這首歌是我偶然在 Spotify 翻到的寶 大家可以去善用 Spotify 內建的 SALT 播放清單 裡面有很多 GenZ 歌手的隱藏好歌喔!
我這個人很簡單 幾個貝斯幾個鼓唱一下心碎我通常都不會太討厭XD
Leah Kate 也是這幾年開始踏入歌壇的新生代歌手
去年推出的 F U Anthem & Fuck Up The Friendship 我個人都很喜歡!
這次推出的這首 10 Things I Hate About You(好長)我覺得很像迪士尼會有的失戀搖滾歌曲
但是又更黑暗了一些 所以整個有點微微黑暗但又帶有一些可愛的童趣味 推薦給大家
然後 MV 走的風格我看不懂 不知道是不是想效仿 GAYLE 的 abcedfu 的古老拍攝手法(但至少 GAYLE 有闖空門的劇情?)
[Verse 1]
I caught you cheatin' 逮到你偷腥偷情
You had the nerve to say you're sleepin' 竟還有膽謊稱你早已入睡
Just not with her, but tell your friends that I'll be lost without you 只是不是和那女孩 告訴身邊朋友沒了你我只是行屍走肉
And I'll admit it 我就老實地承認吧
Sometimes I miss when we were in it 有時我會懷念彼此還在一起的過往時光
So I made a list so I never forget all the things I hate about you 因此我列了張清單 好永遠記得所有我討厭你的地方
Ten, you're selfish, nine, you're jaded 第十 你自私自利 第九你很無趣
Eight, the dumbest guy I dated 第八 你是我約過最蠢的男生
Seven, talk a big game 'til you're naked 第七 真槍實戰前總愛自說大話
Only six seconds and I had to fake it 只能持九六秒 我還要假裝性奮
Five, you're toxic, four, can't trust you 第五 你可真夠陰險 第四 我根本信不過你
Three, you still got mommy issues 第三 老大不小還是個臭媽寶
Two years of your bullshit I can't undo 忍受你兩年的狗屁 這些時光誰來賠
One, I hate the fact that you made me love you 第一 我恨你我曾經是那般相愛
[Verse 2]
Your friends must suck if they think you're cool 要是認為你很酷 那你朋友還真是夠爛
A sloppy drunk obsessed with his Juul 不過是個迷戀電子菸的邋遢醉漢
Keep buying bottles with your daddy's money 只會用自己父親的錢瘋狂買醉
And I don't know how I fell for your shit 不知道該對你這堆狗屁抱何感想
You gross me out and now I've got the ick 你徹底讓我反胃 感到噁心不適
And I've got a list of why you don't get to fuck me 列了滿滿清單告訴你為何一輩子得不到我
Ten, you're selfish, nine, you're jaded 第十 你自私自利 第九你很無趣
Eight, the dumbest guy I dated 第八 你是我約過最蠢的男生
Seven, talk a big game 'til you're naked 第七 真槍實戰前總愛自說大話
Only six seconds and I had to fake it 只能持九六秒 我還要假裝性奮
Five, you're toxic, four, can't trust you 第五 你可真夠陰險 第四 我根本信不過你
Three, you still got mommy issues 第三 老大不小還是個臭媽寶
Two years of your bullshit I can't undo 忍受你兩年的狗屁 這些時光誰來賠
One, I hate the fact that you made me love you 第一 我恨你我曾經是那般相愛
You made me love you 你曾讓我那樣情墜於你
You made me love you 兩人深深相戀 緊緊相連
Ooh, ah
How'd you make me love you? 到底是如何讓我這般愛戀於你
And I'll admit it 我就老實地承認吧
Sometimes I miss when we were in it 有時我會懷念彼此還在一起的過往時光
So I made a list, yeah 為了讓自己清醒 所以我列了張清單
Ten things I hate about you 上頭列了十個我恨你的理由
Ten, you're selfish, nine, you're jaded 第十 你自私自利 第九你很無趣
Eight, the dumbest guy I dated 第八 你是我約過最蠢的男生
Seven, talk a big game 'til you're naked 第七 真槍實戰前總愛自說大話
Only six seconds and I had to fake it 只能持九六秒 我還要假裝性奮
Five, you're toxic, four, can't trust you 第五 你可真夠陰險 第四 我根本信不過你
Three, you still got mommy issues 第三 老大不小還是個臭媽寶
Two years of your bullshit I can't undo 忍受你兩年的狗屁 這些時光誰來賠
One, I hate the fact that you made me love you 第一 我恨你我曾經是那般相愛