Cover art for ​bye by Ariana Grande

收看我的 Ariana Grande 一小時介紹影片!

因為要拍 reaction 所以我還沒有把專輯完整的聽完


Max Martin 你是我永遠的信仰

這首歌有點 R&B 但有不失其流行性 甚至帶給我一種福音感


且這首歌的歌詞非常言簡意賅 安娜在說自己因為更認識自己了

所以決定訣別那個不對的感情 或許有點苦樂參半 或許有點難以啟齒

但選擇告別對自己有害的事物 才是真正的愛自己


Bye-bye 再見了
Boy, bye, hmm 男孩再見了
Bye-bye 再見了
Boy, bye 男孩再見了
It's over, it's over, oh yeah 你我之間結束了

[Verse 1]
This ain't the first time I've been hostage to these tears 這已不是我第一次被這些眼淚箝制住
I can't believe I'm finally movin' through my fears 無法相信自己終於要克服自己的恐懼
At least, I know how hard we tried, both you and me 至少我知道我們都盡力過了
Didn't we? Didn't we? 這麼說沒錯吧 是吧

So I grab my stuff 於是我收拾掉所有行囊
Courtney just pulled up in the driveway 寇特妮已經停在外頭等我了
It's time 是時候了

Bye-bye 再見了
Boy, bye 男孩再見了 
Bye-bye 是時候道別了
It's over, it's over, oh yeah 你我之間結束了
Bye-bye 再見了
I'm takin' what's mine, yeah 我要帶走屬於我的東西
Bye-bye 和你正式訣別
It's over, it's over, oh yeah 一切都結束了 

[Verse 2]
You know? I'm stronger than I think 你知道嗎 我比自己想的堅強多了
Usually, I'd join you on the floor, but this dance ain't for me 通常我會和你一同起舞 但這舞不屬於我
Boy, just turn the music up 就把音樂調更大聲吧
Maybe, someday we'll look back with love 或許有天我們會看開這些過去
Didn't think you'd lose me 當時從沒想過你會失去我
Now it's just too late to choose me 但現在想選我已為時已晚

So I grab my stuff 於是我收拾掉所有行囊
Courtney just pulled up in the driveway 寇特妮已經停在外頭等我了
It's time (It's time) 是時候了

Bye-bye 再見了
Boy, bye (Boy, bye) 男孩再見了
Bye-bye 是時候道別了
It's over, it's over, oh yeah 你我之間結束了
Bye-bye 再見了
I'm takin' what's mine, yeah (Takin' what's mine) 我要帶走屬於我的東西
Bye-bye 和你正式訣別
It's over, it's over, oh yeah 一切都結束了 

Now it's certainly bittersweet 你我間的一切真是苦樂參半
This hook feels too hard to sing 這副歌我真是難以唱出
But it's better than repeat (Than repeat, than repeat, than repeat) 但總比重複播放的好

Bye-bye (Bye-bye) 再見了
Boy, bye (Boy, bye) 男孩再見了
Bye-bye 是時候道別了
It's over, it's over, oh yeah (Bye) 你我之間結束了
Bye-bye (Bye-bye) 再見了
I'm takin' what's mine, yeah (Takin' what's mine, ooh) 我要帶走屬於我的東西
Bye-bye 和你正式訣別
It's over, it's over, oh yeah (Ooh) 一切都結束了 
Bye-bye (Bye-bye) 再見了
Boy, bye 男孩再見了
Bye-bye 是時候道別了
It's over, it's over, oh yeah (Bye) 你我之間結束了
Bye-bye (Bye-bye) 再見了
I'm takin' what's mine, yeah (I'm takin' what's mine) 我要帶走屬於我的東西
Bye-bye 和你正式訣別
It's over, it's over, oh yeah 一切都結束了 

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    階梯 JT

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