The Story Behind Lorde's New Album Cover, From the Artist Who Created It |  W Magazine | Women's Fashion & Celebrity News




一開始聽到這首歌 學識淺薄的我還以為是再說Lorde愛上一個女孩

但後來心境轉換 英文能力進步之後(?) 我就理解說他在說的其實是在說他依賴的那個人是他自己


One, two

[Verse 1]
Baby really hurt me, crying in the taxi 真的狠狠傷到我了 回程時在計程車上哭泣
He don't wanna know me 他一點也不想與我有瓜葛
Says he made the big mistake of dancing in my storm 說他鑄下的大錯便是進入了我的瘋狂世界
Says it was poison 說這真是過分痛苦難耐
So I guess I'll go home into the arms of the girl that I love 是時候踏上歸途 回到家投入那我所愛的女孩懷中
The only love I haven't screwed up 僅此唯一一分我未曾搞砸過的愛
She's so hard to please but she's a forest fire 他是那樣難取悅 但她內心燃燒著烈火
I do my best to meet her demands, play at romance 嘗試一切盡力完成她的要求 細心呵護著他
We slow dance in the living room, but all that a stranger would see 在客廳裡慢舞 但外人看到的卻是
Is one girl swaying alone, stroking her cheek 一個女孩獨自翩翩起舞 安慰著自己

They say, "You're a little much for me, you're a liability 他們說 對我而言你負擔過重
You're a little much for me" 而我承擔不起你
So they pull back, make other plans 於是他們撤手 尋找下個女孩
I understand, I'm a liability 我能理解 對你而言我僅是個負擔
Get you wild, make you leave 讓你抓狂 迫使你離開
I'm a little much for e-a-na-na-na, everyone 如此的我 誰也無法負荷的起

[Verse 2]
The truth is I am a toy that people enjoy 殘酷事實便是 我只是個玩物 供人們欣賞
'Til all of the tricks don't work anymore 直到所有伎倆最終被看穿識破
And then they are bored of me 人們便對我開始感到厭倦
I know that it's exciting running through the night 夜晚裡徹頭瘋狂聽來是那樣令人興奮
But every perfect summer's eating me alive until you're gone 但自從你離去後 每段你我間的夏日回憶總侵蝕的我發狂
Better on my own 還是獨自一人比較好

They say, "You're a little much for me, you're a liability 他們說 對我而言你負擔過重
You're a little much for me" 而我承擔不起你
So they pull back, make other plans 於是他們撤手 尋找下個女孩
I understand, I'm a liability 我能理解 對你而言我僅是個負擔
Get you wild, make you leave 讓你抓狂 迫使你離開
I'm a little much for e-a-na-na-na, everyone 如此的我 誰也無法負荷的起

They're gonna watch me disappear into the sun 最終人們也只會看到我消失在日光前
You're all gonna watch me disappear into the sun 消逝在陽光隱居在陰影之下銷聲匿跡

    創作者 階梯 JT 的頭像
    階梯 JT

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