相信只要是從 Rep 時期就有在關注 Taylor 的粉絲
應該都知道 Taylor 在當時經歷了多少黑暗和鋪天蓋地的負評吧
先是感情生活不斷被詬病 各種和其他人的 beef 和抓馬
也是瘋狂被拿來做文章 不僅如此還有一堆莫名其妙的冷嘲熱諷和指控
我覺得也像是 Taylor 寫給自己的一首力量之歌
[Verse 1]
The who's who of "Who's that?" is poised for the attack 那些無名小卒裝模作樣 卻還是沒人知道他們是誰
But my bare hands paved their paths 但我靠我的雙手替他們鋪好前進道路
You don't get to tell me about "sad" 你沒資格和我談論悲傷
If you wanted me dead, you should've just said 若你想要我去死 那你應該大聲說出口
Nothing makes me feel more alive 沒什麼比這樣讓我更有活下去的動力
So I leap from the gallows and I levitate down your street 從絞刑台一躍而下 我飄浮到你家街道上
Crash the party like a record scratch as I scream 攻佔每場盛會 伴隨我像刮唱片般的尖叫聲
"Who's afraid of little old me?" 是誰在害怕微不足道的我
You should be 你應該要的
[Verse 2]
The scandal was contained 所有醜聞都被控制住
The bullet had just grazed 子彈單純只是掠過我
At all costs, keep your good name 耗盡一切代價 只會保住你的好名聲
You don't get to tell me you feel bad 你沒資格告訴我你感到愧疚
Is it a wonder I broke? Let's hear one morе joke 這又是個我打破的奇蹟嗎 一起再聽一個玩笑
Then we could all just laugh until I cry 我們可以一起歡笑 直到笑到我開始流淚
So I leap from the gallows and I levitate down your street 從絞刑台一躍而下 飄浮到你家街道
Crash the party like a record scratch as I scream 攻佔每場盛會 伴隨我像刮唱片般的尖叫聲
"Who's afraid of little old me?" 是誰在害怕微不足道的我
I was tame, I was gentle 'til the circus life made me mean 我曾是那麼溫順和善 直到這馬戲團般的人生讓我必須嚴肅起來
"Don't you worry, folks, we took out all her teeth" 大家別擔心 我們已經拔掉她所有牙齒了
Who's afraid of little old me? 是誰在害怕微不足道的我
Well, you should be 你真的應該要害怕
(You should be) You should be 你應該要有所畏懼
(You should be) You should be 你應該要害怕才對
You should be (You should be) 你應該要有所畏懼
You should be (You should be) 你應該要害怕才對
You should be 你應該要的
So tell me everything is not about me 告訴我這一切都和我無關
But what if it is? 但要是其實不然怎麼辦
Then say they didn't do it to hurt me 人們說做這些事不是為了傷害我
But what if they did? 但要是他們其實有意怎麼辦
I wanna snarl and show you just how disturbed this has made me 我好想大聲咆哮 告訴你這一切讓我多心神不寧
You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me 在我生長的環境你可是一小時都撐不下去
So all you kids can sneak into my house with all the cobwebs 所以才會有人想帶著陷阱潛入我的住家中
I'm always drunk on my own tears, isn't that what they all said? 我總是沉醉在自己的眼淚中 人們不都這麼說我的嗎
That I'll sue you if you step on my lawn 說只要你踏上我家草皮我就會告你
That I'm fearsome and I'm wretched and I'm wrong 說我很可怕很可悲 說我不正常
Put narcotics into all of my songs 說我在我所有歌曲中塞了迷幻藥
And that's why you're still singin' along 才能讓我的歌被人人傳唱
So I leap from the gallows and I levitate down your street 從絞刑台一躍而下 飄浮到你家街道
Crash the party like a record scratch as I scream 攻佔每場盛會 伴隨我像刮唱片般的尖叫聲
"Who's afraid of little old me?" 是誰在害怕微不足道的我
I was tame, I was gentle 'til the circus life made me mean 我曾是那麼溫順和善 直到這馬戲團般的人生讓我必須嚴肅起來
"Don't you worry, folks, we took out all her teeth" 大家別擔心 我們已經拔掉她所有牙齒了
Who's afraid of little old me? 是誰在害怕微不足道的我
Well, you should be 你真的應該要害怕
(You should be) You should be 你應該要有所畏懼
(You should be) You should be 你應該要害怕才對
'Cause you lured me (You should be) 因為是你誘惑我的
And you hurt me (You should be) 是你傷害我的
And you taught me 是你教會我的
You caged me and then you called me crazy 將我囚禁還敢說我發瘋
I am what I am 'cause you trained me 沒有你的訓練 就沒有今天的我
So who's afraid of me? 所以誰還在害怕我
Who's afraid of little old me? 誰在害怕微不足道的我
Who's afraid of little old me? 是誰在害怕微不足道的我