OneRepublic | Musik | Stop And Stare




Stop And Stare可以說是OneRepublic以自身名義第一首被看見的單曲


這首歌搭配簡單的和弦 但在Ryan強而有特色的vocal下



[Verse 1]
This town is colder now, I think it's sick of us 不再有任何溫暖 不再被這地方給認可
It's time to make our move, I'm shaking off the rust 是時候跨出屬於自己的步伐 甩開一切的煩擾
I've got my heart set on anywhere but here 已立定好志向 但在此地絕無成就可言
I'm staring down myself, counting up the years 開始努力奮鬥 從現在開始計算
Steady hands just take the wheel 雙手穩定掌舵行進 
And every glance is killing me 任何距離都能毀我一旦
Time to make one last appeal for the life I lead 該是時候為了自己人生拋下一切去闖

Stop and stare 停下腳步好好凝視
I think I'm moving, but I go nowhere 以為自己有前進 但絲毫沒有進展
Yeah, I know that everyone gets scared 心裏清楚明白每人都會害怕畏懼
But I've become what I can't be, oh 但早已蛻變成自己不該成為的那種人
Stop and stare 佇足凝視 裹足不前
You start to wonder why you're here not there 開始納悶自己為何身於此地
And you'd give anything to get what's fair 付出了所有只為公平被對待
But fair ain't what you really need 但你所需的絕非那公平公正
Oh, can you see what I see? 你能否看見我目視所及

[Verse 2]
They're trying to come back, all my senses push 一切又要重蹈覆轍 所有感官將之拒於門外
Untie the weight bags, I never thought I could 解開一切束縛限制 從未想過自己做得到
Steady feet, don't fail me now 踏出穩定步伐 請別讓我失敗
I'm gonna run 'til you can't walk 我會努力前進直至氣力全用盡
Something pulls my focus out 但總是有事物能使我分神
And I'm standing down 最後只好待在原地

Stop and stare 停下腳步好好凝視
I think I'm moving, but I go nowhere 以為自己有前進 但絲毫沒有進展
Yeah, I know that everyone gets scared 心裏清楚明白每人都會害怕畏懼
But I've become what I can't be, oh 但早已蛻變成自己不該成為的那種人
Stop and stare 佇足凝視 裹足不前
You start to wonder why you're here not there 開始納悶自己為何身於此地
And you'd give anything to get what's fair 付出了所有只為公平被對待
But fair ain't what you really need 但你所需的絕非那公平公正
Oh, you don't need 你絕不需要

Stop and stare 佇足凝視 裹足不前
I think I'm moving, but I go nowhere 以為自己有前進 但絲毫沒有進展
Yeah, I know that everyone gets scared 心裏清楚明白每人都會害怕畏懼
I've become what I can't be 但早已蛻變成自己不該成為的那種人
Oh, do you see what I see? 你能否看見我目視所及

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    階梯 JT

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