The Anthology 最令人好奇的想必就是這首歌了吧
Taylor 和 Kim 的 feud 網路上找一找都有資料
當時 Taylor 以 Reputation 回應 象徵她的浴火重生
諧趣輕快的方式來呈現 不僅將事件對象的名字用 Aimee 這個化名包裝
整首歌更是編的相當愉快感 整首歌不仔細看會覺得是在講一個
關於 Aimee 的校園惡霸的故事 但仔細看這些輕快釋然的歌詞旋律背後
仔細研究 藏著的是滿滿的的悲傷、滿滿的冤屈和憤怒
這首歌最讓我驚訝的是 Taylor 在歌詞上的 blunt and honest
(再聽到她暗示 North 是 Swifite 那段則是笑到我四腳朝天)
[Verse 1]
When I picture my hometown 當我試著想像家鄉的畫面
There's a bronze, spray-tanned statue of you 總會想到你那座噴漆銅色雕像
And a plaque underneath it 雕像底下有塊牌匾
That threatens to push me down the stairs at our school 寫著要威脅將我踢下學校樓梯
And it was always the same searing pain 那份痛苦永遠會烙印在我心中
But I dreamed that one day I could say 但希望有一天我能夠勇敢說出
All that time you were throwin' punches, I was buildin' somethin' 這些日子來你總是不斷投射攻擊 讓我能不斷有新作品
And I can't forgive the way you made me feel 我無法原諒你對我做的事
Screamed, "Fuck you, Aimee" to the night sky as the blood was gushin' 熱血沸騰朝著夜晚天空大喊: 「去你的艾米!」
But I can't forget the way you made me heal 但我也忘不了是你教會我怎麼去自我療傷
[Verse 2]
And it wasn't a fair fight 每次艾米試著要踐踏我的名聲
Or a clean kill each time that Aimee stompеd across my grave 都從來不是公平的戰爭或沒造成任何傷害
And then she wrotе headlines 她總是把所有事情搬上各大新聞頭條
In the local paper, laughing at each baby step I'd take 再嘲笑我做出的每一小步反擊
And it was always the same searing pain 那份痛苦永遠會烙印在我心中
But I prayed that one day I could say 但祈禱有一天我能夠勇敢說出
All that time you were throwin' punches, I was buildin' somethin' 這些日子來你總是不斷投射攻擊 讓我能不斷有新作品
And I couldn't wait to show you it was real 我迫不及待要告訴你一切都是真的
Screamed, "Fuck you, Aimee" to the night sky as the blood was gushin' 熱血沸騰朝著夜晚天空大喊: 「去你的艾米!」
But I can't forget the way you made me heal 但我也忘不了是你教會我怎麼去自我療傷
Everyone knows that my mother is a saintly woman 人人都知道我母親品德跟聖母一樣高尚
But she used to say she wished that you were dead 但連她都曾脫口而出希望妳能去死:)
I pushed each boulder up the hill 不斷努力試著去洗刷自己的冤屈
Your words are still just ringing in my head, ringing in my head 你的一字一句卻仍然迴盪在我腦海裡
I wrote a thousand songs that you find uncool 寫了數千首讓你無法坐以待斃的歌曲
I built a legacy that you can't undo 建立起你怎麼樣也破壞不了的豐功偉業
But when I count the scars, there's a moment of truth 但當我重新翻著這些傷疤 我還是得老實承認
That there wouldn't be this if there hadn't been you 沒有你就不會有我今天的這番成就
[Verse 3]
And maybe you've reframed it 或許你真的已經改過自新
And in your mind, you never beat my spirit black and blue 或許你總認為你從沒傷到過我
I don't think you've changed much 我認為你根本沒什麼改變
And so I changed your name and any real defining clues 因此我改了你的名字 不留下任何明顯的線索
And one day, your kid comes home singin' 有一天你的孩子會回家歌唱著
A song that only us two is gonna know is about you, 'cause 一首只有你我知道是關於你的歌曲
All that time you were throwin' punches, it was all for nothin' 這些日子來你總是沒意義地對我冷嘲熱諷
And our town, it looks so small from way up here 從高處看來我們的城鎮是那樣的渺小
Screamed, "Thank you, Aimee" to the night sky and the stars are stunnin' 伴隨閃耀星點朝著夜晚天空大喊: 「謝謝你艾米!」
'Cause I can't forget the way you made me heal 但我也忘不了是你教會我怎麼去自我療傷
Everyone knows that my mother is a saintly woman 人人都知道我母親品德跟聖母一樣高尚
But she used to say she wished that you were dead 但連她都曾脫口而出希望你能去死:)
I pushed each boulder up the hill 不斷努力試著去洗刷自己的冤屈
Your words are still just ringing in my head, ringing in my head 你的一字一句卻仍然迴盪在我腦中
Thank you, Aimee 謝謝你 艾米
Thank you, Aimee 謝謝你 艾米