
我要哭了 真的是太感動了QQQQQ

OneRepublic 終於釋出了他們睽違五年的全新第五張專輯

說真的很難定義這次專輯的走向 但就是溫暖1R風格

歌詞依舊正面 旋律依舊磅礡 我熟悉的1R最對味♡

專輯裡面大部分的歌都是之前釋出過的作品 不過 Ryan 也說目標是今年兩張專輯

所以我猜這張應該是把之前的作品集合一起 加上 Rescue Me 那些歌曲本來就是預計要收錄在 Human 裡 只是專輯一直延期

感覺 West Coast 和其他新歌應該會出現在新專輯裡 寵粉1R怎麼能不愛

這次隨著專輯一起主打的單曲就是這首 Someday


旋律跟歌詞都充滿對未來的憧憬 很喜歡這樣的風格


[Verse 1]
Somedays I'm treadin' the water and feel like it's getting deep 有時如此涉水前進 感覺有些過於深險
Some nights I drown in the weight of the things that I think I need 夜晚時常被以為必須做到之事給壓的喘不過氣
Sometimes I feel incomplete, yeah 有時總感覺自己並不完整
But you always say to me, say to me 但你總是對我說 對我叮囑

Oh, you say, "Someday when we're older 你對我說 終有一天我們會長大
We'll be shinin' like we're gold, yeah, won't we?" (Won't we?) 在自己的人生道路閃耀熠輝 難道不會嗎
Won't we? (Won't we?) 難道我們做不到嗎
"And someday when we're older 總有一天我們也會長大成人
I'll be yours and you'll be mine, be happy" (Happy), happy 你我互相愛著對方 過著快樂日子
Oh, you say, "Someday when we're older 等到哪天我們長大成人
We won't worry 'bout the things that we don't need" (We don't need) 那些不必要的憂慮我們也不用去理睬
We don't need 我們不需要
Yeah, "One day down the line 未來某日 終有一日
Before we both run out of time, you're gonna see 在我們走向終結之前 你將會發現 
That someday we'll be all that we need" 總有一天我們會成為我們所嚮往之人
Someday we'll be all that we need 成為我們理想目標之人

[Verse 2]
I've been the best, been the worst, been a ghost in a crowded room (Oh, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah) 曾做過最棒也做過最差 成為人群裡默默無名的小卒
I took a chance, took a turn, took a dive, and it led to you (Oh, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah) 選擇冒險 試著轉換思考 認真努力 最終結果總是你
So many times that I wish we could be anywhere but here 好幾回總希望自己能不出現在這
So many times that I wish I could see what you see so clear, so clear 好希望自己也能和你一樣對未來願景一樣清晰

Oh, you say, "Someday when we're older 你對我說 終有一天我們會長大
We'll be shinin' like we're gold, yeah, won't we?" (Won't we?) 在自己的人生道路閃耀熠輝 難道不會嗎
Won't we? (Won't we?) 難道我們做不到嗎
"And someday when we're older 總有一天我們也會長大成人
I'll be yours and you'll be mine, be happy" (Happy), happy 你我互相愛著對方 過著快樂日子
Oh, you say, "Someday when we're older 等到哪天我們長大成人
We won't worry 'bout the things that we don't need" (We don't need) 那些不必要的憂慮我們也不用去理睬
We don't need 我們不需要
Yeah, "One day down the line 未來某日 終有一日
Before we both run out of time, you're gonna see 在我們走向終結之前 你將會發現 
That someday we'll be all that we need" 總有一天我們會成為我們所嚮往之人
Someday we'll be all that we need 成為我們理想目標之人

Oh, you say someday when we're older 你對我說 終有一天我們會長大
We'll be shinin' like we're gold, yeah, won't we? 在自己的人生道路閃耀熠輝 難道不會嗎
Won't we? 難道我們做不到嗎
Mm, someday down the line未來某日 終有一日
Before we both run out of time, you're gonna see 在我們走向終結之前 你將會發現 
That someday we'll be all that we need 總有一天我們會成為我們所嚮往之人

    創作者 階梯 JT 的頭像
    階梯 JT

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