Just Look Up (From Don't Look Up) - Ariana Grande - Just Look Up (From  Don't Look Up)專輯- LINE MUSIC

今天要介紹的這首歌是我們久久未出歌的官爹 Ariana Grande 的新歌

這首歌找來了怪盜基德(誤)基德酷迪 Kid Kudi 合作

會收錄在 2021年 12/10 上映的電影 Don't Look Up 裡面(Ari 也有尬一角喔><)

這部電影 12/24 會在 Netflix 上架 大家可以參考參考

歌曲部分我自己是覺得這首歌大於 Positions 的非常多歌曲阿(壞)

很久沒有聽到 Ari 這樣展現自己的 vocal 了 聽的很感動

btw 電影叫 Don't Look Up 歌曲叫 Just Look Up 很故意欸XD


[Intro: Ariana Grande]
Mm-mm, hmm
Ah, ah

[Verse 1: Ariana Grande]
We knew no bounds 我們的愛沒有極限
Fell at the speed of sound 如此隨著高速墜落
Ridin' against all odds, but soon against ourselves 戰勝一切不可能 最後只剩你和我
You haunted every memory 你縈繞於我每個記憶中
With no goodbyes, all bad for me 沒有一聲道別 對我總是使壞
Your pride put out the fire in our flames 你的自傲就這樣熄了我們的愛火

[Pre-Chorus: Ariana Grande]
Then just one look is all it takes 只需要一個眼神注視 就已足矣
I feel your eyes, they're locked on every part of me 感受到你的眼神 如此直鎖於我
And then my dumb heart says 我那被愛沖的麻木的心表示道

[Chorus: Ariana Grande]
Just look up 勇敢地抬眼仰望吧
There is no place to hide 已經沒有地方好躲藏
True love doesn't die 真愛永遠不會凋亡
It holds on tight and never lets you go 永遠會堅持下去 永遠不會放你離行
Just look up 誠實面對自己內心 勇敢地向上看
You cannot deny the signs 無法否認這些徵兆的存在
What you'vе waited for 你究竟在等候什麼
Don't wait no more 別再拖時間 加緊腳步
It's right up above you 就在你的正頭頂上
Just look up 抬起頭 好好看看吧

[Verse 2: Kid Cudi & Ariana Grande]
Know I lеt you down, a nigga can't deny it (Uh-huh) 知道自己讓你失望 真男人不會否定這些 
And there's so much I could lose and, yes, that matters (Yeah) 有這麼多可以失去的事物 是的我很在意
I've been dealin' with madness (Yo) 總是身處混亂得面對這些瘋狂 
Wasn't the man you needed (Hmm) 不是那個你需要在身邊的男人
You dealin' with sadness, truthfully, it's all on me (Hmm) 如此坦然的面對憂傷 一切都是因為我
And I'm sorry, my love 我很抱歉 我最親愛的
I'ma heal your heart, I'll hold it in my hand (Ooh, ah-ah) 我會治癒你心 將其守護於我掌心
Time is oh so precious, we don't really have much left now (Ooh) 時間是如此珍貴 已經沒有什麼留下的了
Take my hand, baby, never leave you, Riley 牽起我的手 我永遠不會離開你(Riley 是 Ari 在電影裡的角色名)

[Verse 3: Ariana Grande]
Look up, what he's really trying to say 抬起頭 聽聽他到底想說什麼
Is get your head out of your ass 試著將我喚醒 要我好好細查四周 
Listen to the goddamn qualified scientists 聽著所有高端學者的各種分析
We really fucked it up, fucked it up this time 看來我們真的沒了 徹徹底底的搞砸了
It's so close, I can feel the heat big time 如此接近終結 我可以感受這危機感受
And you can act like everything is alright 你也可以佯裝什麼都沒發生過
But this is probably happening in real time 但遺憾的是這是真實正在發生
Celebrate or cry or pray, whatever it takes  慶祝哭泣抑或祈禱 不計一切代價
To get you through the mess that we made  帶領你走過你我製造出來的混亂
'Cause tomorrow may never come 明日曙光或許永遠不會到來

[Chorus: Ariana Grande]
Just look up
Turn off that shit Box News 把那鳥爛新聞台給我關了
'Cause you're about to die soon everybody 終有一日生命也會走入末途
Ooh, I, I, oh, I  現在的我已下定決心
Look up 抬眼上望 勇敢前行 
Here it comes 挑戰一個個接踵而來
I'm so glad I'm here with you forever 如此開心能夠與你相伴至永遠
In your arms 窩在你的臂彎裡


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    階梯 JT

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