Alec Benjamin - I Built a Friend 歌詞翻譯| Sean's House



一個永遠不會冷落你 永遠不會欺負你 永遠不會背叛你的好朋友

一個可以永遠陪伴你 直到永遠 友誼長存的好朋友

Alec在2020重新錄製了新版本的I Built A Friend 


其實整首歌最難過的一句歌詞莫過於"We had so much fun together"


但那個所謂的好朋友 卻是自己製造的 總覺得這快樂的字詞後隱藏的滿滿的寂寞憂傷


[Verse 1]
I built a friend 自己建造了一個朋友
With three pieces of plastic and a pen 三塊塑膠一枝筆簡單搭成
I made him on the table in the den 在房間的桌子拼湊成型
I gave him my old cell phone for a head (for a head)  放上我的舊手機作他的頭 (替他擺上一顆頭)
And we spent holidays at my house 在家共度許多快樂假日美好
And we left presents in a stocking 將許多禮物塞進襪子裡偷偷收好
And we bought bolts and things and strings 偕同買了幾顆燈泡和幾條線
And a new watch, that's what he got 還買了只錶 一起送給他當作禮物

And we had so much fun together 你我徜徉 在一起便能快樂
We knew we'd be friends forever 和你一起 做永遠的好朋友
And we had so much fun together 有你有我 才知何謂快樂
We had so much fun 共享許多樂趣

[Verse 2]
Then I left for college in September 九月秋日 為了大學我與你分道揚鑣
And we wept cause we can't be together 臨別之時 我們相擁而泣
So I kept pictures to remember my old friend, my old friend 收好照片 好記得我這珍貴真摯的好朋友
Then I met this girl at graduation 畢業典禮時我遇見了這女孩
And forget my oldest creation 也因此忘記了初衷時的這份創作
And I guess I'll see him next vacation 猜想我們下次假日一定能再見
Send my best, I send my best 致上我最大的誠意和心意

And we had so much fun together 你我徜徉 在一起便能快樂
We knew we'd be friends forever 和你一起 做永遠的好朋友
And we had so much fun together 有你有我 才知何謂快樂
We had so much fun 共享許多樂趣

I came home to find him on the table 回到家後 看見他置於桌上
With a note, scribbled out in pencil 身上貼了張用鉛筆撰的紙條
And he wrote 上頭寫著
That he just wasn't stable all alone, all alone 他是多麼害怕寂寞 獨處時他是多麼脆弱
Next to him, an empty glass of water 在他身旁 有著一杯傾倒的水
That he spilt 是他打翻的
All over the body that I built 浸滿了他整身由我打造的身體
It fizzled and it popped 他開始發出異常聲響冒泡
And then it killed, and then it killed 就這麼失去了生命 逝去了靈魂

And we had so much fun together 你我徜徉 在一起便能快樂
We knew we'd be friends forever 和你一起 做永遠的好朋友
And we had so much fun together 有你有我 才知何謂快樂
We had so much fun 共享許多樂趣
I built a friend 再見了 我的朋友


    創作者 階梯 JT 的頭像
    階梯 JT

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