Cover art for So Long, London by Taylor Swift

這首的故事我想應該滿直接的吧 Taylor 自從和 Joe 在一起之後

就滿常在自己的歌曲裡面加入一些英式元素 其中最直白的就屬 Lover era 的 London Boy 了

而在當時 Taylor 用非常浪漫幾近是少女的口吻去描述自己和 Joe 的甜蜜愛情


而這首歌光是歌名 So Long, London 應該就可以很明確地看出是寫給 Joe 的一首告別歌了吧

So Long 在副歌第一段代表的是再見、告別之意 第二段則轉為字面上的講述時間太長

整首歌非常令人窒息難過 無論你是否了解過 Taylor 和 Joe 的這段戀情

光是旋律和簡單去了解歌詞後真的就會了解到 Taylor 在經歷這段憂傷後是真的心碎了

這首歌我最喜歡的一句就是 “Two graves, one gun." 講述了這段感情最後的下場只是兩敗俱傷

但即使內心再痛再傷心 Taylor 在歌曲的最後也是給上了祝福 希望對方能在告別自己之後找到下一個人

而她也告訴自己 自己過去為了他而活 奉獻了自己的青春去努力撫平他的憂傷和情緒

但最後她自己也受了傷 找不到自我 這首歌同時也具備了她用來自我勉勵要放下前進 找尋真正自我的勉勵訊息


So (So) long (Long), London (London) 再會了 倫敦
So (So) long (Long), London (London) 再見了 倫敦
So (So) long (Long), London (London) 這次真的再會了 倫敦

[Verse 1] 
I saw in my mind fairy lights through the mist 腦海依舊能在迷霧依稀看見聖誕燈飾透出的光芒
I kept calm and carried the weight of the rift 試著保持冷靜 帶著我們關係破裂遺留的負擔繼續前進
Pulled him in tighter each time he was driftin' away 每當他飄移漸遠時我總是將他抓得更緊
My spine split from carrying us up the hill 我的脊柱在支撐我們上山時應聲斷裂
Wet through my clothes, weary bones caught the chill  衣服全濕透 骨頭疲憊受盡寒意
I stopped tryna make him laugh, stopped tryna drill the safe 我不再盡力盼望他的笑顏 也不再試著撬開他的封閉心房

Thinkin', "How much sad did you think I had  你能想像到我的內心
Did you think I had in me?" 到底裝載了多少悲傷
Oh, the tragedy 我們可真是悲劇收場
So long, London 再會了 倫敦
You'll find someone 你會找到下一個人的

[Verse 2]
I didn't opt in to be your odd man out 我從沒選擇要成為你生命格格不入的部分
I founded the club she's heard great things about 相信你肯定有向她提起 那個惡名昭彰為我而建的俱樂部吧
I left all I knew, you left me at the house by the Heath 我捨棄我知道的一切 你卻將我拋棄在你英國的老家
I stoppеd CPR, after all, it's no use 早放棄急救 因為一切已是徒勞
The spirit was gonе, we would never come to 我們曾經交織的靈魂已不復存在 也沒有復原的可能
And I'm pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free 我只是很憤慨你讓我這樣無償奉獻我的青春歲月

For so long, London 這麼多年來 在倫敦
Stitches undone 我受過的傷都沒痊癒過 
Two graves, one gun 僅僅一把槍 卻造就兩場死亡
I'll find someone 我會找到下一個人的

And you say I abandoned the ship 你說是我選擇棄船而逃
But I was going down with it 但我從頭到尾都甘願與之沉淪
My white-knuckle dying grip 驚險中拼命伸出手抓住每個可能
Holding tight to your quiet resentment 卻只抓到你無聲的怨恨 
And my friends said it isn't right to be scared 朋友說感情不該是這樣活在恐懼
Every day of a love affair 每天都在擔心對方會出軌
Every breath feels like rarest air 每口呼吸都像是最後一口
When you're not sure if he wants to be there 心中根本不確定他是否想要留下

So how much sad did you think I had 你能想像到我的內心
Did you think I had in me? 到底裝載了多少悲傷
How much tragedy? 又經歷過多少悲劇
Just how low did you 你覺得我能忍受到何時
Think I'd go 'fore I'd self-implode? 內心才會徹底崩潰
'Fore I'd have to go be free? 最終選擇離開去贖回自由

[Verse 3]
You swore that you loved me, but where were the clues? 發誓你愛我 但線索到底在哪
I died on the altar waitin' for the proof 最終死在祭壇上 只為等待一絲證據
You sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days 只因你過不去內心的憂傷而將我們獻祭 
And I'm just getting color back into my face 我這才終於要開始重新振作找尋自我
I'm just mad as hell 'cause I loved this place for 但我真心好愛這地方 一想到就好生氣

So (So) long (Long), London (London) 愛了這麼久 再會了倫敦 
Had (Had) a (A) good (Good) run (Run) 這些日子來 我過得很快樂
A moment (Moment) of warm sun (Sun) 你是我享有過片刻的暖陽
But I'm (I'm) not (Not) the (The) one (One) 但我不是你的命中注定
So (So) long (Long), London (London) 這次真的再會了 倫敦
Stitches (Stitches) undone (Undone) 內心的傷痕依然尚未痊癒
Two (Two) graves (Graves) one gun (Gun) 僅僅一把槍 卻造就兩場死亡
You'll (You'll) find (Find) someone 你會找到下一個人的


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