我們知道的人再一起 直到必須離開
And we were saying things like 我們談天說地像
I refuse to look back thinking days were better 我拒絕沉浸過去思考未來會更好
Just because they're younger days 那些日子都過去了
I don't know what's 'round the corner 我不知道有什麼是唾手可得的
Way I feel right now I swear we'll never change 那種承諾我們永遠不改變的那種美好感受
Back when we were kids 回到我們的童年時代
Swore we would never die! 承諾我們永遠不死
You and me were kids 你和我 不過是個稚童
Swear that we’ll never die! 承諾要永遠活下去
Nights when we kept dancing 夜晚我們持續舞動著
Changing all our plans and 改變我們的人生計劃和
Making every day a holiday 讓每天都活得精采像過節
Feel the years start burning 感覺每年都充滿熱情
City lights they're turning 城市的光他們點亮著
Something 'bout this feels the same 有些這裡的事情帶給我相同的感受
Back when we were kids 回到我們的童年時代
Swore we would never die! 承諾我們永遠不死
You and me were kids 你和我 不過是個稚童
Swear that we’ll never die! 承諾要永遠活下去
I refuse to look back thinking days were better 我拒絕沉浸過去思考未來會更好
Just because they're younger days 那些日子都過去了
I don't know what's 'round the corner 我不知道有什麼是唾手可得的
Way I feel right now I swear we'll never change 那種承諾我們永遠不改變的那種美好感受
(You and me were kids...!) 你和我不過是個稚童
這首不是我要說 真的超級難翻的TAT