Cover art for The Black Dog by Taylor Swift

今天來翻 The Antholgy 的第一首歌 The Black Dog
一開始聽覺得平平 但那個 screaming 那個編曲真的是直擊心靈
這邊稍微介紹一下 The Black Dog
The Black Dog 是在說英國的一間酒吧
而到後面有一句則是巧妙的把 Dog 這個詞直接用來講實際的狗


[Verse 1]
I am someone who until recent events 我是那個直到最近
You shared your secrets with 你都還是會共享秘密的人
And your location, you forgot to turn it off 你忘記關掉你的定位
And so I watch as you walk 所以我在你行動時偵測你
Into some bar called The Black Dog 進到一間名為黑狗的酒吧
And pierce new holes in my heart 讓我心上再添幾孔
You forgot to turn it off 你忘記關掉我們間的情感連結
And it hits me 這使我大受打擊

I just don't understand 我只是真的不明白
How you don't miss me in The Black Dog 當你在黑狗酒吧聽到有人演奏起跑線的歌
When someone plays "The Starting Line" 你怎麼沒有因此想念起我
And you jump up, but she's too young to know this song 你因此亢奮跳起 但她太年輕了聽不懂這首歌
That was intertwined in the magic fabric of our dreaming 這首我們一起在夢中共享充滿魔力的歌
Old habits die screaming 積累的老習慣是很難改的

[Verse 2]
I move through the world with the heartbroken 我帶著支離破碎的心繼續往前進
My longings stay unspoken 我將內心渴望徹底封印
And I may never open up thе way I did for you 我可能永遠無法像對你一樣開誠佈公
And all of those best laid plans 那些趕不上變化的計畫
You said I needed a bravе man 你說我需要一個勇敢的男人
Then proceeded to play him 卻總是在外繼續扮演這樣的角色
Until I believed it too 直到我也跟著相信了
And it kills me 我可真是被打敗了

I just don't understand 我只是真的不能理解
How you don't miss me in the shower 你難道不會在洗澡時想起我嗎
And remember how my rain-soaked body 回憶起我那被雨浸濕的身體
Was shakin', do you hate me? 如此顫抖著 難道你恨我嗎
Was it hazing? For a cruel fraternity 這難道是在欺辱我嗎 搞得像是殘酷的兄弟會一樣
I pledged and I still mean it 我宣示過承諾 想法到現在都沒變過
Old habits die screaming 積累的老習慣是很難改的

Six weeks of breathin' clean air 數週的感受清新空氣
I still miss the smoke 我卻仍在想念你的煙味
Were you makin' fun of me 你是否在拿我當笑話
With some esoteric joke? 隨帶你那些難懂的笑話
Now I wanna sell my house 現在我想把房子給賣了
And set fire to all my clothes 再把所有衣服給燒掉
And hire a priest to come and exorcise my demons 僱個神父來幫我驅散內心的惡魔
Even if I die screaming 即使為此撕心裂肺嘶吼也沒關係
And I hope you hear it 我希望你能夠聽見

And I hope it's shitty in The Black Dog 希望所有鳥事都能留在黑狗酒吧裡
When someone plays "The Starting Line" 聽到有人演奏起跑線的歌
And you jump up, but she's too young to know this song 你因此亢奮跳起 但她太年輕了聽不懂這首歌
That was intertwined in the magic fabric of our dreaming 這首我們一起在夢中共享充滿魔力的歌
'Cause tail between your legs, you're leavin' 但你已夾緊尾巴準備逃離

I still can't believe it 我依舊無法相信
'Cause old habits die screaming 因為老習慣是很難一夕間改變的


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