我一直覺得他們是我發現的寶藏 但最近BANG好像很紅
三個兄弟各司其職創作出了許多膾炙人口的好歌Burn The House Down, 100 Bad Days, Weak, Sober Up...and so on
大家真的要自己去多聽他們的歌 每一首都是瘋狂loop material
這首Bang就更不用說了 歌曲背景是在說發覺自己已經不再是小孩
[Verse 1]
I get up, I get down, and I'm jumpin' around 躍上又跳下 四處活蹦亂跳
And the rumpus and ruckus are comfortable now 那些急躁騷動已被撫平
Been a hell of a ride, but I'm thinking it's time to grow 經歷那麼多苦難 也是時候該成長
Bang! Bang! Bang! 青春之尾 就該盛歡至末
So I got an apartment across from the park 黃金地帶 置下房產
Put quinoa in my fridge, still I'm not feeling grown 安了些酒在冰箱 沒自覺自己長大了
Been a hell of a ride, but I'm thinking it's time to go 苦了那麼久 也是時候該前進
Bang! Bang! Bang! (Here we go!) 最終末尾 讓我們砰然作歡
So put your best face on, everybody 個個全副武裝 竭盡所能
Pretend you know this song, everybody 假裝自己聽悉這首歌
Come hang (Come hang), let's go out with a bang! 共襄尋歡 尋找真正自我
Bang! Bang! Bang! 青春末尾 讓我們砰然作歡
I'm way too young to lie here forever 太過年輕 歲月不該蹉跎於此
I'm way too old to try, so whatever 怪異脫序 那又如何
Come hang, let's go out with a bang!一同偕歡 來場盛世愉樂
Bang! Bang! Bang! 享受當下 沉浸歡樂
[Verse 2]
Feel like I'm gonna puke 'cause my taxes are due 稅單幾近過期 讓我難耐想吐
Does my password begin with a one or a two? 密碼始碼到底是一還是二
Been a hell of a ride, but I'm thinking it's time to grow 經歷那麼多苦難 也是時候該成長
Bang! Bang! Bang! (Metronome!) 青春之尾 就該盛歡至末
Man, I'm up to something (Up to something) 告訴你 腦子早已構築好計畫
Ooh-de-la-di-do, thank you all for coming (All for coming) 輕巧來個鞠躬 感謝各位參與
I hope you like the show 'cause it's on a budget (On a budget) 希望你會喜歡這場秀 畢竟預算有限
So ooh-de-la-di-do, yeah, come on, here we go, yeah 跟著我的腳步 一起踏上旅程
Come on, here we go! 來吧 一起來
So put your best face on, everybody 個個全副武裝 竭盡所能
Pretend you know this song, everybody 假裝自己聽悉這首歌
Come hang (Come hang), let's go out with a bang! 共襄尋歡 尋找真正自我
Bang! Bang! Bang! 青春末尾 讓我們砰然作歡
I'm way too young to lie here forever 太過年輕 歲月不該蹉跎於此
I'm way too old to try, so whatever 怪異脫序 那又如何
Come hang (Come hang), let's go out with a bang! 一同偕歡 來場盛世愉樂
Bang! Bang! Bang! (Bang, bang-bang-bang-bang) 享受當下 沉浸歡樂
Bang! Bang! Bang! (Bang, bang-bang-bang-bang, bang) 最後青春 就該放膽享受
Been a hell of a ride, but I'm thinking it's time to go 經歷那麼多苦難 也是時候該成長
So put your best face on, everybody 個個全副武裝 竭盡所能
Pretend you know this song 假裝自己聽悉這首歌
Everybody come hang, let's go out with a bang! 共襄尋歡 尋找真正自我
Bang! Bang! Bang! (Here we go!) 青春末尾 讓我們砰然作歡
So put your best face on, everybody 個個全副武裝 竭盡所能
Pretend you know this song, everybody 假裝自己聽悉這首歌
Come hang (Come hang), let's go out with a bang! 共襄尋歡 尋找真正自我
Bang! Bang! Bang! (Bang, bang-bang-bang-bang) 青春末尾 讓我們砰然作歡
I'm way too young to lie here forever 太過年輕 歲月不該蹉跎於此
I'm way too old to try, so whatever 怪異脫序 那又如何
Come hang (Come hang), let's go out with a bang! 一同偕歡 來場盛世愉樂
Bang! Bang! Bang! 享受當下 沉浸歡樂
(Here we go!) (Bang, bang) 最後青春 就該放膽享受