Cover art for HAPPY by NF

NF 的新專輯大家聽了嗎?
但就感覺 Nate 好像更做自己 做出更自在快樂的音樂了
HAPPY 作為專輯裡的第三支單曲
可以聽見 NF 久違的歌唱 hook
MV 也拍得很好 


[Verse 1]
Dear God, please hear me out 親愛的上帝 請聽我說
I know it's been a couple years 我知道自從我上次聯繫祢
Since I've reached out and said hello 已是過了數幾年
I bet you're wondering why I keep 我打賭祢一定很好奇
Obsessing on and stressing all the little things 為何我會為了小事情如此執著又為此疲勞
When I should be living life and soaking up the memories 我理應該過好自己的人生 將過去全給埋藏
I know I've been selfish, I have 我知道這一路上 我都很自私
No excuse to give you, it's true 沒什麼能找的藉口 因為一切全屬實
Hanging by a thread's how I live 活在危險中是我的生存方式
I don't know why, but I feel more comfortable 不知怎的 這樣的生活對我來說好像更舒適

Living in my agony 一生活在自己構築的痛苦裡
Watching my self-esteem go up in flames, acting like I don't 看著自己的尊嚴焚燒於烈火中
Care what anyone else thinks 佯裝自己不在乎他人的想法
When I know truthfully that that's the furthest thing from how I 當我明知一切早已背離我內心真實想法
Feel, but I'm too proud to open up and ask you 但我太過自負不敢開誠布公問你
To pick me up and pull me out this hole I'm trapped in 能否伸出援手將我從這深陷的無底深淵拉起
The truth is I need help, but I just can't imagine (Who) 事實是我需要協助 但我真的無法想像
Who I'd be if I was happy 那個快樂的自己會是什麼模樣

[Verse 2]
Yeah, been this way so long 已經這樣過活太久了
It feels like something's off when I'm not depressed 不憂鬱時總會覺得一切不對勁 
I got some issues that I won't address 人生積滿一堆無法處理的問題
I got some baggage I ain't open yet 攢滿一堆尚未打開的行囊
I got some demons I should put to rest 內心積存些必須安放的心魔
I got some traumas that I can't forget 心中充斥許多無法忘懷的創傷
I got some phone calls I've been avoiding 許多來電我都選擇迴避
Some family members I don't really connect with 有些家庭成員現在我都不聯繫
Some things I said, I wish I woulda not let slip 有些說過的話 希望當時能別說漏嘴
Some hurtful words that never shoulda left my lips 那些傷人的話 從來就不該說出口
Some bridges burned, I'm not ready to rebuild yet 那些被葬送的可能性 至今也沒想過要彌補
Some insecurities I haven't dealt with, yes 內心滿是自己不想面對的不安
I'll be the first to admit that I'm a lonely soul 我會率先承認自己是個孤單靈魂
And the last to admit I need a hand to hold 但到最後都不會承認自己需要有人支持
Losing hope, heading down a dangerous road 失去希望 前向眼前荊棘道路
Strange, I know, but I feel most at home when I'm— 說來奇怪 但這樣的生活方式讓我最舒適

Living in my agony 一生活在自己構築的痛苦裡
Watching my self-esteem go up in flames, acting like I don't 看著自尊焚燒於烈火中
Care what anyone else thinks 佯裝自己不在乎他人的想法
When I know truthfully that that's the furthest thing from how I 當我明知一切早已背離我內心真實想法
Feel, but I'm too proud to open up and ask you 但我太過自負不敢開誠布公問你
To pick me up and pull me out this hole I'm trapped in 能否伸出援手將我從這無底深淵拉起
The truth is I need help, but I just can't imagine (Who) 事實是我需要協助 但我真的無法想像
Who I'd be if I was happy 那個快樂的自己會是什麼模樣

Don't know what's around the bend 不知是什麼讓我發瘋抓狂
Don't know what my future is 不知自己未來模樣會是如何
But I can't keep on living in— 但我不能一直停滯不前

Living in my agony 一生活在自己構築的痛苦裡
Watching my self-esteem go up in flames, acting like I don't 看著自尊焚燒於烈火中
Care what anyone else thinks 佯裝自己不在乎他人的想法
When I know truthfully that that's the furthest thing from how I 當我明知一切早已背離我內心真實想法
Feel, but I'm too proud to open up and ask you 但我太過自負不敢開誠布公問你
To pick me up and pull me out this hole I'm trapped in 能否伸出援手將我從這無底深淵拉起
The truth is I need help, but I just can't imagine (Who) 事實是我需要協助 但我真的無法想像
Who I'd be if I was happy 那個快樂的自己會是什麼模樣

If I was happy 快樂的我會是什麼模樣 
If I was happy 若我能感受到快樂會是如何


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